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Everything posted by irishrail123

  1. 088 sounding well while working the laden timber at Cheryville Junction
  2. So far 071 077 078 and 088 are painted up in the new livery.
  3. Hi All, Didnt see a Topic like that so thought that i might as well start one 2 videos for a starter. 081 working the IWT liner passing the still closed Kishogue station 071 working the Portlaoise - North Wall weed sprayer train IR123
  4. Works fine for me.
  5. I believe a lot of locos area awaiting different parts so thats why its pretty slow in getting some of them out to the mainline.
  6. Now thats quite something!! A steam loco doing 90mph!
  7. Thanks! Yeah 084 clips are nice aspecially now that the loco is out of service to be re-painted etc.
  8. Hello Gents, Here's the next part of my per way and freight videos, part 7 is the longest i have made with nearly 15 minutes of juicy action.
  9. The sprayer is in waterford right now and will be going to limerick via carrick on suir tomorrow.
  10. Thanks lads Another part should be uploaded in the next week or so! Some really nice stuff in that one....
  11. Here's a couple of great videos from the "Extreme Trains" Series. All based in the US but a very enjoyable watch. Sadly only 8 episodes were made. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=___rJuGtksk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-6zaT992cg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3XLGT5IAxc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPro4hTyo5U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u87FVovVzVU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDgQRm-TlpI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xET0okFVDyM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFplM0RER-I
  12. bubbles for sure!
  13. Heard about the cork liner myself allright but first i heard about the portlaoise one. Interesting
  14. Here's a pic of 077 standing in north wall allready a bit dirty from the exhaust!
  15. Cool thanks, hopefully she works it tonight
  16. She looks well, wonder if she worked the empties today?
  17. I think her cert is expired at the end of this year.
  18. Hi All, Here's the next part of my irish rail freight and per way videos. This time part 6 and it includes some laden and empty timbers, IWT's, DFDS's and Wagon transfers.
  19. Here's a pic of 186 near Skerries today on her light engine run from whitehead to Dublin. Here's a video
  20. Here's a few pics of 088.... stunning model!
  21. Here's a few pics from today's steam trials. http://www.flickr.com/photos/irishrail123/
  22. Nice video, its nice to see the last orange engine out and about!
  23. Thanks lads glad you like it
  24. Hi All, Here's the next part of my irish freight/per way videos. This time so taras,timbers and the usual IWT's.
  25. Not bad, something different anyway!
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