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Everything posted by irishrailways52

  1. https://www.reynaulds.com/products/REI-Models/48780165W.aspx heres one of them. it might be possable to get somthing 3d printed aswell
  2. my bad. i should have looked at the article closer.
  3. very interesting. i am doughting its existance though as i have scowerd old maps which ushualy show old tram lines and i cannot find it
  4. the sligo line still had some untill recently though i think most are gone now. if i see any i will let you know. whelst its not a sign i remember seeing an old super train sticker in the window of portlaois station i wonder would IR be willing to give us some of the old signs
  5. there is this playlist on youtube aswell which has all of them
  6. the one in rathcoole often has more second hand locomotives than new ones
  7. i love watching his channel aswell. cant wait to see the railway extention opperational
  8. fantastic to see
  9. i find the idea of the 071s running with a hydrogen tender very funny
  10. I'm bighting the bullet. I'm answering my destiny. I'm going to buy a locomotive. just trying to figure out where to put it. any ideas
  11. what sort of grease should i use in one of them
  12. hears some imfo from steverabone.com
  13. This video has some fotage of the harbour railway
  14. id love to see some trains in the snow but there is no snow in Dublin and was wondering if there is any in other parts of the country still
  15. i have the same issue with mine
  16. https://www.ebay.ie/itm/356279511573?_skw=irish+railways&itmmeta=01JDFJQCW23E2WSA9AGPET3JY2&hash=item52f3e9ea15:g:KPcAAOSwDyVnPJhu&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKnhmCETdY1yS9Fcva8wYhxKNhEsCgvtytTeOAl1LoY9Bo1BiXKjVZW2cg074Pwt9fmGMd1f8eRIf5aQ1kqaTWqXfSCZiAY5HNaBMgNHo2TpK4uBGaVTlKlenNDYKtE4r0hoysW8HrFJ8PSf80LLb2pXeY%2FaeVdPpc5K1T5idYovtT0WCTRr6jY9KCQ7Hh4S3rA8L353WYtl3B4%2F5m7x%2BPaoziBPTZgDI56g1iLKNv22NZmV43mAEIs27foEEpNon0uta%2BnL4sQJ6p2pHFdSJyuhFdxH3qTm%2BdxvIbFlEt0xEQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5LO3fLrZA would you say this is real or fake
  17. id be tempted to put it up but who knows the trouble i could get into with RTE
  18. absolutely fantastic work. its soo good to see a group like this develop
  19. does anybody know what came about of Irish rails idea to modify the 071s/201s on hydrogen
  20. the lighting coming in the roof in the first photo of 073 is something else
  21. the ticket now has a new owner
  22. lamps like that used to be used in all sorts of carages including those for passengers. one of the RPSIs carages used that sort of lamp even in preservation https://www.steamtrainsireland.com/rpsi-collection/21/861-tri-composite-brake
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