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Everything posted by brianmcs

  1. challenging...................................
  2. Clearly , for anyone who has an existing layout and fleet , it might be a difficult and or expensive conversion. but for anyone starting out it would be very interesting . Other manufacturers like Bemo work in more than 1 gauge .
  3. brianmcs

    Bray head

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  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY_mamm09CM
  5. Hello Galteemore, it will be some 00 coaches . perhaps the question is , will brass outlast plasticard ?
  6. Hello all , if a fella was thinking of scratch building some rolling stock and wanted it to last a very long time , would he do it in brass or plastic ? any thoughts ?
  7. Hello all, just wondering if anyone has ever bought the shapeways version of the above coaches ? what is the surface finish like ?
  8. thanks guys.
  9. on another post the term "cattle loco " has been used . Which steam loco would be the most usual for a train of CIE cattle wagons ?
  10. as good as it gets !!
  11. Any thoughts as to whether these would be suitable for Irish lines ? https://www.hattons.co.uk/newsdetail.aspx?id=895&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=mar-376-hattonsgenesisengineeringsamples&utm_content=top5features&fbclid=IwAR2bcKWi5id7Yq7o9FR55QRkYzcOxcySae-2YJjMimMK6Y7w_1ReA2-oRsQ
  12. Does it use a 42 ft flat wagon ?
  13. Many thanks for your help. there are a couple of photos on this page where the roof of the building in the background matches the one in my photo. This suggests it was taken at the Templeogue depot . http://www.tramwaybadgesandbuttons.com/page148/page149/styled-238/page661.html
  14. The photos are from scouting Ireland's collection . One of them has the number 94 on the back , could this be the number of the loco ?
  15. Hello All , can anyone help identify these 2, or which railway they belonged to ? SW092mod1 (2).tif SW094mod1 (2).tif
  16. super photos . thanks JHB. Hopefully the museum will re open soon.
  17. Hello all , does anyone have any photos of Cyril Fry's blue and white MGWR coaches ? The museum is closed for the moment .
  18. I wouldn't call this " messing "
  19. Thanks Glenderg
  20. Hi guys , any body know where the fuel gauge goes on the mk 3 EGV ?
  21. hi guys, found this in a publication from 1934
  22. at long last i seem to have achieved some sort of completion with these !
  23. It has taken a long time to get to this stage but finally started the painting
  24. thanks for the offer George , I saw your message too late though and got some paint this morning . You should put them up for sale as the MIR kits seem to be available again .
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