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Everything posted by Irishrailwayman

  1. 'pun my word.
  2. Looks good Eamonn
  3. This show is new to me but I am attending on Sunday 5th November 2017 with my Shunters Yard layout. It is on from 11am to 6pm at the Hub, Cillin Hill, Kilkenny (Call Ciarán 087 794 7352). Vincent O'Leary also from Wexford Model Railway Club will be attending with his Slaney Valley.
  4. Thanks very much Noel. I really enjoy sharing my work and happy to offer any help to others who want to have a go. Gerry
  5. Thrilled that Cynwyd won an Award at the South Dublin show this weekend: Best Layout -Scenery. Many thanks lads and well done on a great show!
  6. The detail is amazing alright. Good to talk yesterday Noel, sorry I had to juggle between all the people who wanted to chat. I will be back at the SDMR show tomorrow. See you soon.
  7. or a mirrored base...
  8. This is the combo that I have on order so watch this space...
  9. Guys, probably better to upload photies to the website as photobucket has wrecked many a past posting!
  10. Hi, none of these jpgs are showing? Ooops they just appeared...
  11. A great depiction of the Slow Late Never Comes (the little railway with the big name)! Just gorgeous in 7mm!
  12. Tony, not too many N-gauge Irish layouts on the exhibition circuit! Why not have a go and make this your niche? I will have my Cynwyd in N at the SDMRC Show and perhaps we could chat some more then.
  13. Westy does a range of 2mm transfers for Irish outline. UK outline 4-wheel goods should be easy enough to convert. ElectraRailwayGraphics do adhesive vinyl sides to convert UK outline Mk 1,2 3 and 4 coaches to Irish outline: http://www.electrarailwaygraphics.co.uk/ (see International section). Their website mentions a link to Shapeways.com to obtain the Class 201 body which fits a Graham Farish Class 66 chassis. https://www.shapeways.com/search?q=irish&type= list 121, 141, cement bubbles/bogies etc. Alphagraphix do a range of coloured card kits which could be reduced by 50% by photocopying and built up on plasticard etc Some UK outline buildings may suit with small changes....
  14. Like the jazz and the train of course!
  15. As part of the Wexford Festival Opera Fringe, Wexford Model Railway Club are hosting an Open Day at their club-rooms at St Joseph's Community Centre, Newline Road, Wexford on Monday 31st October from Noon to 5pm. The event is free but donations will be accepted! Model railway items and light refreshments (including yummy home-made cakes) will be on sale in aid of the club building fund. Layouts on display will be Bushville (HO USA outline), Rathmichael (OO Irish), Llangollen (N gauge UK), Thomas (OO) and Sandown Valley (O/16.5 UK). Additionally, we will have trains running on the extensive test tracks in N, OO and O gauge. We get a great turnout from our loyal Wexford public to this event. Any IRM.comers who have not maxed out at the South Dublin Show might like to make the (less than) 2 hour car journey down and all would be most welcome.
  16. Looking forward to attending on behalf of Wexford Model Railway Club with my Cynwyd (Welsh pronounced Kin-wid!) layout. Any IRM.comers attending come along and say hello. Gerry Byrne.
  17. Thanks guys for your nice comments on Llangollen and great to put some faces to the names. I enjoyed the show - well organised and friendly -thanks to all the folks there for their sterling efforts. I took a few shots from around the halls as time allowed. A good variety of gauges and subjects with a number of vintage layouts also. Will be returning next year with another layout...
  18. I look forward to seeing this as I am starting to collect some O-gauge GWR stock...
  19. Looking forward to this show (a first time for me) and meeting any IRMers attending!
  20. Don't forget about the Wexford Model Railway Exhibitions held at Easter each year since 2009!
  21. Is there a listing of layouts and traders published yet?
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