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Everything posted by meathdane

  1. Looks the job! I really like the design of it!
  2. Better try and get down early so! Thanks!
  3. You are correct about kit sales Leslie, but I believe you may have used the wrong 'D' name in thise case
  4. Any BnT 141s or 121s gonna be present? Or possibly an 071 with CIE roundel? Might make a trip to Bray Sunday
  5. Can't wait to see it! Love the design!
  6. Or just rule 1 it and have your flying snail hornby 0-4-0 pulling one around at a scale 200mph! Too good an opportunity to miss these! You'll only kick yourself
  7. All 4 packs ordered! Fantastic lads! I don't know about anyone else but between the Tara's and the Ferts, these reruns have been a godsend for the likes of myself returning late to the railway game! Keep it up lads, you're smashing it! Thanks, Dane
  8. Personally I'd love to see a 'C' class to accompany the 'A's we have already! If not and early DMU or railcar would be fantastic to have running alongside the A class!
  9. Very kind of you to say, especially comparing it to the wonderful Dugort Harbour! Yeah, I'm looking into possibilities of dulling the light reflection. My first attempt at a backscene, and truthfully I'm not overly happy with it plenty of bubbles and ripples in it, so I may come back to redo it at some stage or even paint a backscene instead! Thanks for the comments lads
  10. Thanks lads! Much appreciated! Hopefully more to come soon!
  11. Late night work needs some beverages, Working away to get the layout lit up! Some light bleed issues to sort but progress is moving along steadily! Thanks, Dane
  12. Found this in my travels today! Thought it might be of interest to this parish!
  13. It's a great idea, it wouldnt be too hard to do, some editing software and some sheets of green paper glued to a piece of board/green sheet stapled to one, it wouldn't be too hard to achieve! And the advantage here is the backscene is attached to a separate board, so swapping out would be easy done If I was sensible I'd take it outside, but I prefer working at night, so I'll have to wait to get it lit up. I'm sure everyone here is sick of seeing my kitchen!
  14. It's amazing the difference a backscene will make! Getting onto decorating the station and lighting next! As well as gearing up to transition fully to true Irish rolling stock! A15 with an outbound empty goods back to Navan Junction and B131 seen shunting wagons beside the cattle dock
  15. Absolutely fabulous! Love every update, it's an inspiration to follow and watch grow. Thanks Noel!
  16. Not to hijack the thread, but has anyone got a guide on this kit/personal experience with it? I.e - what comes in the kit/modifications to the Chassis required
  17. Decided to take a quick photo, more progress and a new engine A backdrop would help the atmosphere, hopefully should have one sorted very soon, within the next week or two. Delighted with how much the little layout has come along in a month! Thanks all! Dane
  18. The static grass applicator finally arrived and I've been putting it through its paces. Embankment is more or less completed now, including power lines, hand made from plasticard, skewers and thread Field has had the first layers of grass applied, more work required to vary the tones. Track weathering has been finished off to the end of the board Overall very pleased with how it's all come out, very excited to come home most evenings to continue the work! Thanks all! Dane
  19. So while theres paint and glue drying, I decided to do the only thing I haven't done so far, play trains! The branchline's tired surviving ex-NCC 'Y' class has been bought by a preservation group, saving her from the cutters torch. A46 is assigned to pull the locomotive to her new home, along with a van packed with spares sourced from various places. A local farmer along with his dog watch this unusual movement, thinking out loud to himself that the lines closure can't be too far away with the loss of the branch's only engine... YouCut_20220529_185611452.mp4
  20. Please excuse the mess! Working clean has never been a strong point, but I'll clean up later! Right after I get to those dishes I left soaking a while ago.... Lots going on this week, Remainder of track has been ballasted, and weathering has begun Barrow crossing laid and painted Fields, embankment and goods yard have had a start made, just need the static grass applicator to arrive from fleabay and I can really get going there! Walls made very simply from Das Clay, nothing special, but hopefully a lick of paint will bring them to life! Decided on a position for the cattledock, little bit of ballast removal required but nothing major! Started work on a yard office/ticket booth, recycled from an old Hornby 4 wheeler, need to build a little interior for it, as well as a gate and barriers Thanks all!
  21. Thanks JHB, it's my little nod to the changing of the guard in time period I'm aiming for. I have to admit I'm quite proud of that weathering job, did my best to hide the English-ness of the loco and make it halfway passable at a glance
  22. Hi Mark, Kind words are most appreciated! I wish I could take credit for the goodshed, however it's a run of the mill Hornby Skaledale Granite goods shed I got for twenty quid basically brand new! Adding to this makes more sense than scratchbuilding as I wasn't basing this off anywhere in particular, so I could get away with it, though I may come back in the future when my skills allow me to building something more Irish looking! Thanks again! Absolutely Sean, Kind of a Goldilocks situation, that's why it changed so many times! I stood back from V1.0 after test laying and realised I wouldn't get very much enjoyment from it, hence the industrial 2.0 attempt, but I didn't give myself enough room for scenics, it was a sea of trackwork, operationally it was great, but would have been a visual eyesore, as well as limiting me to goods only operations. This one has hit the right middle ground for me, I can run passenger only, goods only, mixed traffic, I can conceivably fit two trains on scene with an outbound goods waiting for an inbound passenger before departure, without fouling the branch line. The only thing I am missing is a cattledock, which I could fit opposite the goods shed, and store the loaded vans in the siding for cattle specials, still very much a work in progress as I build, but I don't want to crowd the scene either. Thanks Rob, much appreciated, I'm trying for a 50s-60s style layout, all of my A's and my 121s are BnT/Green/Grey, I do have more modern stock, but I prefer the unfitted goods and older coaching stock myself, but who's to say a 141 with some Mk3s won't make an appearance for a GAA special
  23. Back with an update at last, lots going on, including completed reworking of track number 1 million, however I finally settled with a track plan and have progressed onwards in my model railway journey! New trackplan is a small branch terminus in the Meath area, coming to the end of its life, incorporating a runaround loop big enough for loco + 2 coaches, goods shed with the ability to store 4 two axle wagons, a siding able to accommodate a further 4 and a headshunt with a capacity of 5, plenty of operations without overloading the board with trackwork Hard standing made, dried, cut and weathered to resemble concrete, using Vallejo black and burnt umber both heavily watered down for washes and undiluted for certain parts, as well as weathering powders. Thankfully all locomotives are behaving over the hard standing! So there's a win! Goods shed acquired and detailing has begun, yet to add interior decor and lighting. Sides of all rails painted brown Made a start at the ballasting, using a mix of woodland scenics light grey medium and dark grey fine Platform built and has a layer of polyfiller applied, as well as bascoated to see the highpoints in order to smooth away. thanks all! Dane
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