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Everything posted by Jimbo325ci

  1. That is outrageous! Mighty work Popeye!
  2. Agreed about the experimenting and learning - as long as you have patience it is very enjoyable. I don’t have the room for a layout so building is the part I enjoy for now, and I’ve recently discovered audiobooks which I play in the background! What filler are you using? I’d be inclined to get some perfect plastic putty to the sides where you’ve already filled just to give a smooth finish. Once you get the paint on there that bit of roughness will stand out I think. I’ve borrowed the double doors from a Bachman BSK which I was planning on using for 3185 to ease the process much like you are suggesting! Will either find another donor or scratch the replacements for 3185. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the build!
  3. It’s coming along nicely Noel. I am using the same donor for 3173. Im sure you are aware but those brass sides have an additional set of double doors which aren’t on the RPSI coach. Maybe you could liberate the brass grills for use with the Bachman though?!
  4. Nice work Noel! I’m working on the maroon gsv myself - lots of cut and shut! I’m starting to resent the fill, sand, fill sand, prime, fill sand routine lol
  5. I would be interested in the kit too Des. Although I wouldn’t be so keen on the brass sides - the rest of the bits sound good especially if there are separate window surrounds. Halfway through the maroon GSV conversion at the min but window frames are an issue
  6. They do look great, Sent my order in last week - looking forward to getting them!
  7. Hi all, just wanted to say Thank you to those who filled out the questionnaire. I had over 200 responses in the end. After 2 years of study it’s now over (finally), passed with merit which I’m very pleased with. My paper has been submitted to an aviation conference in Atlanta next year, so all going well an adapted version might get published! Hopefully a little bit of modelling will start again!
  8. Thank you to all who completed and shared. Ive had 199 responses so far which is great! Now to get stuck in and write 10,000 (meaningful) words on the topic..........
  9. Hey fellas, Im currently doing a Masters Degree in Human Factors in Aviation. Im almost done, just need to get over the hardest bit - my thesis! The purpose of the study is to explore attitudes toward the use of handheld laser pointers directed at aircraft. I would really appreciate if you had a few minutes to fill out my questionnaire - the more replies the better so feel free to share with friends and family.... Heres the link : https://coventry.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/thesis-survey Thanks in advance Jamie
  10. I did the Transiberian Railway in 2004. Started in Moscow, stopped in Irkutsk, Siberia, then Mongolia and finally Beijing, China. Unbelievable experience.
  11. Coming along nicely. Looking forward to the final product
  12. Nice work! A battleship is on my to do list. I remember building HMS Belfast as a kid. If you are on Facebook, check out Chris floodberg ship models. His builds are brilliant but his seascapes are the best I've ever seen.
  13. For me it depends on 2 things: 1. Will each wagon be weathered identically? If yes then I would rather have them clean. 2. Will it significantly add to the price?
  14. Hey fellas I'm currently building the SSM B101 sulzer and beer cages and am requesting pics of both if anyone has them. I've only managed to find a handful of sulzer photos online and no decent shots of the cages. It is purely for reference purposes - for detailing, painting and weathering the models and won't be shared or used for any other purposes. If anyone can help please PM me for an email address. Thanks in advance Jamie
  15. I too was looking for 201 earlier this year and couldn't get hold of one
  16. Looks good. Some serious engineering there!
  17. Detail is incredible. Some very impressive skill being demonstrated
  18. Looks good Jason. Should look the job once the lining is on it.
  19. I'm sure you guys have done your homework and it will be spot on!! Promoting the wagon like this, with the step by step tooling shots, the CAD drawing etc is a great approach. Hopefully you'll continue to do the same with future releases. The smaller/newer plastic aircraft manufacturers such as AMK are taking the same approach and it seems to be working for them against the giants such as Tamiya (which they are taking head on with their F-14 as it happens). Good work!
  20. Looks very good fellas. Must put in another order so I have some of each pack! I know you've said there's some niggly bits outstanding, and maybe this is one of them or maybe the camera angle is playing tricks, but to me the buffers look slightly out of proportion, almost too long or over extended? Anyway, can't wait to get my hands on these and the launch of the cements!
  21. They look great Jason
  22. Nice work Noel. Will the loco have a black or grey roof? Grey would look good but would need a regular scrub To keep clean!
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