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Everything posted by Irishrailwayman

  1. I'm no longer on the Committee but I think the Facebook page is kept up to date rather than the website. Looking forward to meeting everyone for a chat at "Ballybeg" (the layout was first exhibited in 2009 - this will be it's 12th public exhibition!).
  2. Sunday 5th and Monday 6th May 2024 11 am to 5 pm each day. Donations accepted at the door. I am booked to show "Ballybeg" in Supertrain liveries (Sunday) and IR liveries (Monday).
  3. We had a ball showing "Buffers Lock" at the Bangor, N.I. Exhibition in March 2024. Delighted to have been conferred with the Best Large Scale Layout Award.
  4. "Ballybeg" is booked for the Wexford Exhibition on 5th and 6th May 2024. It will be run in a "Modern Image" version featuring CIE "Supertrain" stock one day and Irish Rail "IR" rolling stock on the second day.
  5. I have "Ballybeg" down in the workroom to prepare it as a "modern image" version for the Wexford Exhibition in May 2024. I have (temporarily) substituted the "steam era" cattle-dock, goods shed, engine shed, water tower etc with a diesel shed (borrowed from my "Diesel Depot" layout!) as well as tower lights and a new CIE oil storage facility. I plan to show a selection of "Supertrain" liveried passenger and freight trains on the Sunday of the exhibition and to show "IR" liveried trains on the Monday. I have fitted DCC controlled rural scenic sound modules also which give background birdsong, church bells, cows, sheep etc to set the scene.
  6. A true layout "on a plank"! Well done.
  7. Over the holidays I have been painting some ModelU3d figures for a new GWR autocoach featuring a Crimson Lake/gold lined livery:
  8. Well done Paul and Team - a great model railway exhibition!
  9. A couple of views from around the first day of the show: DSCF4894.AVI
  10. Thanks to everyone who came along to the Wexford Autumn Exhibition - we were very pleased with the turnout and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves hugely. See you again in Wexford for the Spring Exhibition 2024 on Sunday 5th May and Bank Holiday Monday 6th May 2024! Wexford MRC will be at the South Dublin Exhibition 2023 with newly refurbished "Scully's Dock" featuring early CIE Diesel trains among other liveries.
  11. "Llangollen" in N gauge had it's 11th public exhibition at the Bala (Wales) Model Show on 16/17th September 2023:
  12. Not long to the Wexford Autumn Exhibition. OO "Diesel Depot" will feature this time in British Rail Blue mode:
  13. Extruded polystyrene (XPS-100 or 300) works well and can be carved with a knife or hot-wire cutter. Wexford MRC used it for their O gauge "Little Siddington" with wall plaster as a top coat. This is very tough and ideal for the job being available from any DIY outlet.
  14. Don't forget your toothbrush...
  15. Lovely to see pictures of "Ballinagee". It features in Railway Modeller back in the 1980's too. John's layouts including "Rathmichael", "MacMine Junction" and "Scully's Dock" have all garnered awards and plaudits over the years. They are now being carefully conserved by Wexford MRC and will feature in the exhibition circuit each year in rotation.
  16. L-R authors Jonathan Beaumont, Barry Carse with Gerry Byrne and Alison Hallahan Wexford MRC.
  17. "Rathmichael" was on the exhibition circuit last year after some refurbishment. WMRC plan to do some work on "MacMine Junction" for next year's round of exhibitions. We are almost ready with a revamp of "Scully's Dock" and this will be shown at the Wexford Autumn Exhibition and at the South Dublin MRC Exhibition in October. All three layouts were made by John Walker.
  18. "Rails through Wexford" was duly launched! A pleasure to offer Jonathan, Barry and guests some Wexford hospitality. See you all at the Wexford Autumn Exhibition (8th October 2023) and the South Dublin MRC Exhibition (October Bank Holiday weekend).
  19. Great modelling. Are you planning to exhibit this layout?
  20. JHB - I will be at the library before 10:30 - what time do you expect to get to Wexford? Gerry
  21. Looking forward to welcoming the distinguished authors and guests to Wexford Library for the launch of "Rails through Wexford"! To coincide with the launch, Wexford MRC will have on display at their clubhouse two Award-winning OO layouts: "MacMine Junction" and "Rathmichael" (a typical South Wexford station layout). Gerry Byrne, Secretary, Wexford MRC
  22. The Belfast Exhibition was most enjoyable. Attached are a few photos of the event:
  23. Wexford Library have published their listing of events for August including the launch of "Rails Through Wexford". You will need to book a place to attend at: https://wexfordcoco.libcal.com/event/4067245 (only 38 places left - this could be a popular event!).
  24. Many of you will have seen the beautiful new book "Rails Through Wexford" by Jonathan Beaumont (jhb171achill of this parish) and Barry Carse. The book, which is published by Colourpoint Books, will be launched at Wexford Town Library on Friday 25th August 2023 at 11 am. The authors will be providing a talk and slide show on the subject matter. After that there will be time for questions and for book signings. Wexford Library usually requires participants to register on-line for their events (www.wexfordcoco.ie/libraries). Details will be provided as they come to hand. Wexford Model Railway Club CLG is pleased to have been in a position to assist with setting up this launch event. The club are custodians of two fine OO gauge layouts based on the South Wexford line: "Rathmichael" and "MacMine Junction" both built by renowned modeller John Walker. The scenic sections of these layouts will be available to view at the clubrooms by appointment after the book launch. Rails Through Wexford AI.pdf
  25. The 21 pins can easily be bent making replacement of decoders tricky...
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