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Everything posted by Darius43

  1. Managed to “squeeze” the wheels in with a little bit of bending after drilling out the axle holes and installing non-shouldered brass bearings. I sawed off the pinpoints from the centre axle and installed it in a housing so that it can float sideways. The wagon goes around 3rd radius curves without complaining. Now awaiting GW decals and a coupling resupply. Cheers Darius
  2. Meanwhile back on the workbench, I think that this may be an old K’s white metal kit of a GWR Siphon O2. Its going to be “interesting” fitting wheels to this one given that the chassis is pretty well glued together by the original builder. Cheers Darius
  3. Totally agree. There’s a lot of fun and satisfaction to be had restoring these decent models and getting them back into service. Considering some rtr wagons are over £40 rrp these days, these 50 plus year old models certainly hold their own. Cheers Darius PS - I see one of the chief nitpickers on RMWeb is already pointing out errors in the wagon numbers and colouring. Like it matters - this was and is just a fun project restoring the contents of someone’s box of junk. Some people seem to go out of their way not to have fun with this hobby…
  4. Ex Dublo Van bodies refurbished with new Peco chassis, a lick of paint, new metal wheels and couplings, new decals and some light weathering. The third van body was converted to grounded form. Cheers Darius
  5. New Peco “wonderful wagon” chassis assembled and fixed to the metal mineral truck body, followed by some weathering. Cheers Darius
  6. Box of old wagons and bits of wagons inherited by a friend of mine and taken to the “Repair Shop” Peco wagons spruced up with new metal wheels and couplings plus a new scored cardboard floor and the paper edges painted over. Cheers Darius
  7. Decals applied and light weathering to chassis. This is a great kit - really fun to build and amenable to added detail. Cheers Darius
  8. Coach end hosiery added using brass wire and plastic rod. Cheers Darius
  9. Some more progress on Test Coach Mentor. Still need to add more roof gubbins and end hosiery. Cheers Darius
  10. Some more decals applied to UTU3, courtesy of Railtec. Cheers Darius
  11. Made a start on a kit of the Network Rail version of Test Coach Mentor - obtained from the same eBay seller of the UTU3 coach kit. The kit-supplied pantograph looks like it was based on the Hornby “high speed pantograph” effort and is a bit over-chunky. I improved it by grafting on the Hornby arms and adding a scratch built collector soldered up from brass wire. The pantograph is non functional, fixed in the lowered position. Cheers Darius
  12. Network Rail UTU3 coach - 3D printed resin kit that I spotted on eBay. Decals by Railtec. Cheers Darius
  13. Spotted on eBay just in case IRM don’t follow their Mk2 coaches with this Mk2-based DEMU. Cheers Darius PS just to clarify, I am not connected to the production of these bodyshells, I just spotted them on eBay. They are made by CMAC models (m0rris on this website).
  14. Possible NIR 80 Class bodyshell kit in the offing… 80 Class body test prints on eBay Cheers Darius
  15. New Coles mobile crane by Hornby Trackside. Matt varnish and light weathering applied. Cheers Darius
  16. Head and tail lights picked out in silver and red. Light weathering to chassis. Cheers Darius
  17. Windscreen wipers soldered up using brass rod. Cheers Darius
  18. Cab interior made from plasticard. Cheers Darius
  19. Class 325 centre coaches completed. Cheers Darius
  20. Snow & Ice Treatment Train 3D printed resin kit from eBay - work in progress. Cheers Darius
  21. CIE brake van. 3D printed body on a rtr Dapol chassis (note droopy couplings). Obtained from eBay and weathered to tone down the red brown paint finish. Cheers Darius
  22. Thanks. Yes - they are now operated by DB Cargo UK. I have modelled it in earlier Royal Mail ownership. Cheers Darius
  23. Door button and “cantrail” lining decals applied. Cheers Darius
  24. Ballasting today… Cheers Darius
  25. I used glazing panels cut from a clear acetate report cover. These were trimmed to fit and secured with small dabs ofsuperglue applied using a length of 0.3mm dia. brass wire. The cab door windows were cut from the same sheet as upper and lower “halves” that were then overlap-glued together. Cheers Darius
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