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Everything posted by purple

  1. I've been planning on building a model of jess for a while. I've some lovely pictures of her in the snow in 2010 .
  2. 3D Printing Workshop @ 091labs 0900-1800 - 13 April 2013 091labs will be running a 3D printer instruction day next Saturday (13.04.2013) between 9am and 6pm during our April Open Day. You can come by at any time and there will be a 30 minute walk through on starting up, loading a file and printing an image. Cost for the workshop is €10 event with all proceeds used to get loads more filament in different colours and types (we need ABS and PLA plastics) and cover repair costs for the second 3D printer and CNC milling machine. You get a free Android toy to take away. Facebook Event Page Location: 091 Labs, 6 Commerce House, Flood Street, Galway About 091labs 091 Labs is a collaborative community space based in Galway City, Ireland. It is a shared physical space for any and all creative projects: art, woodwork, software, photography and electronics – to name but a few. Our aim is to provide Galway with a place for people to work and collaborate on creative projects, to learn and to share their knowledge. We welcome all skill levels and all creative ideas. 091labs Website
  3. It isn't my picture I robbed it off their Facebook page. I'm not directly involved but AFAIK IE granted a licence for line clearing work to be done privately. IE haven't asserted a right of way on the line with a vehicle since 1995. People are trying to make a genuine effort to get some sort of heritage line going. Let's not resort to the usual oirsh begrudgry by calling them "crack pots" and it'll never work. Plenty of preservation projects in the UK started on shaky foundations. People from New Ross are pretty used to being put down and bashed by everybody else so it probably won't work either .
  4. That is a pretty big mole:
  5. Well I'll let you know if it is moles or not next time I'm back home. There are two early stage serious projects to get the line working again.
  6. According to a certain Facebook page I'm told digging has started near Staffords in New Ross to get the line back in order for heritage working. Hopefully they'll get it running eventually ...
  7. Forgot to post this earlier: http://s374444733.websitehome.co.uk/code75/index.htm Oops ...
  8. I found this page via Google while looking into the same question. I found it quite informative.
  9. I've seen the Makerbot 3D printers in action and I was impressed. If anyone is around Galway and wants to see a 3D printer in action (not sure if it is working at the moment, i'll find out - the heater broke) we have one in 091labs. I think TOG in Dublin have a few too. You should pop over on one of our open nights. We are currently working on building this: http://reprap.org/wiki/Prusa You can also get kits to build you own 3D printer - It isn't any more complicated than a CNC machine. These are pretty good too, I thought they had the best design of any I've seen: https://shop.ultimaker.com/
  10. As I don't have much cash at the moment due to unemployment I thought I'd start a thread for austerity modelling tips . I noticed that the 2 euro shops are selling really long drinking straws at the moment. They may be useful for modelling street lamps, bollards and pipes.
  11. Does Thursday or Friday at 1900 suit anyone?
  12. Sawdust mixed with PVA and green and brown poster paint works well in my experience. I used to make model trees like that.
  13. Of course all are welcome! I will try to get something organised. If there is interest I can arrange a time to meet at the current 091 labs premises in Eyre Square to talk about founding a model railway club on Thursday or Friday evening of next week if it suits? There are already people in 091 labs who are interested in modelling and small scale engineering too, so we may get some crossover.
  14. Excellent ! I can see if I can make it to the show on the 29th to see the layout but it is my partners 30th birthday party next week so that might be difficult. We would probably be running it out of the 091 labs hacker/maker space. There is already some interest in modelling there as there is a war/fantasy gaming group as part of it where some aspects like scenery build would cross over, so we could share skills (Which is the whole idea of a hacker/maker space in the first place). It would also give access to a shared wood working and metal working area eventually, which I am sure would be useful. When would suit for a first GMRC meeting?
  15. Hi, I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in starting a model railway club in Galway city? There doesn't appear to be one.
  16. As I said to someone today, if I set up a shop selling model railway stuff I'd be stacking the shelves high with HO gauge PECO track. Why? Because I know I'd make money on it. I'd probably get in limited stock of Irish model and use pre orders to try to match price to within €5.00 of the box shifters. When I made enough money I would have no issue becoming a box shifter myself - It is the way to do things these days. Give me some cash to get stock and I can have an online model shop set up within a month.
  17. I recall reading somewhere that a three car set unloaded weigh 150 tonnes, so the 50,000 kgs makes sense.
  18. I wouldn't wander in without at the very least asking first! That would be extremely stupid!
  19. Thanks for this, I'm trying to scratch build some beet wagons at the moment! Who do you need to ask permission from to get that close for pictures? I've been wanting to take pictures every time I'm in Waterford.
  20. Here are some better quality ones ripped right off the source video at full resolution (1280x720):
  21. David's 2600 models are excellent, pricey, but excellent. Video of one of mine running: [video=youtube_share;1N2HiRQDCmA]
  22. I'll make a still of this if i can from the video frames. It was filmed at 720p. Typing this on the train back to Galway!!
  23. A video of Inchicore I took this morning. There is an EGV there which is painted in Enterprise livery. 28 seconds/ [video=youtube_share;2UVCidavrgo]
  24. If I do move to Dublin again I'm probably going to rent a whole house out in the suburbs to the south or west. I might join a club too. Is there a MR club in Galway? There isn't even a model shop here anymore, was talking to some friends about starting a run one out of the 091labs maker/hacker space here. Also trying to convince them to help build a huge layout .
  25. Curses! Was in Wexford yesterday!
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