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Everything posted by Irishrailwayman

  1. Kadee also sell a special pliers to adjust the bend on the coupler pins to ensure they are correct. Additionally, they sell height gauge to ensure the coupler itself is ok. Lubricate the units with graphite. Some rolling stock may need a damper to give it heft when reversing (and also to prevent it rolling away if there is any slope while shunting). You can do this by putting a piece of sponge between the wheel centre spindle. Getting stock to separate consistently takes time and patience but the effect is well worth it especially at exhibitions!
  2. Deluxe Glue and Glaze is a PVA style material which I coated behind each window opening. The, using a cocktail stick, I coaxed a thin film to form across the window opening. This may pop and need to be repeated or additional G&G added. It dries clear enough. I stuck the windscreen wiper in place later with a dab of G&G.
  3. Alphagraphix do card models of these wagons in 7mm and 4mm scales in red or grey liveries. I have made up a few for my 4mm Ballybeg layout which will be exhibited at Easter 2013 in Wexford. Michael Morris sells Alphagraphix at the Exhibition and may have a few of these kits available there. Meantime, see Ballybeg under the Layouts section of IRM.com as there are photos and a video posted there showing these Ranks wagons.
  4. The building was fine really, similar to the old IRM 071 kit. I didn't use the new grilles as they came too late but these look good. The front windows were done with Deluxe "Glue and Glaze" as the resin is too thick to fit cut out windows (the 071/IRMs kit used vacuum formed clear plastic protrusions). Might be an idea to provide brass window surrounds to assure that the correct profile is achieved as the resin is a bit vague here. I used Smiths replica hooks and fittings. The green is an LNER locomotive shade from Phoenix Paints. I used a cut-down Hornby Railroad DCC-ready chassis which fits really snug. There is plenty of room in the loco body to house the soundchip and the Bass Reflex speaker. The soundchip is a Loksound V3.5 and I had Southwest Digital reblow it with BR Class 24 which had the same engine as B101 Class. B101 will appear at the Easter Model Railway and Transport Show at St Joseph's in Wexford on my layout Ballybeg.
  5. Enniscorthyman has posted pictures of my green SSM B101 model on the Ballybeg at the Layout section...
  6. Express Models also do "oil" lamps in yellow and red which can be hooked up to either DC or DCC locos. They do red "oil" lamps with small batteries for guards vans. First Class Trains do carriage lighting kits (the Bright version is best) but no longer do these in a rechargeable battery version.
  7. I have had an ESU Loksound chip reprogrammed with BR Class 24 sound by Southwest Digital in readiness for a B101 kit. Sounds good on the bench test circuit. I plan to try the early "apple green" livery perhaps trying the LNER shade paint.
  8. I agree that this is the best Irish soundproject so far. The flange squeal is particularly effective on the Zimo chip. The fact that it is plug and play avoids the frustration caused by the MM chips. I also like the station announcements both ROI and NI versions. Similar to the 141/181s the 071 GM motor sound is most distinctive even compared to the 201. I also plan to try fitting larger Bass Enhanced and Bass Reflex speakers to see if even better sound reproduction can be achieved.
  9. These figures are actually Preiser Trainspotter/photographers! I have a postman elsewhere on the layout near a model post office.
  10. Thanks Rob. I hope to visit Llangollen again in 2013 and do more research. Gerry
  11. Thanks lads all for the positive comments. I started on some Ballybeg rolling stock back in 2002 and the layout has had eight public outings winning Best Scenic and Best in Show awards along the way. Each time I show it I use liveries of a different Irish era: everything from 1940s/50s steam to early 2000s IE. I have all other locos and goods/passenger rolling stock for each era. Finally, I change the lineside models to match including coals stocks/oil depot and cattle loads/goods loads etc. Ballybeg pioneered Irish sound and lights in DCC for both diesel and steam locos. The scenery uses perspective modelling to give the impression of depth. All components on the layout were commercially available as kits or RTR (although extensively worked on). I must hand it to Eamonn who is a whiz photographer and really captures that "is it real?" feeling. Some of my locos are a bit too pristine and I might have Anthony do some suitable weathering for me... Ballybeg is awaiting MM 071s to replace the MIR models currently in use. I have just retired and will continue working on Ballybeg as well as a new project in N Gauge finescale "Llangollen" a BR/GWR preserved station in North Wales. Look me up at the next exhibition. Gerry
  12. These are the same recordings taken by Mr Soundguy in 2007 but are being tweaked electronically to suit the newer model as well as improved soundchips and speakers. I was glad to have arranged for him to visit here that year and am delighted that the project has persisted with such good results. Covering 121/141/181, 201, 071 and A Class is a huge achievement and contribution to Irish railway modelling.
  13. Wiggy, the MM 21-pin chips are ESU Lokpilot V4 (DCC Supplies or the ESU websites should have instruction booklets). I use a Gaugemaster unit to map the CVs as follows: CV32: 2; CV340: 5CV346: 10; CV362: 4; CV 378: 8; CV 394: 16; CV 410: 32. This gives directional side/main lamps on F0and F1 with the cab lights on F3 and F4. Sometimes this causes the loco to roket around - if this happens just write 8 to CV 8 and start the process again. I also have the CV set up for ESU Loksound V3.5 if anyone needs these. The new 201 soundchip from Modelshopbelfast is a Zimo which should be preset to make all the lights etc work properly - if not contact MSB direct. Incidently, Model Rail in June 2012 have an excellent article on replacing the entire circuit board with an ESU 21-pin Adapter Board #51968 allowing the full capabilities of the chips to be exploited. Not for the inexperienced or the faint hearted I would think given the cost of MM201s!
  14. Does anyone have some decent colour photos of the Mark IIs in their Galway livery that they could share? I am particularly interested in the restaurant and EGVs (I don't think a first class was done?).
  15. Don't worry about it! Ballybeg is a pun on the Irish translation - An Baile Beag - the small town (especially at 4mm/foot). Feel free to model a Ballybeg Branch layout if you so wish. Best of luck, Gerry B
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