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Everything posted by Darius43

  1. HMRS pressfix lining, lettering and numbers applied. I replaced the Hornby bogies with Bachmann LMS bogies. Cheers Darius
  2. Printing imperfections, which will need to be filled and sanded. Cheers Darius
  3. Painting completed. Original Hornby bogies temporarily re-fitted. Looks like it is sitting too high on the bogies - replacement Bachmann LMS bogies will be fitted. Cheers Darius
  4. I haven’t done any cleaning up yet - what you see is as supplied. There are some blemishes that need to be sanded down or filled and there are moulding lines on the roof to cab junction that need to be lightly sanded. Fortunately the CMAC resin is not too hard and is easily sanded smooth. Cheers Darius
  5. Received today - CMAC Models OO gauge 3D printed bodies, undergibbons and bogies for the NIR Class 450 DMU. I have applied a coat of grey primer to make the details more visible and cut down the bogie mounting bosses as the bodies sat too high on the bogies as supplied. Cheers Darius
  6. Chassis undergibbons added. Reductor gear door lights added using brass tube and clear LEDs. Cheers Darius
  7. Roof vents and other details added to coach ends. Primer coat applied. Cheers Darius
  8. Incorrect chassis undergibbons removed and big hole filled in. Coach ends blanked off with plasticard and offset gangways attached. Cheers Darius
  9. Doors cut out and replaced with plasticard versions. Cheers Darius
  10. Major refurbishment of the 1970s era Hornby LMS TPO coach into something less toy-like and more presentable. Coach disassembled. Only the chassis and body will be retained - the operating gear, coach ends and glazing will be discarded and the bogies will probably be replaced. Bodyside and roof moulded details carved away and sanded down. Cheers Darius
  11. Decals applied and light weathering airbrushed to chassis. Cheers Darius
  12. Work recommenced on the Gresley TPO - nets, reductor gear, glazing and lights added. Cheers Darius
  13. The Grob Tutor is a 1:48 scale resin kit produced some years ago by Heritage Aviation Models. They still have a website but it looks like it hasn’t been updated in a while… Cheers Darius
  14. I “repacked” the cabinet in the dining room having had the doors replaced and these were left over - there’s always some bits left over that you can’t get back in… Cheers Darius
  15. Back in 2002 I took part in a big defence trial at Woomera in South Australia. On a few days off a group of us travelled on the Pichi Richi Railway from Port Augusta to Quorn and back - including a trip on the “Coffee Pot”. When Ixion Models brought out an On30 version several years ago I couldn’t resist… The model is oob apart from my painting the roofs and adding “staining”to the carriage side timber panelling. Cheers Darius
  16. Hattons have recently been selling their O Gauge Gresley Pacifics at approx. half price. I purchased Union of South Africa partly because of the “bargain” price and partly because a friend and I rode behind her on the Bluebell a few years ago. The detail pack was supplied, minus coal load and fall plate so I made replacements. Really pleased although the 3ft length of O gauge track in the photos is all I possess do it’s going to be display cabinet material. Next task is to add the missing cab handrails. Cheers Darius
  17. Fantastic news. Orders placed for 3-car and 6-car units. Cheers Darius
  18. They are for the double cab MPDs - nos 63/64/65. Cheers Darius
  19. Personally commissioned etched sides and ends just arrived from Allen. Cheers Darius
  20. Yes it’s a shame what had happened to Michelin UK - both factories in Northern Ireland are gone now, Mallusk in 1982 and Ballymena more recently.
  21. Small world. Before we moved to Belfast in 1978, we lived in Newcastle-under-Lyme. Dad worked for Michelin in Stoke. Cheers Darius
  22. I had an interview for a civil engineering “sandwich” job with BR in 1983 whilst studying for my A levels in Belfast. They posted a small cardboard return ticket from Belfast York Road to Euston via the Larne-Stranraer ferry. The NIR and Ferry parts of the journey were fine, as was the train from Stranraer to Carlisle. On arrival at Carlisle the London train was delayed due to the wires being down but I spotted a reasonably express-like train on an adjacent platform and asked the platform staff if it was going to London. They confirmed it was so I jumped aboard and it left soon after, heading south. Rather than the route through Penrith we took the Carlisle to Settle line. The winter’s day was clear with blue skies and the snow-covered scenery was spectacular. After two interviews with BR I didn’t get the job but I have no regrets and things turned out ok career-wise. I still have that cardboard ticket and vivid memories of a spectacular journey. Cheers Darius
  23. In a way it’s a nostalgic reminder of the photos in 1970s MRC and Railway Modeller magazines. Cheers Darius
  24. Whilst perusing the November 2022 Hornby Magazine I noticed the photographic backscene that been used on an OO gauge BR blue era layout:- Looks somewhat familiar… Cheers Darius
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  25. Roof details in the wrong place on one side, not enough nose grilles on the other side, numbers in the wrong place on one side etc. The thread on RMWeb has more details should you be desperate enough to read it. To paraphrase the late Eric Morecambe, it has all the right details but not necessarily in the right places… Cheers Darius
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