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Everything posted by Irishrailwayman

  1. Sorry for your loss Sir.
  2. Wexford Model Railway Club visited Cultra with a group of 13 of us travelling by coach. Very impressed with all the layouts and setting for the exhibition. Well done to all involved. A couple of pics for the record:
  3. Thanks guys. The width of the scenic section is 4.5 feet by 9 inches (in old money!). The idea is to have a fictitious but interesting layout to be easily transported to exhibitions to show off a selection of locomotives. I plan to use the new Z21 tablet controller including DCC slow-action points in order to operate the layout from the front or back. This would allow more direct interaction with the public as young people particularly react positively when they see a model railway operated by technology interfaces that they relate to!
  4. Some progress with development of an outline design for the back-scene with multiple open/closed brick arches and bridge access to the fiddle-yard.
  5. Noel, I have a Lokprogrammer that you are welcome to borrow to have a tinker around with if you want. Gerry
  6. I understood that no trade was attending but I could be wrong?
  7. Some fun at the Kilkenny Model Show where Wexford Model Railway Club put up three layouts among all the farm models:
  8. Word has it that MM121 will be out at Easter 2018!
  9. Kilkenny Model Show is on at The Hub, Old Dublin Road (R712), Kilkenny at 11am -6pm on Sunday 4th November. Last year there was a great buzz there with most exhibits being of farms. Wexford Model Club attended to promote modelling railways. We are attending again this year with Slaney Valley, Shunters Yard and Ballyredmond. Come along to support us if you are in the area!
  10. I think Cultra is on every second year? Well worth visiting the museum alone as there are railway displays (including No 800 Maedb), trams and vintage cars (including a De Lorean gull-winged car).
  11. Lovely job on a unique livery.
  12. Good job on a Q Kit - they were quite difficult metal kits with many bits and pieces!
  13. Interesting to see the green A Class with the black/tan carriages!
  14. Enniscorthyman won the Thomas Train-set in the raffle!
  15. Totally agree. The complex track-work on Little Siddington is based on the classic GWR/BR WR prototype stations between Bristol and South Wales. Obviously in time we will be adding more detail including working semaphores and scenery. Showing the lay-out as a work-in-progress allows us to explain how we put the innovative base-boards/electronics together (before they get covered), road-test the layout as well as getting feedback from modellers and the public.
  16. We varied the locos each day for variety but did run steam BR and GWR Panniers, Prairie and an A4 Sir Nigel Gresley as part of the roster. The idea of showing Little Siddington through its various phases of development is to demonstrate to those interested the techniques deployed. The early stages allow us to discuss how the innovative base-boards were made, the electrics/electronics (while they are still visible), the track layout (based on classic Bristol-South Wales pattern) and the foundations for the scenery. Going to exhibitions allows us to also road-test the layout and get feed-back as we progress. We got a very positive response from the public and modellers alike at the exhibition including comments which we can take on-board. The layout was started in February 2018 and a lot of progress has been made since last Easter when we showed it at the Wexford Exhibition. Much progress is anticipated before we next show it at Easter 2019 in Wexford, Belfast in August next and the South Dublin Exhibition next October.
  17. Since Easter, a small but active team at Wexford have kept up the work and the layout was shown at Crosshaven in August. Since then much progress has been made. The layout will be shown at the Dublin Exhibition at end-October as a work-in-progress. Come and see how far we have got!
  18. Early in 2018 Wexford Model Railway Club started an ambitious project to develop a modular exhibition layout in O gauge. New techniques were deployed for building base-boards using Scandinavian 6mm birch-ply hot-glued to the baseboard which are then strengthened with glass fibre/PVA. Advanced wiring and custom electronic control boards were used. Simple but robust trestles were developed which fold flat. A couple of photos for the record: By Easter 2018, the early stages of the project were in place and exhibited at the Wexford Exhibition:
  19. As part of the Wexford Festival Opera season, Wexford Model Railway Club are holding their annual Club-room Open Day on Sunday 28th October 2018 from Noon to 5 pm. The new Test Tracks (O, OO - code 75 and code 100 - and N gauge), a selection of model railways including OO Scully's Dock, N Cynwyd, OO Kids' Interactive and a display by East London MRG. Refreshments with tea/coffee and delicious cakes will be available. Admission is free but donations will be accepted. The club-rooms are next to the St Joseph's Community Centre, Whiterock, Wexford Town. We are two hours drive from South Dublin, so if you have time after the MRSI Exhibition, come along to our Open Day.
  20. Perhaps he got a bum steer? Love the old Irish script writing on the sign!
  21. Is that not the Easter Weekend?
  22. Whitehead Museum with its collection of steam and diesel locomotives with vintage carriages and many other railway exhibits is well worth a visit for getting inspiration for your Irish models! Wexford Model Railway Club visited there on 29th September 2018 and attached are a few photos. Thanks to all staff and volunteers there for a memorable experience. Definitely to be recommended!
  23. A couple of shots from around what proved to be a very enjoyable exhibition (the 20th by Erne MRC). Well done to everyone involved.
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