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Everything posted by Irishrailwayman

  1. No Noel, I plan to operate the points and signals on "Buffers Lock" using my Z21 set up as I have done successfully with "Diesel Depot"!
  2. Wait 'till you hear the sound project it is really impressive!
  3. Personally I have always liked the grey/yellow version and got great reactions over the time I ran my MIR version on "Ballybeg" at exhibitions! Crude compared with MM but this was completed back in 2008.
  4. Tested my 135 at Wexford MRC clubrooms today: the sound is very realistic and different to the 141/181 sounds. Excellent model!
  5. Best wishes to Paddy for all he has done for the hobby of Irish railway modelling.
  6. Thanks Tim. The 6mm cork was glued down with strong builders' neat PVA and weighed down until set over a few days. The rails were laid down precisely in accordance with printed templates (Templot) placed directly on the baseboard cork. The rails were then tacked in place with track nails mainly on the outer sleepers to avoid compacting them. The cork was cut away at an angle to provide a shoulder for the ballast. Finally, dry ballast was dusted over the rails and distributed/shaped with a fine brush. This was then wetted by spraying with much water/wash-up liquid mix and a strong solution of builders' PVA was added by dropper. Once set over a few days this holds the rails in place in a concrete-like grip!
  7. Thanks Leslie, these are very well crafted kits beautifully presented and a joy to make. Under Buildings on their website Timber Tracks state "So, as we are retiring at the end of the year, we are happy to release the test build models we have. In almost all cases, there is only one finished kit available and once sold there will be no more". Also, contact with them directly has confirmed that once their stock of any given model kit is sold out, they will not be making any more. A pity.
  8. The Goods Shed has had it "dry-brushing" with red brick colour leaving the "mortar" colour showing through:
  9. The Goods Shed and Cattle Dock have been given their undercoat of Humbrol 121 prior to dry-brushing with red brick colour:
  10. Some of Ballybeg's alternate railway buildings have been given a re-vamp/spruce up to keep them fresh:
  11. Worth checking for a full listing of CVs for that particular chip as these vary between makers. Also the MM model itself may be using different electronic set ups to make certain lights work together etc.
  12. Update on Little Siddington: work continues to develop more of the countryside areas around the layout with plaster contouring, painting, static grass application, wire fencing and telegraph pole installation, addition of extension to head-shunt to form a branch in the centre of the layout (which will be adaptable to take a variety of club/members' layouts) etc.
  13. "Buffers Lock" station building is now virtually complete apart from some weathering and details. Note extensive interiour detailing including toilet areas!
  14. Great project - best of luck.
  15. Buffers Lock signal box gets the dry brush treatment on its brickwork to match the station building:
  16. Started painting the station building using a base-coat and dry-brush technique with the base-coat showing through as the mortar!
  17. A couple of shots of the layout as it nears completion:
  18. Mark IIIs are heritage items now...
  19. Thanks Noel. These are laser-cut wood kits from Timber Tracks which are beautifully presented and straightforward to assemble with their fast-setting wood glue. They are amazingly strong when complete. These models are destined for my new O gauge steam outline layout "Buffers Lock" which is in planning - a cross between my "Shunters Yard" and "Diesel Depot"! The boards and wiring will be done to the same high standards as "Little Siddington". The idea is to have an interesting O gauge layout that can be set up quickly for play at home/clubroom and easily transported in two cars to exhibitions.
  20. Timber Tracks Cattle Dock gets a coat of primer: Roofing strips added to simulate tiling on the Timber Tracks Goods Shed now ready for primer:
  21. With the lock-down got time to undercoat some of the O gauge buildings underway: Also got time to start assembling and painting a Timber Tracks Goods Shed:
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