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Everything posted by Irishrailwayman

  1. The final details have been added and Diesel Depot is now complete and ready for exhibiting! I will post pictures of the layout in CIE, IR and IE mode over time.
  2. A couple of pics showing additional work completed on building the scenery base around the tracks:
  3. Get well real soon Noel. Hopefully see you at Easter Exhibition if not before.
  4. I have a separate thread regarding the development of the Diesel Depot layout (see: The layout is almost complete apart from some trees at the backscene. This new thread is to demonstrate the layout in its UK British Rail "blue" incarnation. A few photos of the layout with BR stock caught by some Spring sunshine this pm (including large logo Class 37 and a Class 08 on oil wagon shunting duties):
  5. The advantage of hot glue's rapid setting is that the top board is forced to take up and hold the flat surface of the computer precision cut of the supporting boards. The fibre-glass webbing and PVA provide back-up for the longer term but are not subject to too much strain.
  6. Don't fence me in! Diesel Depot gets a modern fence fitted with some more greenery (need to keep those grafitti artists out):
  7. A hot glue gun fixes the boards together in seconds.
  8. Its a form of builders expanded polystyrene (I must check the brand) that is very robust, doesn't crumble, yet is easily cut with a saw or a hot-wire tool. Plasterers cement is then used on top to form the landscape. The result is a rock-hard sub-stratum that is also very light! Finally, an emulsion paint will form the basis for the static-grassing stage.
  9. Much progress as we approach Easter with all ballasting now complete, main bus-bars complete and the fiddle-yard fully functioning. The outlines for all scenery is in place with fascia and back-boards fitted and plastering commenced:
  10. Hi, this is the configuration I drew up for my Shunters Yard layout (4 feet by 9 ins) with the 3-way point acting as a space saver (I have since included a fiddle-yard 2-foot long at one end to left of mirror): For my Diesel Depot layout I configured the track as follows with a double-slip as space saver with two other L/H points giving 6 sections to shunt locos/oil wagons around (again a 2-foot 2-road fiddle-yard has been added. This layout is 4.5 feet by 1 foot). Note that the mirror makes it look like I have two layouts back to back: Both layouts incorporate DCC sound, extensive lighting, Kadee uncoupling magnets buried under ballast and Z21 DCC controlled points on Diesel Depot.
  11. Many congratulations to MRSI prize winners at the Model Rail Scotland Glasgow Exhibition 2019 with their O gauge Irish outline lay-out "Ardmore". Well done lads! A few pics of the winning lay-out: Finally, members from Wexford MRC and South Dublin MRC were on-hand to celebrate:
  12. Photos, descriptions and prices for each item would be useful...
  13. I have added a small extension to the front of the layout to enable me to fit in a fencing system:
  14. Further progress with the installation of the second road bridge over the main lines and goods-yard head-shunt line. Parts for this scratch-built bridge were made by David McCabe using 3-D printing! A road-bed will be added shortly and the scenery banks completed ready for grassing etc.
  15. Fran, IRM are more than welcome to make any announcements at the Wexford Exhibition at Easter!
  16. Thanks Noel, drop over and see DD some time soon. I plan to show it at Enniskillen in September. Not long to the Wexford Exhibition at Easter where I plan to show my Llanuwchllyn layout.
  17. Thank you. The lifting jacks, caged gas cylinders and coolant trollies are by Bachmann with other fittings included in the Hornby depot kit. The re-fuelling point is by Knightwing and the Oil Tanks are by Ratio. This is still a work-in-progress and additional details will be added including people and overhanging trees above the arches...
  18. Don't bank on it...
  19. More progress on Little Siddington in preparation for the Exhibition at Easter 2019 in Wexford. Plans are in place also to exhibit at the Ulster MRC Exhibition at end-August 2019. Note that the electrical connections are being simplified for transport by putting panel plugs/sockets on each board to be connected by flying cables during set-up! The work on the fiddle-yard has since been completed also and a second bridge and signals are in preparation off-site. So, a photographic tour up and down the line:
  20. Architectural modelling at it's best!
  21. Might be rust marks from rainfall?
  22. See https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/141585-british-model-railway-awards-2018-the-winners/page-1 Well done to Accurascale who won 3rd place in OO/4 mm wagon category with honourable mention for the Tara wagons. Dapol did well with their Pannier Tanks winning the O gauge categories.
  23. Love the backscene - is that Glen of the Downs? Great lights on that train too!
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