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Paudie Riordan

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Everything posted by Paudie Riordan

  1. That's Fantastic
  2. Thanks for the replies lads. Lot to think about there. How do you model roadkill! lol
  3. Hi Guys. What's best to use for road markings and box Junctions etc , outside of buying transfers? Any help is appreciated Thanks Paudie
  4. Hi everyone. I have for sale a professionally made farm yard diorama. I had bought this for my own layout but have changed the layout design so this is now surplus to requirements. It measures 40'x18' and is on hardboard base with 2x1 framing. Pictures are in the Album section. Looking for about 170 euro or nearest offer. Must be collected or I can meet somewhere central. I'm in Cork. PM if interested Thanks Paudie
  5. Thanks George.
  6. Hi All In my last post I was letting you know that "Glyntown Road MK1" was being dismantled and "Glyntown Road 2" was to be born. Just a quick update to let you know how I am getting on. I have started to dismantle the scenic and track work. All of this sould be out by the weekend. Baseboards will be out by New year. I have sketched out a rough plan that I will put up once I find a scanner. I have broken it in to a number of parts, that I will complete in sections. 1. A Mainline station 2. A country station 3. A freight or cement terminal / work 4. A branchline station So if you can imagine a "Capitol E" That's the shape. At each end there will be a turning circle to bring the trains back on and off the layout. I am going to forgo the fiddle yard and store the trains on the layout. The branchline will be in the middle section. Baseboards will be 2ft wide all around bar the covering for the turning circles, which will be 4x4. There will be two nice dioramas on these. A farm and Town. As I said I have the sections sketched out and will post later. What I would like some advice on is the track plan for the terminal or cement works. I have managed to get 16 45ft containers cheap on another forum. This along with the 12 or so I have should be ample enough. On the other hand I also have the same amount of cement wagons!!! anyway I am sure I will sort that out. Does anyone know of where I could reference a decent track plan??? The area will be approx. 9 x 2. I will keep you updated and let you know how I get on. Any advise would be appreciated.
  7. I will buy these Tom. If they are still available. I have sent you a PM. Can you get back to me thanks Paudie
  8. Excellent Really Like that! How wide are the baseboards? I am doing a refit of my layout and I am wondering if 2 ft baseboards are wide enough
  9. Thats fantastic. What software did you use to design the track plan
  10. Hi Everyone. I am about to embark on Ripping out "Glyntown Road MK1" and start on "Glyntown Road MK2" in 2014. I have an Idea of trackplan now and I was wondering can anyone recommend a good track design software programme that might make the job a bit easier. Any help or advise would be appreciated thanks Paudie
  11. Thanks. I have managed to get his email from Georgei n Marks Models. I have asked him about it. I will let you know how I get on
  12. Thats Great Walter. Looking forward to seeing that. Padraig
  13. Saw this at Warley last year. Looked very impressive. A real crowd puller! Well done to all!
  14. I am beginning to get an idea of what I want now. It's just to bring it all together!!
  15. Broithe, Thank you, That's Perfect
  16. Hi. Does anyone now where I could get one of this if at all. My brother in Derry is after one. cheers Paudie
  17. Hi All Been thinking about the new layout design. I might throw up some pics of the existing layout. I was thinking of having the layout a bit higher than normal. Maybe 4ft off the ground. I was thinking of having a long fiddle yard low down, serviced by two helix's to bring stock on/off the layout at either end. Then within the layout itself have track running on one level to the terminus etc and the branch line on another level. Is there anywhere I could get track plans of existing irish railways. Like the old West cork Railway line. Mallow and Limerick Junction stations. Is this stuff accessable? Paudie
  18. This is absolutly Fantastic. The detail and the reality of it. Well done. Something to aspire too paudie
  19. Hi All Thanks for the input. I certainly have a lot to consider. Broithe, the container is an old site office and has lights sockets and is well insulated. I am going to take my time this time. It does seem like "less is more" I will probably be having a sale of building etc LOL as they will be surplus now.
  20. Hi All I am new to the site. I posted this thread in a blog.... then realised nobody would see it there. I am thinking about ripping out my current 00 gauge layout and starting again. I have no major work down bar the electrics and a bit of scenery. I have a 20x10 converted container and in that I have a 17x10 layout with a well in the middle. I made a mistake initally when I was in a hurry to get trains running andI didn't make use of the space I had. I left no room for proper storage or for a work area. I gave no thought to function or workings, I just wanted trains going in a loop. Now that I have decided to model Irish railways I need to change the plan. Can anyone advise me as too what I should be looking to include? What is the best design ... End to End or run around. How big should I make it? I want to have a terminus and country station along with a farm scene and a village or town. Any advise would be appreciated thanks in advance Paudie
  21. Hi All. This is my first post on the Forum and I am new to the group. I am looking for some input. I have a 00 gauge layout in a 20x10 converted container. I am thinking of changing the layout plan as I am now going to model Irish railways. Initally when I put the baseboards down originally I put in a rectangle so the trains could run around in a loop. It isn't prototypical. On one side I have a through Terminus and on the other I have a country station. The other two sides have a mountain and a country scene. The four tracks run around and have slips to join them to each other. The problem I have is that I think I was too quick in getting track down and running trains for the sake of it. I left no area for a desk or bench to work on models. Although I have a lot of work done on it I wonder am I mad to change even though I know I need to.I didn't care about function or operation. Now that I understand a bit more about the hobby I know I need to change. I am asking for help in layout design. What works best. End to end or continuous. Are duck unders a good thing? What are the key features for an Irish based layout? I would like to have rises and falls in track and I would like to have the terminus and the country station. I want to have a farm scene and a nice town or village scene as well. Am I trying to get too much in? What should I be trying to fit in Any help or advise would be appreciated Thanks in advance Paudie
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