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Everything posted by richrua

  1. brilliant thanks
  2. thanks lads. what paints should I use ? Not being lazy but I am colour blind so specific paint names and numbers would be useful. thanks for all the advice :-)
  3. Thanks for that. Picked up three of them cheap but without any info as to what they were. I might go for RPSI as I have an RPSI preserved version - the 141 - to pull them.
  4. hi folks is this any use as a carriage respray ? not sure what 'mark' it is sorry
  5. this is superb thank you so much :-)
  6. Hello Anyone know a good source of old Irish maps online ? Particularly interested in the layout of Roscommon train station in the past.
  7. hi there. Just admiring your huge amount of scratchbuilding ! What wire do you use for the handrails and where could i get the jig you use ? ( sorry new to all this I havent a clue! )
  8. this is incredible . I would love an enterprise.
  9. thanks lads. Apart from the Irish locos the stock is all years old. As are the buildings - cant reallly justify replacing them at the mo . Oh ... and that big tornado loco and pullmans were going cheap in argos and i just couldnt resist. . . I am gradually replacing the steel track. The new track is such an improvement - seems to conduct so well. I am nearly settled on the track layout now. . . trial and error.
  10. This is a fantastic thread and even better modelling. Sometime I hope to add a bord na mona line to my layout - as a result of seeing yours. It is a uniquely irish train to model. Well done.
  11. A multicultural variety of rolling stock, but sometimes you just have to watch the trains go by... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znwLx64k_2M&feature=youtube_gdata_playerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znwLx64k_2M&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  12. richrua


  13. richrua


    ha very good !!!!
  14. richrua


  15. richrua


    I built my gradient. Tested and working fine with the weakest of my engines. I know my railway looks a bit train set like - all the old hornby buildings - but I dont want to get rid of them being 30 odd years old... Perhaps I am more of a railway modeller who lives in Ireland than an Irish railway modeller ! But I am getting great enjoyment once again. Thanks for all the help.
  16. Hello folks: Considering adding a little Irish narrow gauge line to my oo gauge layout. Is this right: I need to use N gauge track for Irish 3' narrow gauge to use on a oo gauge layout? Thanks.
  17. richrua


    That is an interesting thing. I think I will drop the track that passes under by a cm as well. That way the incline itself on the other track wont need to be so steep. Bit more work involved though - cutting the base board and all that.
  18. Work and stuff held me back for a couple of weeks. Managed a wee bit more this eve.
  19. what about rubbing a balloon on your hair. That has to work!
  20. richrua


    Been experimenting with an incline. It is amazing how much more steep it is than you think at the planning stage. I will have to have a rethink because it just dosent look right.
  21. One thing I couldn't find was a photo of the inside of the cab.
  22. That is a nice model. I Have been following the Scots Mac work. Some nice ideas. When I get a chance... I will also have to pic up some of those dapol wagons.
  23. Like that idea! I miss the Orange and Black. I really do! It must be because every real train I saw as a lad was one!
  24. Great ideas here! I will try one when I get the chance. Tidy work.
  25. Is the one in the crash the same as the one in the first pic? Or has there been re-numbering? Must be tough enough if it is!! Mine won't get near 40mph. .. I think! Don't really have the doe for a fancy motor at the minute. trying to put a few quid aside for a Murphy of one kind or another. I do have a motor bogie that I might try to wire to the 'extra axle'. Failing that I'll have to get one of those nice fancy ones!!! Work will get in the way for a few days, so progress will be slow until Sunday. Thanks lads . This forum is great for resources and ideas and general friendliness!
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