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Everything posted by David

  1. Probably the De Glehn atlantic
  2. This layout is well on its way to becoming one of the greats! Keep up the good work.
  3. Yes me too. The 2-6-2T. Any more info or photos of the model? I think it was a one-off based on Woolwich parts?
  4. With all due respect Fran, how do you know what I know or don't know? Have you discovered a way to clone customers? What will you do differently that all the model shops and Murphys Models haven't done to shift stock? Also get it right. It was Noel to took the thread off topic. There are very few threads here that stay oh topic. You guys just use that phrase to end arguments you don't like.
  5. It took 2 years to bring out the Ballasts. Bubbles and Taras are nowhere to be seen half way through 2017. I'm not criticizing the rate of production at all. I just think your plans are unbelievably over optimistic. After 2018 you'll have to take a ten year break to shift all that stock you've accumulated. 141s were still in the shops 7 or 8 years after manufacture, you can still get a lot of the 201s and 071s too. These being the most popular Irish models anyone could produce short of an A class. Anyhow this is another thread spiraling off topic so I'll say no more about RTR. Delighted to see MIR back on the go. Plenty of room in the market for kits.
  6. Alternate universe? It seems to take years to produce each individual factory RTR wagon. Prove otherwise but if not then we all better hope we live 100 more years. Meanwhile, if someone actually wants to get on with modelling Irish, they will combine the excellent RTR models available with kits.
  7. I see another thread spiraling into the fantasy genre. I'm delighted to hear MIR are making a come back. I recently made some of their latest Tara Wagons and I have to say I was impressed. I wasn't a fan of the white metal bogies. Brass structure with cast sides would be better. But the resin castings were down right excellent. All they needed was a rub with a toothbrush to remove the flash and they were ready to assemble. Again this nonsense of adding the price of a pro model maker. These kits are not hard to make. I'm delighted to get commissions but I always encourage people to build for themselves. It's interesting how in the model aircraft market kits are king. People don't bat and eyelid at learning to build it themselves. End of the world for railway modellers. RTR everything ain't gonna happen no matter how hard you wish. Yes there might be a small catalyst effect with more things becoming available but I don't think so in the RTR market as everything is limited run. I think it would me more useful if someone produced large numbers of quality injection moulded kits with low prices.
  8. At least some of the coaches were in the westrail livery as can be seen in this thread: http://irnirishrailwaynews.yuku.com/topic/1933#.WSMlErhhA8A
  9. All now sold pending payment
  10. Ah yes, I was thinking they looked familiar. Pity the price of them more that doubled recently.
  11. Hi guys, 4 Dublin Buses for sale. All mint condition except for a missing wing mirror on the ALX400 I'm open to offers but looking for: 40euro for the ALX400(most modern one) 40euro for the Volvo/Alexander(1990s-ish? one) 20euro each for the two vintage ones Please email dmmodelmakers@gmail.com if interested.
  12. What wheels did you use for the non powered axles?
  13. Selection of Dapol/Mainline Steam Locos. Please email dmmodelmakers@gmail.com if interested. Dapol 2P 4-4-0 LMS Black Excellent condition with some sort of fake coal added to tender €30 Mainline: 37-055 J72 0-6-0 LNER Green Excellent condition €25 37-078 Hinton Manor 4-6-0 GWR Green Excellent condtion with real coal but non runner €20 54165 Deal Goods 0-6-0 GWR Green Excellent condtion with real coal €30
  14. Selection of Bachmann Steam Locos. All in excellent condition except where specified. Please email dmmodelmakers@gmail.com if interested. 31-855 J39 0-6-0 LNER Black €35 31-861 J39 0-6-0 BR Black €40 31-711 B1 4-6-0 Sir William Grey LNER Green - missing nameplates €50 31-707 B1 4-6-0 Impala BR Green €55 31-706 B1 4-6-0 Roedeer LNER Black - hand weathered €50 2x 31-778 Modified Hall 4-6-0 Wraysbury Hall - €55 and €40(in wrong box)
  15. Paint bleed is usually caused by badly stuck tape and/or spraying too wet. You may possibly be thinning the paint too much too. I recommend thinning enamels with white spirit. Thinners(cellulose I assume?) are too strong for enamels. Gloss paint makes bleed more likely due to the need for it to be sprayed wet in order to be gloss. From my experience I have found solvent based paints to be far superior to acrylic or water based paints.
  16. Lovely coach. What green did you use?
  17. Wow! What a load of bollox. I suggest this thread be deleted or locked as it's nothing short of an IFM bashing exercise. A few facts: 1: IFM do not charge top dollar. 95 euro is NOTHING for a handmade model of any description. Comparing with China mass production? Meaningless. 2: It is well known that IFM have some compromises in their models. As with any product, look at the pics before buying. 3: It's a free world, IFM can make whatever they like, however they like. 4: The people who produce Irish models do it mostly out of the desire to create an Irish railway model scene and hopefully not go broke in the process. There's a reason the UK manufacturers haven't touched the Irish market except when commissioned with money up front. You can still get Cravens made 10 years ago. There's a sense of entitlement and waiting around for top notch RTR everything on this board. Ain't gonna happen in any of our lifetimes/ever. Out of curiosity I bought an IFM Park Royal kit. It's perfectly well cast and will make into a lovely model with medium modelling skills. Not 'Master' skills as some have suggested. So enough with the IFM bashing and get out your glue and airbrushes chaps. I learned from nothing and so can the rest of you.
  18. 30 mins drying time tops is all you need. As a general rule, when paint stops stinking it's dry.
  19. Eh I don't think that's what he's after. Are you not talking about this kind of thing?
  20. Hi Geoff, No website at present but you can view the price list below and send me an email at dmmodelmakers@gmail.com http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/3068-Price-list-for-all-D-amp-M-Models-items-currently-available-to-order Cheers David
  21. That's great Ray! Send me an email to dmmodelmakers@gmail.com to arrange please.
  22. That is the loco from the Malahide Dromin layout. I'm close friends with the owner and he asked me to sell off some of the stock. He still has most of the original stock in display cases now. The layout may make a comeback in the future. It's under restoration as time allows.
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