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Everything posted by Deutschbahn

  1. Monday 17/02/14 Lots happening on the railways today. Firstly in Clongriffin 071 no.075 and a PWD train pulling old wooden track on flat wagons and track laying machinery (11:42). Moments before this followed a Plasser & Theurer no.742 passes on duty from Skerries to Kildare (10:47). Then en route to M3 Parkway while making a final stop at Drumcondra, two IWT's with 215 (13:00) and 218 (13:07) pass within minutes in either direction. These were followed by 071 no.085 running Light Engine inbound (13:53) Here is 075 and the PWD train at Clongriffin Here is 742 Plasser and Theurer at Clongriffin Here is 215 & IWT at Drumcondra heading to Ballina 218 carries IWT with containers towards North Wall [video=youtube;rdjjIY-O1Vw] Other videos currently in the process of uploading... www.youtube.com/deutschbahn
  2. Anyone have any idea how much the mk3's are going per coach for scrap anyway?
  3. Shocking images! I would dread to see they doing this to 6105 and the rest of the mk3's in the North Wall. In comparison to the silberling coaches in Germany these are far newer and better quality yet they're the ones getting scrapped. They were a fine coach to travel on.
  4. Irish Rail 071 no.077 with grey livery passed under Senechalstown Bridge near Navan late this morning with the daily Tara Mines-North Wall Ore service. It passed at 10:18 with wintry showers in the background. www.youtube.com/deutschbahn
  5. Happy New year to everyone on Irish railway modeller.
  6. Another video of the flightfest available on my youtube channel. This video was taken at the north side of the Samuel Beckett Bridge. www.youtube.com/deutschbahn Also noticed that Michael Comyn who does the Irish Rail station announcements was doing the live commentary at the event.
  7. Hello Eveyone. Great day at Hazelhatch & Celbridge & Monastereven today 29/08/13 as I seen 077 pulling the Autoballisters through Monastereven heading towards Cork direction, I seen 075 pulling the DFDS towards Ballina and 074 seen pulling the Timber train towards Belview Port in Waterford. In Hazelhatch & Celbridge 079 passes running light engine towards Heuston & 086 passed with one flat wagon and one Tara Mines ore wagon. They will also be uploaded on my channel .www.youtube.com/deutschbahn 086 passed with one flat wagon and one Tara Mines ore wagon [video=youtube_share;7cIMfocz3ZE] 077 pulling the Autoballisters through Monastereven [video=youtube_share;XT6COr9Qrj0] 075 pulling the DFDS towards Ballina 074 seen pulling the Timber train towards Belview Port in Waterford 079 passes running light engine towards Heuston [video=youtube;RZ-hAuSVYpw]
  8. A strange sight yesterday, Sunday 11/08/13 as 22000 class no.22042 departs for the 16:00 service to Sligo via Newcomen Junction. There was also an announcement rare to hear for the train on Platform 7 for Sligo [video=youtube;f5-rGYf5OEY] More videos from yesterday available on my channel. www.youtube.com/deutschbahn
  9. 2811+2812 ran the evening service from Limerick to Ennis on the 8/8/13. More videos available from today on my channel. http://www.youtube.com/deutschbahn
  10. The 2800 class are also getting rebranded with the new IE logo. I'm not too sure what number set this is. www.youtube.com/deutschbahn
  11. Reminds me of the fronts on some of the ICR's 22000 class http://www.panoramio.com/photo/60744758 , A nice example from some website.
  12. @heirflick Thanks
  13. Hello Everyone. This was my final shot of the return journey of the IRRS railtour with 071 and 073 pulling craven coaches from the RPSI. This video is taken from Kildare to Heuston full journey out the doors of the cravens including passing Kildare-Newbridge-Sallins & Naas-Hazelhatch & Celbridge-Adamstown-Kishogue-Clondalkin/Fonthill-Parkwest & Cherry Orchard-Inchicore works and into Heuston station platform 5. This video took a while to upload hence the late post. Thanks to everyone who put the time and effort to run the great event.
  14. More shots from yesterday 20/07/13 of 071 no.071 departing Cork Kent 071 no.073 departing for Cobh soon after 071 More videos available on my channel www.youtube.com/deutschbahn
  15. 23/6/13 RPSI 461 pulled craven coaches on the Bray Shuttle on this rainy day. This shot was taken at Dún Laoghaire at around 11am. It was on service from Connolly station to Bray and then continued on to Wicklow ...More shots available from today available on http://www.youtube.com/deutschbahn
  16. 26/5/13 461 pulled the RPSI Cravens from Balbriggan to Drogheda and back twice today. This shot is taken at Gormanston. www.youtube.com/deutschbahn
  17. Also just noticed why the new 071's look so bland from the front. The Current Livery 071's and the NIR 111's have black all the way up to the cabs but on the new grey color it seems the whole front (apart from the strip of yellow) is grey which does looks a bit out of proportion.
  18. Just another glimpse of 4006 with the new IE Logos passing through Clondalkin & Fonthill today 03/4/13. http://www.youtube.com/user/deutschbahn
  19. Yes I did have permission from the person that showed me around the yard. I have been informed by fellow members of the forum that many people who have shared images before have had a lot of hassle since. I dont want any employees to get into trouble.
  20. Although if the mk3's came back you would have to deal with the hassle of no push pulls.
  21. I didnt, I just want to be on the safe side. Hope you enjoyed it anyway.
  22. I think this livery suits the 071, and will also be easy to maintain. The logo at the side could do with a bit of colour. www.youtube.com/user/deutschbahn More videos of the 071 will become available in the morning.
  23. Post Deleted.
  24. Here is a front view of the layout. At the time this video was taken, the layout had no track passed this point. There was a small derailment at the end, nothing major.
  25. I will take some more photos tomorrow and get the dimensions for you. I have a front video of the but there was no track completed further than Parkwest & Cherry Orchard when it was taken so it does not show the full line. I will hopefully upload this video when my other train videos are finished uploading, so keep an eye on my channel. This layout does not include Inchicore.
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