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Everything posted by tonybonneyba

  1. I've got battery protection turned on on all my devices which limits the charge to 85% & cuts off the charge until it drops below 80%..... Tbf, its only a few times a week i really let drop right down to 1% or so.... Ha! I'm looking to get a electric car in the future too! I like to get a full day & bit worth of usage from my device before i really have to charge it, & when i do charge it, it gets fully charged to the 85%. My goodybag with GiffGaff rolls over monthly on £10 with unlimited calls, text etc with a huge amount of data too, also keep a fiver on it incase that goodybag can't be paid for whatever reason. GiffGaff send me messages & emails telling me i should switch to the £8 goodybag & at one point, the £5 one!
  2. It's 43%, its fiiiiinnnnneeee.... Mine gets to 4% - 2% before i remember to charge it
  3. Some good news, the DfI has started pumping the flood water out of Downpatrick.... https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=718790620284869&id=100064618122842
  4. You can follow the progress on this project here....
  5. Evening! As you may have seen, or may not have seen, im currently working on two second hand MIR resin class 201 locomotive kits, part of which is removing the paint.... That project has progressed tonight, as i've bought a bigger 'tub' from Tesco, which the locomotive actually fits it! Couldn't go to my local shop to buy the 'tub', as it's under water at the moment Anyways.... I've redunked the bodyshell into Green Stuff World [GSW from here out] paint remover for a few hours & got some paint off with the new battery-powered toothbrush, at least, until it decided that it had enough.... And after a bit hooking around, i found an old manual toothbrush which i cleaned & started scrubbing the bodyshell again. The paint is being somewhat stubborn & i now smell like paint stripper - or so I've been told As it's getting late, ive rinsed off the bodyshell with water & left it dry, have put the paint stripper in the sealed tub & rinsed out the other 'tub'.... Guess what i'm doing in a few days! We'll get there, eventually. Thankfully, from what i can see, theres still no damage to the shell.
  6. Apologies if this is innyhe wrong section of the forums, but i thought this would be the most suitable place?? I'm looking to see if anyone has a 3D model file (stl, preferably) for 3D printing of an IÉ ICR or an NIR CAF? I ask as i would like to purchase a copy of that file as I would like to make a narrow gauge version for 009 on a Kato 11-105 chassis at some-point. I would do it myself, but i currently don't have the skillset to create a curved unit like that! The best i can do is a fictional MPV for G scale! Feel free to DM me on here. Thanks in advance! Graphics for attention only.
  7. I see that, alongside the wooolly sheep, DCDR has made the papers!
  8. Unfortunately, Downpatrick is built upon a gaint flood plain.... Apparently this sort of flooding used to be common in the early 20th century, especially along market st. Along with this, it was only a few centuries ago that Downpatrick was a harbour town, with the harbour being near where the cathedral is. (or this is what i've been informed at least over the years by various people). Nonetheless, its extremely sadening to see this, so much damage done to our beautiful little railway, the town, local shops & organisations. We can only hope things improve from here.
  9. Decided that I wasn't keen on this, so, I fixed it! Enjoy!
  10. Some tweaks needed, particularlyaround the front ends green & door / window space, but heres a baby ICR....
  11. Belive it or not, i don't have much sense of taste! More textures than anything! Although, i don't plan on using that toothbrush on anything but paint remover
  12. Got the Green Stuff World paint remover & put in a tub with the 201.... Seems to have worked well after 30mins or so, with assistance from a new battery toothbrush. No damage to the resin from what i can tell. Note to self, get bigger tub. Have rinsed the paint remover off with water & will work on it on Wednesday as its going take a bit! If you plan on doing this, ensure you've got a room with an extractor or an open window, such as a utility room or bathroom, as the paint remover stinks! - and thats coming from a person with little to next to no sense of smell.
  13. Every so often, when i'm destressing, burning off energy or got a moment to think, I'd do little cartoon style graphics from shapes in Canva or draw not so detailed stuff in medibang, i find it one of the ways for me to relax, look after my well-being & burn off steam.... Heres one of a maroon n' blue baby 80 class rushing by. Enjoy! Might post more here as time goes on, feel free to share your own
  14. The baby 59 project This thread follows the progress of the baby 59 project the start to finish & will be updated when progress is made....
  15. Do you have a photo of it? Could probably draft one up!
  16. For reference, here's photos of the real headboards.... ITG Headboard | ITG Facebook
  17. Thank you! Unfortunately, i wouldn't have the time & it would be too much expense, especially if a license is required for each of the organisations to use their logos. Maybe in the future!
  18. Some images of scaled down, printed headboards.... These include; - Táilte Tours on 8208 - ITG on 8208 - IRRS on 8208 - Castle Ward on Tour on 240 These are printed at normal quality on plain A4 paper, scaled down on MS Word, cut out with sharp scissors & tacked on lightly with minimal blutack as to avoid damage from the oils in the blutack. Will likely redo that Táilte Tours & Castle Ward on Tour headboards on waterslide transfers at high quality & put them on plasticard in the future.
  19. Whilst awaiting the two MKIV coaches to arrive from eBay & some other parts & materials for the diorama, I've made a start to designing the stations for the modular portable layout I'm hoping to start next year or so....


    Here is Holyfast Station Hub design draft....


    Happy with the top view, need to make the front & side wider.


    Inspired by Belfast Grand Central (Weavers Cross) Station & Glasgow Queen Street Station....


    The interior will be designed at a later stage.


    The bus station section will hold 10 - 15 buses in the bus platforms whilst the train station section can hold five - 8 carriage trains.


    As the design progresses, i'll update here.... as per usual, this project isn't a priority & will be slow.









  20. Whilst awaiting parts & materials to arrive, I've taken some time in Canva to design the livery for the two DeDietrich DVTs & the MIR class 201 locomotive....


    MIR Class 201 - Refurbished - No. 240

    Pixel Fade Enterprise Livery



    Shortened Hornby MKIV DVT - No. 9005

    Enterprise InterCity Livery 



    Hornby MKIV / MIR 201 combo - DeDietrich DVT - No. 9004

    Enterprise Swirl Livery



    Hornby MKIV / MIR 201 combo - DeDietrich DVT - No. 9002

    Enterprise Emerald Livery




    240 with 9004



    Whilst this project is on going, I've also ordered parts & materials to start on the x2 Holywood embankment dioramas as to able to make a start on these over the next few weekends & evenings.

    I'm also starting work on a track plan for a future modular, portable layout which will be an improvement on the old 'Somewhere' layout from 'Anthony's Workbench'.

    These projects will be slow & will take their time, along with the fact I have many other on going & paused projects too! - But, as BR always said, we'll get there. 




  21. I'm just tooling with the idea of adding station announcements of the future layout / diorama, would anyone have any tips on going around this? Previously, I've used a cheap Bluetooth speaker from ASDA in a paper bus, but looking at different options. I've came across this, it's good but I feel the voices are too generated / text-to-speech, plus, if going by the demo, it's missing Irish / Northern Irish stations. As much as I like the Bluetooth speaker & it worked for that layout, I would recommend it, but still have a desire to try other methods. Tips & tricks much appreciated!
  22. I might in a year or so, if I can get a CMAC kit
  23. Think this would suit very well! Could you DM me please?
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