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Everything posted by Irishrailwayman

  1. The only word for this layout is.. awesome. The sheer scale and ambition of those buildings and their authenticity is just amazing!
  2. Very becoming Dave!
  3. It is with much regret that the Committee of Wexford Model Railway Club have decided to cancel their planned Exhibition in May 2020. This obviously in light of the ongoing Covid-19 situation. All invitees have been apprised of this by e-mail. Thank you to all those who agreed to participate and hopefully once this situation is resolved we can all meet at Exhibitions in the future.
  4. Work is ongoing on LS over the last few months with more boards being prepared for scenery and lights added to buildings and around the station area:
  5. More detail is being added including Yard Lamps, security fencing, oil tanks, inspection platform etc.
  6. No longer used once IFI Arklow closed in 2002. All cut up or perhaps chassis repurposed I would imagine!
  7. Probably worth noting that many a worker died of lung diseases from such practices! S&H was put in place for very good reasons.
  8. Correct, Wexford MRC use the equivalent in O for fixed rakes of coaches but use 3-link or screw-link couplings to the locomotives with a magnetic rod or fine tweezers to lift the links onto/off the hooks. Goods wagons in O tend to use 3-link couplings in the same way allowing hand assisted shunting.
  9. Advance Notice for Wexford Model Railway Club's Annual Exhibition & O Gauge Festival: it is scheduled for Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th May (and not Easter as for the last 11 years)! Hope you can join us for a super exhibition of all that is great about our hobby. Invitations have been issued but everyone that would like to should contact us about attending. We are particularly looking for O Gauge layouts this year but any gauge/subject will be welcome. For more see: Wexford Exhibition We will keep you posted on developments closer to the event. A couple of views from last year's event to whet your appetite:
  10. More detail added to the engine shed plus all layout tested with locomotives and working perfectly: Additional detail in development on the fiddle-yard end of the layout:
  11. More detail added to depot shed and track is now "rusted" and ballast weathered:
  12. I believe this is correct!
  13. The new set-up looks like it is well worth a visit!
  14. Progress on track ballasting and concrete apron around engine shed:
  15. The 201s only got to Supertrain livery and spent their final days hauling ancient AEC stock on the then soon-to-be DART lines and to/from Maynooth asfaik.
  16. The 121 will have a sugar cube supplied as standard fitted facing into the open grille area. All you have to do to convert to DCC with/without sound is fit the 21-pin decoder.
  17. Paddy's DCC and DCC sound chips will match the PCB fitted so I don't think other chips will provide the functionality without re-programming.
  18. Started work on a Timber Tracks Signal Box kit to adorn Buffers Lock! The kit is presented as well as the others described above with good instructions and well fitting parts each group of which are supplied in separate bags for ease of identification.
  19. Apologies -content posted on wrong thread!
  20. Progress with concrete apron and painting shed:
  21. Working on adding a "concrete" apron around the depot shed using mounting card glued together with contact adhesive and stuck in place using PVA (which enables the card to be lifted without damage if ever the need arises). Also completed adding plastic strip to the shed and started painting it.
  22. Good progress on assembling the cattle dock now ready for painting (OO model pictured for size comparison):
  23. Starting work on the O gauge Cattle Dock from Timber Tracks. A simpler kit overall, nicely presented with parts in individual bags:
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