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Everything posted by Irishrailwayman

  1. Feel free to make an announcement at the Wexford Easter Exhibition!
  2. Little Siddington is booked to appear at the Wexford Easter Exhibition. Come and see what progress we have made!
  3. One of three bars on Ballybeg with a bit of a hooley going on and a couple of other line-side views:
  4. Ballybeg was influenced by Brian McCann's layout Ballyowen and work by John Walker including Ballinagee, Ballinagee Junction, Macmine Junction and Rathmichael. I made use of Alphagraphix card kits (more than 19) on the layout including both town and railway buildings. Other Irish touches include the use of stone arch bridges, footbridge from Hornby (which matches those used in Ireland), bi-lingual signs, P&T old-style telephone boxes, signals based on Irish prototypes etc.
  5. The Irish MK3 Resturant carriages were different in roof detail and window spacing. The models shown here used Lima donor coaches with MIR brass overlays to give the correct windows.
  6. Advance notice for Wexford Model Railway Club's 11th Easter Exhibition to be held Easter Sunday 21st April and Bank Holiday Easter Monday 22nd April 2019. Invitations are now being issued and applications are invited to join this annual celebration of all things great in Railway Modelling! More details will be posted as the exhibition line-up shapes up.
  7. Work is continuing on Little Siddington including finalising the platforms, adding four long head-shunts onto the fiddle-yard and test runs on a weekly basis:
  8. All done and best of luck!
  9. Diesel Depot is now equipped with a Re-fuelling Point and Oil Storage Tanks:
  10. Happy Christmas and great railway modelling and Exhibitions in 2019 to all!
  11. Many happy returns (better fix that roof quick, the snow is getting in)!
  12. The Diesel Depot workshop is taking shape with lighting up and running including in the yard tower lamps.
  13. Better be a good boy until then!
  14. The brickies have used engineers blue bricks to break up the row of arches and the workshop doors have a new paint job. The newness of the bricks has been toned down with a black wash:
  15. The old brick steam shed has been demolished and a new concrete/steel/glass Diesel Engine Shed is being erected in its place:
  16. One feature of the original Fry display was that every railway livery that ran in Ireland was shown. Will this be the case with the new set-up I wonder? This is particularly the case given the lack of a National Transport Museum in ROI.
  17. Code 75 track looks more like 21mm than Code 100 as seen on Wexford MRCs multi-gauge new test tracks!
  18. Presumably the older O gauge exhibits will be in glass cases? What rolling stock will be run in OO I wonder?
  19. I have fitted two Quad Tower Yard Lights (from Model Rail Baseboards) to Diesel Depot. One is being repaired by a technician with a good head for heights!
  20. Some more fun with mirrors! I have developed an overhead rail line at one end of Diesel Depot as a break point for the end of layout but with infinity perspectives:
  21. Now, now - you know what happened when I ventured into modelling overseas railways!
  22. The brickies have been in and completed the array of open and filled arches on Diesel Depot:
  23. Thank you. Yes the technique results in a flat/level running surface and the fiddle-yard bolts on accurately every time with rails perfectly lined up. Ideal when setting up at an exhibition etc.
  24. Diesel Depot receives my trade-mark mirrors at each end for an infinity/continuity illusion:
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