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Everything posted by irishrailways52

  1. must give it a visit
  2. thanks very much. that answers a lot of questions
  3. i was recently at farmleigh bridge in palmerstown and i found a peace of old tram track beside the bridge. i don't think the tram line crossed this bridge though it did get me thinking where exactly did the lines run and what is left of them. does anybody have any old photographs or maps that show the tramway or where it was
  4. does this replace the screens above the carriage end doorways
  5. reminds me of a story from inchacore. every year seagulls make there nests in the running shed roof. all the company can do is try preventive measures. apparently it has caused some trouble over the years
  6. does the Passenger Information System make the 29000s look any different. is there some sort of panel on the inside.
  7. pritty sure the isle of man bought one of those for upwards of 20 grand. sure will sell cheeper here
  8. really sad to see it decay to this. if I'm down that way i might try and seal off the carage so vandles cant get in
  9. my best guess is that it is built like that in case there should be a need for extra capacity in the future. it that is the case though surly it would have been beater to leave the space for a 2nd building and build it when required. perhaps it will see use with dart +
  10. another company that thinks they can revolusinise rail transport
  11. indeed that would be a good spot. i wonder if theres any hope of buying/renting the line of BNM
  12. any ideas on what a good streach of track for preservation would be.
  13. hears a few I found in a skip. I'm nearly sertan they where cast in inchacore. they where in use on the Navan to kingscourt line and had there last train run over them in 2003. they where ripped up in 2022 to make way for the greenway. there are still some in use on the Navan to drohida line up until last year and will lightly continue to see some permanent way traffic for the next few years. imagine. the oldest one on the line to Navan that i found was from 1902. still in use today.
  14. I have been down in Belleville many times and seen the very sorry state of the railway. of corse it would take a lot to get steam working but I am curious on how much it would take to fix up the carriages and run it with diesel. also would there be an interest in it being run with diesel.
  15. punishments. first of all give them some flavour of what a days work is like. since they like work they can knock down a chimney brick by brick like Fred Dibnah used to do. once that has been completed find an empty room in IRM towers and leave them in there until the all Ireland strategic rail review has been carried out in full with peat sods as there only source of food and also make them listen to the best of the tulla ceili band for the whole time. i know the tulla ceili band sounds good to most of us but these young ba*ter*s hate it. once that has been completed they must tamp the ballast on evry railway in Europe by hand. after that burn evrything that ever had any value to them. once that has been completed they must clean every railway platform in Ireland with a toothbrush. during this punishment there only sorce of food will be chewing gum they find on the platform or under seats. after that other punishments such as burning them at the stake and feeding them to pigs can be carried out. of corse the police will probably give them a small fine, a lollypop with "im rehabilitated" on the packet and a wee pat on the head. god help the poor people who worked on that layout. my heart goes out to them
  16. anyone have any sort of ruf timetable for it on sunday
  17. navan. and reopen the line to kingscourt. re open gibstown halt. my grandad has memories of beet trains there.
  18. count me in if it is indeed a BnM preservation society inaugral meeting
  19. UAV flying can be dificult. that day after i filmed those drone shots i was told off for flyaing as aparently it is a no fly zone however i had looked it up and turns out it is not regestered. one of the 2 newer locos may be going to manchester as a lad ted wants to buy it. unfortunatly BNM does not want any history of peat extraction remembered. they have recently removed there history section from there website. BNM are only selling locos for 3000 + at the moment even though for many of the older ones it is way too much. some come up at auction cheeper. as for a railway being preserved in the bog it has been sugested many times however BMN want to simpaly turn the lines into greenways. there is talk of the stone for the greenways being transported by rail. there are also drains evry few days out of edenderry for ash. there are 2 carrages at the now defunct tralee and blenervile railway that could be used on a bog railway though they do need some work done to them. i think there are a few at lullymore as well. cavan and letrim also have a railcar thing for 3 foot as well that does not seem to be in use. wagons are most certainly going to the cutters coarch. hundreds have been scraped in Croghan alone in the last few months
  20. I was there the day before. the train derailed just outside the works so it did not get in until the following morning.
  21. probably when you changed your profile picture. one minioute. super Quin sosages where what people knew. then all of a sudden. who is this lad.
  22. will it be served by rail again
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