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Everything posted by Jimbo325ci

  1. Loving an droicead beag! Many pints were had in there when I lived in Dingle!
  2. Ya looking forward to this.
  3. Very impressive. I'd love to be able to that! As its far too early in the morning i may have missed them, but I think you have forgotten to add heights to the dimensions. Also, the space between the uprights and their widths, if you have them -I know you said you had some degree of estimation in the length. This kind of stuff is really great, thanks for your time and effort!
  4. Very nice work indeed! Do you mind if I ask where the bogies and buffers are from?
  5. Looks like the very last item of restricted goods allows for enamel paint to be transported if less than 150ml, though certain packing restrictions are specified.
  6. I haven't seen the commentary as apple haven't deemed flash player necessary on their products but that's a rant for another day. As for runway length - the AN-124's used to take nearly 5 minutes before rolling to power their engines up enough to get them off the ground, and even then used to use most of the 3200metres, so I can imagine what this monster needs!
  7. Yep that's them!
  8. Looking forward to following your build
  9. I am new to modelling but am currently trying this. I'm using the old kinder eggs, but extending them slightly to get the right length. They are probably a bit narrower than prototype, I've just finished filling/sanding the first one and I don't think it looks too bad so far. Currently trying to cut the floor to fit. As already mentioned there are detailing kits available from SSM - I got some recently and they look good. If anyone knows where I could get j hangars to add to the chassis let me know - I'm surprised that no one has done etches as there are so many scratch built wagons!
  10. The postman finally arrived with a few boxes of material for me. Didnt take long to get stuck in.... It's been done before I know and this isn't quite as accurate as I'd like but I'm happy with it as a first attempt. Still have the buffers to do and a bit of detailing work, so if anyone has links/pics to a skeletal flat that i can compare with I'd appreciate it!
  11. They look great! Ill be starting on mine soon and these are an inspiration!
  12. This will be a slow thread I'm afraid! Being new to this, I have no modelling equipment whatsoever. So I've ordered stuff like filler, styrene sheets, wagon kits etc. I got impatient while waiting so thought I would make a start on a loco shed. It's more an experiment in card modelling - trying to find the best ways to join things, cut things etc. it's not brilliant but certainly great for learning, and pretty easy to replace with a better variation once I've got the hang of it.... Front Rear Variety of Scalescenes textures used on the walls so far.
  13. Can I hit you up for some drawings too please....Taras/shale and cement bubbles if possible. Thanks!
  14. They my going out clothes - cant believe he has the same suit lol
  15. Ya there are heaps of Irish here now, and more coming all the time. Since I left 2 years ago, 10 former colleagues have since left Ireland and work with me here!
  16. Thanks for the warm welcome lads Not yet....possibly manage a 6 x 2 ft layout good idea, Have a space to stack 2 boards of about 3 x 2 each. Now to find room for trestles..... Thanks, thye look great..... Already picked up the detailing kit which looks great. I was asking primarily where to cut the chassis but ive a plan in mind and will post pics in due course Read it previously but thanks, i may have not explained correctly what I was looking for, more about where to cut the chassis to keep the solebars correct but as above Ive a plan in mind.... Thought the 181 was on purpose too lol anytime anyone is passing through Id be more than happy to show them around. Since we got here its been an unending stream of family/friends visiting! Summer is just starting here so the heat should stem the flow for a few months!!
  17. Hey, I've been lurking around on this forum for a while now, some great reading and advice available. Anyway a quick introduction, like many I had a hornby train set as a kid - class 08 with a few wagons. I found it recently in my parents attic and thought I'd take a look, and 20 years later it still goes.....I was amazed. Ive been living in dubai for the last 2 years, and was home at christmas, so picked up a few model train magazines. afterwards, i decided to take a spin into cork and take a look in Marks models and see what was around. There I saw (and bought) an 071 freight livery #071. Since then I've been reading about modelling and have decided I'd like to try my hand at it. Well actually I've been addicted, much to herselfs distress!! Since then I've picked up a few dapol oil tankers to convert, some old school kinder eggs to try and make cement bubbles, some uk mk3s and a few other bits and pieces. Also thanks to a friend in Ennis I picked up MM146 & 177, and Wrenneire sorted me with 184 & 187 last week. Westhy here has also fixed me up with some detailing kits and transfers. Thanks guys. On the wishlist are some Cravens, mark2's and some IE liveried 071s. It's not a cheap hobby........ I haven't really started anything yet - living here in Dubai, I don't have access to model shops. So I've ordered a dose of stuff like fillers, razor saw, styrene sheet etc. I'm expecting them soon and then the work can crack on. I'm living in an apartment so I'm not sure ill have space for much of a layout. Regardless I'm going to do a small diorama to practice scenery laying etc. If anyone has any suggestions for a little track plan for a 3 or 4 foot area I'd love some ideas - even just to run the trains a little bit. Looking forward to getting started on the oil tankers - if anyone can help with where I should cut down the chassis it'd be greatly appreciated. Ill post photos of my work once it gets underway. Regards Jamie
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