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Everything posted by irishrail123

  1. No problem! For anyone who cant make it to the show the P&P will be 4 Euros. 6.50 to the US. Calendars will be printed at some stage next week so when i get one ill put up some photos of it!
  2. A video from him helmet camera http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yAP_Jgfjh88
  3. One crazy man, fair play to him! Have to say i got a fright when he started to spin quite fast! Kinda though that this was it for him.... but then he got the control back! What a view
  4. Sure no problem! Dont have a problem with sending it to the USA. Once i get time to go to the post office ill confirm the P&P prices..
  5. Thanks lads glad you like it! Ill be making over a 100 of them so im sure there will be enough for everyone ! No idea what to expect with sales of these..... only one way to find out i guess!
  6. Ok anyone interested please email me at : luki9875@interia.pl the calendars are not even done yet but will be before the raheny show of course. No idea what the P&P could be if i was gonna send it to you lads by post , will try to find out soon. Thanks :-)
  7. Thanks lads glad you like it... Hmm mail order or online... if anyone from here is interested in one and cant make it to the raheny show i am sure we could sort something out! Not gonna have a website dedicated to these but on here no problem! Oh and be the way this is the format the the calendar will be in Thats from a older calendar that i have done for myself but its going to be the same thing.
  8. Hi All I am sorry if i am not allowed to advertise this but I thought I'd give it a go anyway. So I will be making class 071 and 201 calendars for 2013. I will be selling them at them Raheny show this month over the bank holiday weekend. It will be a nice proper A3 Calendar and the I am planning to sell it at 12Euro each. I think i picked some of my best shots from this year and i hope you all will have interest in getting one and you will like it. Adding a photo of the back to show what photos you can expect. Folks who cant make it to raheny show and are interested in one please email me at luki9875@interia.pl P&P Price will be 4euro for Ireland Many Thanks Lukas
  9. Agree with most people. bogies look well.. pantographs look well. but the rest... just not quite it.
  10. 4 and a half minutes until you actually get to see the model
  11. Imagine the ammount of nice stuff you could make with this
  12. Nothing on Saturdays. I think PWD is rare enough over the weekends as well but maybe could get lucky sometimes.
  13. I wonder if that tram was re-railed and towed by rail or taken by road? Looks quite bad
  14. Very nice indeed. She looks well. Nice photos
  15. Very nice! Those platforms look spot on!!!
  16. irishrail123

    Old news

    Yes sorry i got that mixed up thats why i deleted that post :-)
  17. Hi all Not photos but this should be good as well, A few clips of the sperry train on the sligo line from today.
  18. Heres a photo i took of 186 at whitehead on the 28th of july. Few other bits and bobs up on my flickr as well
  19. Hi all I decide i will start uploading photos to flickr. It will be mainly railcars and loco hauled passenger stuff. Allready have some stuff up. http://www.flickr.com/photos/irishrail123/
  20. I hope he has a PTS
  21. I though 071's were not allowed north of dundalk due to the signalling thing they have on NIR?
  22. New ISH. I think that machine was soposed to be the new weed sprayer but turned out to heavy or something and was in portlaoise for quite a bit....then it got converted to this. Not a 100% if thats the one though... i could be mixing it up with something else
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