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Everything posted by Irishrailwayman

  1. Very well deserved lads. Looking forward to welcoming you to the Wexford Festival Open Day and showing off the new A Class loco on my layout "Diesel Depot"!
  2. Hi Tim. I built the buildings from kits to look like a "family" using the same paint scheme and adding quoins which differs from the original instructions. I have used Cobalt digital point motors to be controlled by DCC Roco/Fleischmann Z21 system. The platform will indeed take a pannier and a two coach GWR "B" set. Progress has slowed for now as I prepare for Wexford MRC's Open Day.
  3. Preparations are well underway for the Wexford Festival Opera Open Day! The following members' layouts have been confirmed: Irish outline OO: "Past-Avenue"; "Bog-road Level-crossing"; "Ballygannon" and "Diesel Depot". UK outline OO: "Wheal Rinn"; "Bridge Street" and a guest layout "Weston Interchange". UK outline in O gauge: "Prospect Road TMD" and "Little Siddington". Traders confirmed include: Irish Railway Models (hopefully with plenty of A Class locomotives), Model Rail Accessories, Brian Collins, Seán Ryan, Phillip McHugh, GModelScene, Dave Bracken and Provincial Models. There will also be stands for WMRC second-hand sales/Membership, RNLI, Maritime Museum Rosslare and St. Joseph's Warhammer Group. Looking forward to meeting all our friends in the model railway scene again at our Open Day .
  4. No worries lads, I'm a Dub living here over 22 years and it is safe to come here. Wexford MRC (founded in 1978) is one of only 3 clubs in ROI so well worth a visit!
  5. It's a bit of a hike but normally taxis are available just by the station... Check that train times on Sunday allow you sufficient time at the show. The road to Wexford is mainly motorway now so from South Dublin you should land inside 2 hours.
  6. Additionally, "Prospect Road TMD" (BR diesel outline) in O Gauge will be making it's exhibition debut at the Open Day alongside it's little cousin "Diesel Depot" in OO (CIE outline)!
  7. Wexford Model Railway Club are pleased to announce that they are planning to hold an Open Day at St Joseph's Community Centre, Newline Road, Wexford on Sunday 24th October from 11 am to 5 pm (subject to prevailing covid Regulations). We will have a range of club and member layouts on display including "Little Siddington" our premier O gauge layout which now has scenery completed all the way around its 33 feet by 15 feet perimeter with all signals working! An array of traders will be attending including Irish Railway Models and Model Rail Accessories. The main sports hall will provide ample room for social distancing while allowing everyone to enjoy this first post-covid model railway event. Donations will be accepted at the door for WMRC building extension and club funds.
  8. Platforms rescued from disposal adapted for use on "Buffers Lock". The main platform straddles two boards and a goods platform is fitted next to the Goods Shed. Buildings shown roughly where they will be on completion although they will be removable for transport purposes.
  9. With both the Traverser and Turntable fiddle-yard wiring complete, attention turned to wiring the first of two scenic boards for DCC including 4 point motors. All tested and working perfectly now. Lamps and building lighting are provided for by separate DC connectors.
  10. A couple of photos of the Traverser fiddle-yard which can fit at either end of the scenic section of the layout. Construction used the same techniques as the main boards except the board was inverted to provide a frame for the moving track board which is supported by three drawer sliders.
  11. I am developing two three-way 4 foot fiddle-yards: one is a Traverser and the other a Train Turntable. They can each be fitted either end of the layout. Attached a few photos of the Turntable the first one prior to assembly:
  12. Thanks Noel. The Peco track is easy to work with. Looking forward to running trains on this layout!
  13. The Big Reveal! The two baseboards have been constructed and track has been pinned down. This series of photos outlines the track-work and approximate position of the buildings assembled previously. Also see the photographic back-scene atmospheric of high Summer in GWR days of steam... The track design has a run-around loop at the station with a head-shunt, a siding across a double-slip (great space-saver) which enters two lines to the Goods Shed as well as a trailing head-shunt to the Cattle-dock. Plenty of scope for passenger and goods stock movements. The design allows for a fiddle-yard at each end of the layout: one is a Traverser and the other a Train Turntable (more of these anon).
  14. Love the back and side scenes.
  15. I have started on the first (of two) baseboards for "Buffers Lock" at last. This is approx. 4.5 feet by 2 feet. Construction is by the now well tried method developed at Wexford MRC: 6 mm birch plywood (precision cut by Woodworkers in Dublin) sections are hot glued together on a dead-flat workbench then glass fibre tape is glued in place at all intersections underneath with builders' PVA for strength. Two 6 mm sections are glued together with wood glue for the face sections and precision dowels added. T-nuts are added to enable back-scenes, baseboard covers etc to be assembled easily and rapidly at exhibitions.
  16. Thanks Tim, the painting scheme followed carefully the detailed instructions provided by Timber Tracks. The red brick consists of a base colour of Humbrol #121 Pale Stone which shows through as the mortar colour. A 50:50 mix of #62 Leather and #73 Wine was then "dry brushed" onto this once dry to highlight the brick surfaces. From the notes provided the architect involved particularly with the station building was renowned for bright red/yellow contrasts in his buildings. The signal box is a tad generous alright but the Directors may have had plans for expansion in the heady days of the railway gold rush!
  17. Thanks Tim, I recently replaced the insulfrog 3-way point with an electrofrog model to better allow short wheel-base locos to potter around the layoutwithout stalling. I used two Gaugemaster auto-frog circuits to change the polarities...
  18. A couple of prototype photos from this forum some time ago:
  19. Yes, that's right.
  20. All coming together really well now Noel!
  21. I have converted some Bachmann "ESSO" oil tankers to Irish liveries: Class A with silver/red livery to "Irish Shell" and "Irish Shell and BP Ltd" alternating on each side. Similarly, I have converted 14 ton Class B oil "ESSO" black/white livery to "Irish Shell" and "CIE Fuel Oil" liveries as above. I used Studio Scale Models decals and weathered the wagons on completion. I understand that these and the ESSO versions all ran on Irish rails in the 60s/70s but am open to correction.
  22. Turf has very low calorific value and it would have taken a lot of it to power a loco so the trials were not a success. BTW I loved Lego as a kid and now am in to railway modelling big time since 2002! Well done on your modelling with Lego.
  23. I got mine from Studio Scale Models also for Ballybeg...
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