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Everything posted by BabyGM

  1. Thanks I'll look into the 1012 option and might buy the whole litre 0f 2011 At least then I'll be able to spray more than 3 carriages without having to buy more paint Thanks for your reply Also is there any chance of the paint in the tin going hard or would it just need a stir after a while of no use?
  2. I haven't even a clue what cellulose is
  3. [quote=Glenderg; reckon tipp will clear Munster once they get to know each other, Hopefully Another All Ireland would be nice ,though not against Kilkenny for the 4th year in a row Lar Corbett seems to be hovering around the Tipp team ,I believe he was a water boy for the Limerick match Possibly a return?
  4. Thanks for the replies guys I have used Vinny Byrnes in the past for aerosol ,but I want a good finish on the 201 so I'm using an airbrush and for that I need a tin rather than an aerosol Your replies are greatly appreciated thanks
  5. Can anyone tell me where to get small tins of RAL 2011 and RAL 1021? I've tried P.R. Reily's ,Precision paints and Vinny Byrnes All of them either don't have the paints or are too expensive Any help would be appreciated
  6. great find i might try them myself
  7. thanks I might call in to see it sometime
  8. is that a class 071 pre-production model I see in the cabinet ?
  9. They were available from marks models at the Blackrock show in October maybe check from them or you could ask murphy models directly
  10. That clears it up I wonder why it's open as I've never seen it open before(while on the move)
  11. It looks like the door on the DVT is open
  12. Thanks for the advice guys I'll do that once I figure out if I can make a bigger layout
  13. Thanks Broithe
  14. Does anyone know where he gets those yokes he uses to connect wires to the bus wire as he said a shop in one of the video's comments section but I couldn't find them on the site
  15. That's a great picture of the railfreight 071 and the cravens beside the rock
  16. Tourists must be more interested in fictional little green dressed ,ginger bearded people than a model railway http://www.google.ie/imgres?hl=en&biw=1366&bih=643&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=3yrfl2761k-5CM:&imgrefurl=http://newspaper.li/leprechaun/&docid=k4DPeA4FQO0TEM&imgurl=http://newspaper.li/static/ae5f8c649a13084f0fc10b7542dc1f22.gif&w=798&h=837&ei=4xScT4_gKI2yhAfH3K3pDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=363&vpy=164&dur=35&hovh=230&hovw=219&tx=96&ty=146&sig=106255279317537355053&page=1&tbnh=127&tbnw=121&start=0&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:134
  17. If people come to see it from outside Dublin it is likely that they are on holiday in Dublin as it is unlikely that anyone would come from up to 300 miles away just for a model railway
  18. That is understandable but it isn't out in the middle of nowhere it's just 20 minutes on the train
  19. How was it not accessible in Malahide castle ??? I live in Malahide and I know that it was at the very most a 10 minute walk from the train station And in the Irish Times it says 'The vast miniature collection will be placed in a new museum building beside the casino' that will make it even more accessible ,about 1/2 a minute from the train station.
  20. It is I bought a rake of Mk 4's and a class 59 off ebay and they were painted in all different Irish liveries I plan to eventually convert them into the green /silver Mk 4's that run from Dublin to Cork Here's the ebay page http://www.ebay.ie/itm/160744810383?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649#ht_747wt_1270
  21. Hi Guys here's the latest update First here's one of my re-repainted Mk 3's Here's the start of the kadee's being fitted but after seeing them run with the cravens I might just leave them to the loco's and coach rake ends so I might fit the cravens with the roco couplings
  22. Thanks I cant give myself all the credit because I get help with a fair bit of the stuff I do I'm currently in the process of deciding whether or not to build a bigger layout as the one I have at the moment is too small and I'm quickly running out of space to put stock and when everything is on the line at the same time shunting is a nightmare
  23. thanks just one post to go now
  24. Lads can anyone tell me what is the difference between an ordinary member and a junior member?
  25. Thanks
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