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Everything posted by brianmcs

  1. Thanks guys.
  2. thanks Boskonay
  3. does anybody know what the colour of the bogie cement tank should be ? white or cream ?
  4. I wonder if his tool box exists !!
  5. I remember reading an article by FRY in the Railway modeller magazine ( in the IRRS library - can't remember the year) . He made it clear that he could not get any RTR Irish stuff and he had to make it all himself . The astonishing thing is the results he got with the tools available at the time.
  6. I remember seeing it on the track in the glass case in the castle and asking myself did it , could it ,actually run ? At the time I was reading some of the little information that exists about Lartigue himself.
  7. great photos JHB . The Lartigue is important. In general , is it reasonable to assume Fry's models are accurate and could be relied on in the absence of drawings and photos of older trains , which he may have seen first hand ?
  8. I think the problem is remit. The display in the castle purported to do 2 things . 1. show off Fry's models - the Casino display now does this very well. 2. Tell the story of Irish railways using models - this is a much bigger challenge . It should be done in a national transport museum , but that is another argument........... looking forward to seeing the Lartigue in the Casino.
  9. made it to Malahide this morning to see it . It is smaller than the display in the castle . Got a bit dizzy admiring 800 - because it is on a revolving shelf ! The museum tells the story of Cyril Fry very well . His models are fabulous. The OO layout is beautifully done . well done to all involved .
  10. looks great ! Is the Lartigue model on display ?
  11. Hello All , it's been a long time but I finally restarted work on these.
  12. Hello folks , is there any planned release date for the IRM weedspray train ?
  13. fantastic
  14. Hello Mayner , the parcel arrived this morning in good order. The postman did not demand any import tax. The kit looks so good it seems a shame to spoil it by attempting to assemble it ! Next on the wish list are some MGWR 6 wheelers to go with it . Many thanks , Brian.
  15. brianmcs

    201 arriving

  16. Hi folks , been away from these fro a long time .am making some progress.
  17. Philip Dix in Dublin sell a lot of small tools for the jewellery trade which would also be of interest http://www.dixequipment.com/
  18. looks great john , I would be interested in one . I think it would be best to get the parts you mention direct form the uk . ( before Brexit !! )
  19. thanks Hurricanemk1c.
  20. Hi folks , anyone got RAL numbers for painting IE autoballasters , specifically the Yellow.
  21. brianmcs

    the future

    might be better than the new bus lanes proposed for Dublin. Think of all the gardens which would be saved !
  22. brianmcs

    the future

  23. very nice work Mayner . Does this mean the 650 class kit is going to be released ?
  24. fabulous work . Herbert Simms would be delighted I am sure.
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