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Paudie Riordan

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Everything posted by Paudie Riordan

  1. That's true!
  2. Hi All I had bought these from Tom last year for a project that I never got around to. These are for sale again at the same price 120 euro if anybody is interested. Never used and stored inside. regards Paudie
  3. These are mint in the box with all the bits! Some of them have only been test run. Some have only come out of the box to get the chip put in. Jim in Marks put all the chips in for me (I think 21pin?) so these are in super condition . some weathered some clean. I will put a list up and maybe ye can advise. Thanks for the help so far.
  4. Hi Everyone. What's the going rate on here for MM Locos with DCC chip fitted? Might be offloading some in the next couple of weeks if I can get the right price on them. Thanks Paudie
  5. Cheers Bud
  6. Guys. I have about 15 "Dream Box" "Eucon" and "ECS" containers in my collection. Would these have ever appeared on CIE Lines? I was going to get them converted to "Bells" but now these are available I would sell them on to get the money together to buy the "Bells" Any advise?
  7. They are the Business. Order will be placed in due course Arran.
  8. Hi Noel, I was going to try that. I should have said I was going to put a strip of cork under the track as well and put a felt strip over that if you know what I mean. But yeah I will test first. Thanks man!
  9. Hi everyone. Can anyone advise me here. Has anyone used roofing felt as a ballast underlay? and if they have how did you get on with it? The thoughts of ballasting the layout and making a "Balls" of it is frightening me to say the least. I was thinking it might be easier to felt the required areas, lay the track and then put a very fine ballast on that. Any suggestions / thoughts are welcome. thanks Paudie
  10. I went for the last two years. Some beautiful layouts there. Even taking the track and locos out it, the scenery aspect is incredible. Some good demo and" how to" tables there. Sunday late on is a great day for bargains. Picked up some lovely Dapol N Gauge stuff for a song last year. I'd agree with WarBonnet though. Best bring the gas mask along.... The smell of Damp of some of the onlookers can be a bit over powering. "The White house" in Marsdon green is a lovely place to stay. 10 min from NEC. Lovely little B and B and a cracking breakfast. I have contact details if anyone is interested.
  11. Hi Walter. Hope you are well? Where did you get these? They look fantastic. I would need these to go down the left hand 19ft. Across the back 9ft and up the other side 17ft. You have seen the shed so you know the layout. Can you let me know what sort of cost these ones are? Thanks walter I will be in Galway sometime next week. I might call for that fantastic coffee of yours
  12. Brothie. Thanks a million.
  13. Hi Guys! I have finally gotten the time to start! Track has arrived for the New Layout. Baseboards are ready and I have painted the backboards blue. I want the layout to have a very Irish feel. I have seen some beautiful Layouts on here and If mine is half as good I will be happy. Can anyone advise me on backgrounds. The layout will mostly have a country feel to it. Whats the best way to go here. Paint on the scene or go for printed. Any help is appreciated thanks in advance. Paudie
  14. Hiya. I will take these off you bud. Where abouts in Limerick are you
  15. That's Brilliant!! Can't wait to see that.
  16. Glenderg. Thanks for your help here. I have decided to run with this on one side. Just waiting on the track to arrive. Hopefully will have some pics up soon.
  17. Hi Everyone. I am looking to pick up this RNLI lifeboat in either Kit or Built form. Does anyone have one that they want to sell below retail. Looking to pay 20 euro max. I am creating a quayside scene on the layout and this would look great on it. any help is appreciated thanks Paudie
  18. That looks The Business Patrick!
  19. After a lot of thought and brainstorming I think I have final come up with the track plan for one side of the layout. It incorporates plans that I have seen and stuff that I like. The layout plan has changed and is now U shaped. I may add lift up section to contact. Attached are sketches of the country station and branch line options. Comments and opinions welcome. If I can convince myself that I have used my space correctly then I will start on this section and move along. Any input welcome positive. Or otherwise.
  20. Did you get these from "Geoscenics" IN THE UK Kirley?
  21. Hi All. I'm looking for some advice here please. I want to bring a line from my baseboard up to a Viaduct on my layout. What sort of incline or rate of incline would I looking at here? I have about 10 feet from level to Viaduct height. Any advice appreciated thanks Paudie
  22. Hi Phil. Good luck with the Layout. I look forward to seeing it. What software did you use to draw the design. I am in the throws of remodelling and I need to do a trackplan on the computer. cheers Paudie
  23. Hi Everyone. I have some 40ft Containers that I want to convert to both B=I and Norfolk Line. Is there anyone on the site that does this and if so could they contact me . I'd appreciate the help. Developments on Glyntown Road MK2 have been slow. The old layout has been ripped out and the baseboards cleaned and extended. When I pulled up the old scenery a lot of cork and bits came with it so I am having to recover the baseboards with a very light ply. I hope to have this done in a few days time. I can then get to designing the layout. I have an idea of what I want to do but with all layouts ideas change and the mind boggles. The layout is or will be housed in a converted shipping container that was an old site office during the Celtic Tiger. I have clad the outside so it looks a bit more respectable to the Domestic Authority. The container or shed is 20x10. The internal footprint is 19x9.. I plan to run a high level branchline down the long right hand side which will turn on to the 9ft end along a 6 maybe 9 arch viaduct and return up the orher side into a little station. Below the viaduct I hope to model the old Ballinascarthy west cork station or maybe Drimoleague. Around this I hope to have a lot of rolling hillsa and countryside. Country lanes and cottages etc. I hope to have a cement factory and a container terminal. I will put up some pictures as soon as I have the new baseboards and backboards covered. I will post the trackplan once I decide on the final one. So watch this space and hopefully we will have some developments over the next couple of weeks. Attached are some pics of Glyntown road MK1 . Hope ye like it. Any help would be appreciated. thanks Paudie
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