Edit: Flying Snail, as mentioned by...well...Flying Snail...
Maedb looked to have received a fresh coat of paint in the early 60s following her preservation (though its hard to track what went on exactly).
No longer technically being an in service CIE locomotive, she received no snail. The G S was a Cultra addition.
I'd be very interested in any additional photographs, audio, history, etc, that the Lads have gathered to bring the models to life. It's interesting to see a clearer image of the photo of an out of service B1a at Glanmire Road shed. This featured in A Second Glance as being Tailte, but the clearer scan shows it's almost certainly Macha, which fits much better with the evidence, as there are several other photos of 801 at the shed during the late 50s.
The class was somewhat camera shy it seemed, Tailte by far the most, strange considering she racked up the highest mileage of the three!
I'll be selling off a rake of British stuff to help pay for them!