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  • Location
    North Co. Dublin


  • Biography
    Trying to lead a quiet life.


  • Interests
    Modelling, Sci Fi, Rock music, Guinness, Walking/Travel (Not necessarily in that order!)


  • Occupation
    Signmaker / Graphic Artist

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  1. Most of the variation of text on older signage is down to different preferences/traditions of the old style signwriters. It’s marvellous to watch a skilled signmaker at work.
  2. Hi As a sign maker we finally found a typeface online a few years ago which was a good approximation of Irish Script. If you search online for Celtic Gaelige (note incorrect spelling) it should pop up. From memory it was free to download and has proved useful on a few projects. There was a similar but much more ornate typeface called Celtic Knot which could be useful for more artistic applications. 108
  3. I only ever saw a Sulzer moving once. 106 in Supertrain livery southbound through Harmonstown! I later found out it was a light engine test run before the IRRS farewell tour. Only other times I saw the class were in the Inchicore barrier and later when they moved to North Wall for scrapping. Plus of course 103 in Carrick-onSuir.
  4. Sign me up for one. Anything GN is always prized. Ireland’s Premier Line.
  5. I found a free font online at fonts4free.net called Celtic Gaelige (note incorrect spelling) which is close. Available to download free. I have no connection except as a user of this font.
  6. I would go for the orange bubbles.
  7. Any of: Park Royal Laminates Tin van Bullied open H van Pallet cement 4 wheel container flat Oil tanker Brake van
  8. Merry Christmas to one and all.
  9. Happy Christmas lads, thanks for all the great work through the year, especially the A Class. Truly superb.
  10. 108


  11. I remember when the Push Pulls started that the 121’s struggled with Control Car plus 5. Most services ran as Control Car plus 3 between the peaks. Spare cars left in the Boston sidings. I had a single trip to Maynooth with a Control Car plus 1, hauled both ways by a 141. Not sure how common that was.
  12. After the commencement of DART services to Bray a 121 was used on a 3 car ex-AEC set on a shuttle from Bray to Greystones. This worked from the bay platform at the south end of Bray station. This lasted until the summer of 1987 when the AEC cars were withdrawn. The last 2 driving cars were 6107 and 6111. The 121s were in Supertrain livery at this time.
  13. My order arrived today. About an hour later I got an email confirming that my order had been dispatched. Am I a happy camper? yes.
  14. More orange bubbles would fit into my current setup. +1 from me.
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