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Everything posted by brianmcs

  1. astonishing
  2. It is the nature of plywood that it will warp of it's own accord if not well supported/fixed For some years I have been using ply on flat roofs where it is expected to survive at least 30 years. We always regarded 416mm as the maximum safe span for 18mm ply. So I am not surprised at the 9mm cupping. The " hardwood" ply sold here in Ireland is visually very pleasing but now has a bad reputation in the roofing trade because it tends to delaminate . The birch is usually very good quality ( especially the scandinavian ones ) but it still needs to be well supported/fixed
  3. A very good post . the current problems in the city centre show the great weakness of tramways - they have to share the road space with other users. A proper underground system will always be difficult and expensive to build but worth having .
  4. the port tunnel was built to allow HGVs easy and quick access to the port . same could be done for commuters et al. Money is not the problem.
  5. The LUAS is the poor man's metro . Dublin needs a proper underground railway . The port tunnel shows there would be no problem building it.
  6. chances are , the adhesion between the PVA and the paint would be more than enough for the cork and or ballast. After all , there is very little load on it .
  7. the paint would inhibit the PVA because it would prevent it soaking into the ply .
  8. Hello guys , came across this on you tube. so for anyone who has not already seen it.
  9. Thanks guys , especially Broithe for the photos.
  10. Hi folks , can anyone help with this photo , I am wondering what year it might have been taken. Also would anyone have any photos of buses with Granby ads on them ?
  11. Hello Colin , I will try but it might take some time as he IRRS archive is probably closed for the summer.
  12. hello guys , thanks for the replies , your knowledge never ceases to amaze me .JHB makes a good point that a scratch built bogie Cusack and 12 wheel diner might lookout of place beside such quality as Mayner's loco and brass 6 wheelers .but if I want to recreate the train in the photo there may be no choice .There are photos of those 2 coaches in the book and it seems I need to make time to revisit the IRRS archive and see if there are any drawings there.
  13. Hello guys , I am thinking about having a go at modelling (in 4mm scale) the train on page 46 of Ernie Shepherd's book on the MGWR .I think this could only be done by scratch building or kit bashing .Does anyone have any tips re which kits would be the easiest to "bash " ? PS don't want to put the photo up here because of copyright.
  14. Hello Eoin , that looks amazing . have you ever thought of supplying just a kit of parts ?
  15. Hi folks , some very interesting footage of the above in this clip
  16. http://news.sky.com/video/train-smashes-through-fedex-lorry-at-utah-crossing-10741786
  17. I am interested in the trams which ran in the 40s , thanks.
  18. Hello Guys , anybody know where there might be some photos of Dublin trams ?
  19. great finish on these models . well done Eoin.
  20. Hello Guys, progress has been slow but I got the chassis made , the bogies are from SSM.
  21. would it help to heat the mould first or is it rubber ?
  22. nice, crisp finish on the sides . How did you do the white lines?
  23. Hello Eoin , I am a big fan of your work . There are air bubbles in the surface which you can see but virtually none on the surfaces of the part. This can be achieved by brushing a coat of the silicone onto the part first . If I was doing this professionally I might invest in some vacuum equipment which would produce a better result . I am using a spray on wax on the silicone and a honey wax on the acetal core ( in the day job I work with GRP ) The lubricant will not usually eliminate the air bubbles in the polyurethane resin but there are a couple of ways of doing this . I will try them and post an update . Thanks for the tip regarding the bogies . Brian.
  24. thanks guys , the mould has one part in silicone rubber and a core made in acetal both of which are inside an acetal box or " shell" . not sure if that makes it a 2 or 3 part mould? Now that I am starting work on the chassis does anyone have any advice re which bogies to use ?
  25. those castings look great , Eoin . Was air entrapment the main problem ?
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