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Everything posted by BabyGM

  1. I just might I'll have a look around
  2. Yep I think everything passes over it it also a bit down to the speed and the way I push the wagons/coaches/locos along as the points aren't yet powered and the crossing is between two of them
  3. Great picture I've only ever seen one other picture and that's the one with 208 and 209 on the lagan bridge So whats the story with the two 201's ? Did one fail and need to be hailed back?
  4. They cross over it because I have put a small piece of track on the fishplate and that fixes the problem for all of my stock except my Hornby Dean goods ,which has a very big wheel and only sometimes derails, and I will add some more safety features just to be sure
  5. The trains go over it fine I only have a problem with one engine and that's it
  6. Thanks guys Heir Flick large radius points are lovely ,I like the nice flowing radius of them
  7. Hi guys I did some ballasting during the week It's a bit heavy in places but that's not impossible to fix:) In other news I've begun to scratch build an 071 with plasticard and am converting one of my mk 4 conversions to a cafe/bar mk 3 I've also started on the mould for the concrete
  8. Great I'll hopefully get a few when they come out
  9. There's a picture in that collection and it's what is probably the cleanest Mk 3 EGV I've ever seen
  10. Excellent website Any kits on the way?
  11. excellent
  12. Things run alright on it When I got it it turned out to be the wrong radius so it's slightly modified, I am going to add some precautions just to be sure
  13. Today I finally finished the first part of wiring and generally cleaned the layout I also added a maintenance depot and RPSI south-eastern base To the left is the maintenance depot and to the right is the RPSI south-eastern base Much tidier than the photo a few pages back
  14. Thanks
  15. Sorry!,When I had posted my 'confused' reply I was still on the first page of the thread and yours was on the top of the second I'll give it a go and see how it goes Thanks, Brian
  16. So do I run them off a DC bus wire coming from a dc controller? BTW sorry for all the electrical questions as I've never done anything like this before
  17. I don't understand the question:confused: ,the points will be powered by the point motor which will be powered by the track or bus wire
  18. Thanks for clearing that up for me I'll be controlling the points by switches and I'll use the Seep PM1's , and then I'll control the layout by a Gaugemaster Prodigy Advance 2
  19. Thanks for the help guys Anthony, does it make a difference on wheather you connect D and E to the rail or the DCC bus wires Also, I'm still a bit confused about this 0 Volt wire and the 12 Volt wire Where do these wires come from? And what are they?
  20. [quote name=ttc0169; Baby GM-all of the workers are from the Bachmann Scenecraft range' date=' ..[/quote] Thanks
  21. Thanks for the help lads I appreciate it
  22. Where do you get all of Tara Junctions workers ?
  23. I've been watching Everard Junction's video on fitting a point motor and I have a few Questions 1. 0V - What is this 2. 12V- Again What is this And I presume that having the point in the 'central' position means to have it in the position I intend on running it in (apart from shunting) Also will the switch spring back into the central position if I let go of it ,if not if I keep it in the non (what I presume) is central position will the point motor 'burn out' - therefor making shunting very hard with a long enough train and alot of points Thanks, Brian
  24. I thought so Still it's nice to see some orange
  25. Is that real? If IÈ keep them on the Mk 3s may be able to run with them with a few adjustments
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