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Everything posted by irishrailways52

  1. the day deftly went smooth in the end. no trouble with 216 being in the way of 131 getting out of the shed. no issues with loco break downs. no issues with NIR 4002 breaking down. no troubble with 216 also being declared failed.
  2. transfer leaves inchacore around 9:30 and arrives in Dublin around 10:00 transfair back to inchacore leaves conoly around 20:00 and arives inchacore at 20:20 theese transfaires will probly be done with an 071. if you want to see 131 in action your best bet is to go someware along the route. of cores if 131 breaks down they will send an 071 or 201 to pick up the train.
  3. great work. it is so great to see proper track being laid instead of some lump of tarmacadam which some people call greenways.
  4. Mamma Mia. you must have some layout
  5. verry good idea with the corrugated iron on windows.
  6. i find this video from Larry pucket to be verry useful in figuring out the basics of DCC from a DC modellers point of view.
  7. I often have trouble with my A class as well. it derails and the covers from the side of the bogie fall off. i never have trouble with any other loco though
  8. it sure would be nice to see a model of it
  9. update 27-7-2023 as of a few days ago edenderry has closed for maintenance. the trains will continue operating however they will go to Ballycon instead. there is hope for a return to edenderry when maintenance is done as the line is being rebalisted. ballast trains depart mount Lucas and head up the line towards edenderry. co-ordinates for Ballycon: 53.281644, -7.194928 co-ordinates for location of ballast loading 53.283749, -7.203559
  10. update 27-7-2023 as of a few days ago edenderry has closed for maintenance. the trains will continue operating however they will go to Ballycon instead. there is hope for a return to edenderry when maintenance is done as the line is being rebalisted. ballast trains depart mount Lucas and head up the line towards edenderry. co-ordinates for Ballycon: 53.281644, -7.194928 co-ordinates for location of ballast loading 53.283749, -7.203559
  11. one of the best layouts I have ever seen
  12. thank you for the advice.
  13. no worries. I will post here if the board na mona situation changes.
  14. its only a matter of years before the Luis lines need relaying. lets hope this little locomotive is involved.
  15. IWT container trains Mondays 08:15 Ballina-Dublin 09:35 Dublin-Ballina 10:05 Ballina-Dublin Tuesdays 09:35 Dublin-Ballina 10:05 Ballina-Dublin 13:40 Dublin-Ballina Wednesday 08:15 Ballina-Dublin 09:35 Dublin-Ballina 10:05 Ballina-Dublin Thursday 09:35 Dublin-Ballina 10:05 Ballina-Dublin 13:40 Dublin-Ballina Friday 08:15 Ballina-Dublin 09:35 Dublin-Ballina 13:40 Ballina-Dublin Saturday 08:15 Ballina-Dublin 09:35 Dublin-Ballina 13:40 Dublin-Ballina (there are also trains that go from Ballina to Waterford however I do not have the times for those) Timber trains Monday 11:05 Ballina-Waterford 11:30 Waterford-Westport Thursdays 11:00 Westport-Waterford 11:30 Waterford-Ballina there is also a service from tara mines to Dublin port which is currently suspended due to the tempory closure of the mine. trains on this usually cross over in navan between half 8 and half 9 on week days only. There is also a narrow gauge system of peat trains with trains leaving edenderry between 7:00 and 7:30 in the morning returning laden around 10:30. some more set out from the power station at 13:30 if you wish to sea the board na mona peat trains i recommend you do so soon as they are due to close permently this November however there is talk of them closing within the month. (wish you the best)
  16. hear is onboard footage. (sorry about bad video quality) IRM FORM 15-7-2023.mp4
  17. the acceleration is more low pitched and slowly builds up. it goes up gears like a car. sounds a little like a NIR 4000 you can hear it in the first shot of this video
  18. the board na mona railways which have run in Ireland for decades will soon be no more. whilst some may consider it a waste of a trip, they are a verry unique part of our railway network and are worth the trip. board na mona currently operates 2 lines. one to edenderry power station and one to mount dillion. board na mona plans to have both of these closed by November this year however due to the tempory closure of edenderry for maintenance there are talks that the edenderry line will close sooner. train times often verry but 2 trains usually leave edenderry between 7:00 and 7:30 in the morning returning laden around 10:30. some more set out from the power station at 13:30 edenderry location: 53.295465,-7.087523 (you can put this into google maps) there is also a swing bridge at 53.261259,-7.758424 which has 4 trains between 7:30 and 8:30 with more in the afternoon.
  19. just earlier today Irish rail ran a 7 car set as a test
  20. I do often find it funny that Irish rail who are obsessed with eco friendliness are putting engines in eery carriage of a railcar rather than building or buying a efficient locomotive with only one engine. loco haled trains are more eco friendly, substantially smoother ride and far better for us enthusiasts.
  21. hopefully this will give you an idea of what they sound like. you will have to turn up your volume as ICRs are not verry loud.
  22. hello. I am in the middle of building a small layout which will be usesing PL-11 Side Mounted Turnout Motors from peco. I will be using simple switches to change the points and will not be going into the DCC side of things. i was wondering what sort of power supply could be used for this. someone suggested I buy an individual power supply for each moter however id rather not have 40 plugs to deal with . thanks
  23. reminds me of the time CIE mis spelled Iarnród on a load of there signs
  24. thanks it really would look good restored
  25. I have seen board na mona locomotives in working condition cheaper. does anyone know a bit about its history
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