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dave182 last won the day on May 16 2018

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  1. Good evening all! I'm looking to include some Irish Army vehicles on a diorama, specifically jeeps and vans from the 1990s that would have accompanied cash-in-transit deliveries that was common practice back then. Is there a particular green used? I know they are normally a matt type finish. Also, if anyone can share any refererence photos, please do!
  2. A question about creating timetables.... are there any apps or online tools that you could formulate and play around with timetables? Say as an example you wanted to enter the Dublin Cork mainline with 5 stops, and figure out a timetable, to look at the effect of say 100mph versus 130mph running, that sort of thing....
  3. Oh thanks for that info @hurricanemk1c. Those Dr18s are a serious piece of kit!
  4. Hi Kieran, Just looking through this album now, great to see the Fenniarail loco's in action. I'm really happy you got to see their loco 102 also. Do you know anything more about this company, as in what they are hauling these days. They were one of the first private operators in Finland, and I know prior to the war that they had been approved (or were close to approval) for cross border mineral flows between Finland and Russia, across one of the more northerly freight only rail crossings. I believe they purchased 6 locomotives like the 102 to.service this flow.
  5. Only seeing this now! Wow, did not know this existed. Thanks for sharing... every day is a learning day!
  6. I was looking at some images of the traversers at Inchicore Works, specifically the longer one at the carriage shops, and that got me wondering if Inchicore had anything like a small roadrailer or locotractor for moving coaches and locos in and out of the sheds onto the traverser? Specifically in the 80s and 90s time period. Anyone can shed some light on this? On another thread on this forum, member @Niles mentions there is a Zephir LOK 1400 at Inchicore. This might be a more recent addition.
  7. As asked originally by Patrick early on in this thread, and again by Mayner, are any viable freight flows identified for this line? Much as I want this line to be successful, I'm struggling to find viable flows. Ore was the original one being mentioned, but with all that has happened with the price of zinc and Bolidon/Tara Mines this past couple or years I can't see that happening. Is biomass a consideration? To Edenderry maybe? Like the Drax in the UK? Imported wood pellets from Canada. The cement industry has been mentioned too, but what from where would need to go through Foynes Port? And the renewables industry keeps getting mentioned. But what rail flows could this actively support? Containers then... I don't believe there is enough import export to the US/South America to support this. My own opinions. If anyone has other reasonable ideas, suggestions or information I'd love to hear your thoughts.
  8. dave182

    Murphy Models Mk2d

    Hi @murphaph Here is a close up of the bogies. Plastic cast, no rotating bearings. There are plastic brake shoes(?) moulded in the correct position up close to each individual wheel, which might foul a 21mm wheelset. However, they are not visibile through the bogie so I don't think they'd be missed if you were to remove them. I've no first hand experience with 21mm conversions, but I think there is plenty of space within the frame for 21mm wheelsets. Edit: bogies rotate independent of couplers
  9. dave182

    Murphy Models Mk2d

    Here are the IR versions I picked up today (I posted these images on facebook earlier, but might be good to post them here also.)
  10. dave182

    Murphy Models Mk2d

    That's a real shame. I got a set of the IR ones today and I'm pretty happy with them. I really wanted this run of models to be correct, both for Paddy Murphy and for the Irish modelling scene in general. Interesting to see the feedback over the next few days.
  11. Hi All. Re: Painting a dark model white I've picked up 3 cheap Eddie Stobart curtainside trailers, in the original dark green livery. The plastic itself is moulded green. I want to model them as white. Any tips on how to build up to a strong white finish? I'll remove the eddie stobart decals first, but wondering what colour undercoat to start with?
  12. 20'/22' flat wagons for me please!!
  13. sorry deleting post
  14. With potentially just a few weeks of Tara Mines trains running, it reminds me that there is precious little video footage of trains shunting and loading from within the mine complex in Navan. Is there anyone in the community that would have the connections (on behalf of all of us in the IRM community) to try and get some footage, in the spirit of recording our industrial railway heritage. Think of how valuable the little footage we have of Ballinacourty is! Do Boliden have a historian/PR person within their vast empire that might support a request like this? Any thoughts?
  15. @jhb171achill Correct... I'm working on a sector plate set up of some sort at one end that will allow me shunt between lines
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