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Everything posted by banntry

  1. Pictures of Bantry Goods Shed - much guess work as very little info.
  2. Lovely Modelling
  3. Excellent modelling all round. The roof looks perfect to my eyes-corrugated material has so many variations. Keep up the good work.
  4. ok will bend the rules!
  5. What flavour cone?!
  6. Sleaford Exhibition Saturday June 1st 10am-4pm St George's Academy, Westgate, Sleaford NG34 7PP
  7. Top level modelling. Great detail.
  8. That stonework is excellent. Great method of disguising joints. Will try that on Bantry next time we have stonework to do.
  9. Thanks folks. The pier was painted first with, I believe , Ronseal stain and varnish and when dry rubbed down. You could also use Sleeper Grime or Frame Dirt This was then over weathered with Ranger Indusries Distress Paint (from art/craft shops) shade is Weathered Wood! After this has dried the green (Daler Rowney Pastel 363 Tint 4) was rubbed over in varying strengths with a finger. Hope this helps.
  10. Pics of Bantry taken at last Weds club night by member Peter Daly. Bantry team is Mick, Chris (trailers), Geoff, Peter, myself John (Banntry) with occasional help from Chris 2. Other members have assisted at various times. We only has my DMU's available to run as Mick was away last week, with more stock it would have looked even better!.
  11. that's looking really nice
  12. Very effective for such a small space-well done.
  13. I agree-great realism with the houses. Just looks "right".
  14. Excellent job on the houses-looking forward to seeing the finished "estate" !
  15. Superb modelling all round-keep it up!
  16. You can get days when it is very difficult to raise enough "go" to begin modelling but I find with me it does not last long. Setbacks happen but we have a great hobby and 99% of the time I find enough projects to keep me going. I do most of my buildings on the dining table (very understanding wife !) . I have a large garage but like your shed its extremely cold right now. Spring will soon be here!
  17. Thanks for that- the few photos we have confirm a wooden building so that's a good start! I hope to have lighting inside to show as much interior detail as poss.
  18. This is coming on nicely
  19. Bantry Goods Shed Early pics of Bantry Goods Depot under construction. Very few details known about the depot , hence some educated guess work employed.!
  20. Much dribble over the J15- ruined two jumpers already! It certainly looks a great model.
  21. Mod Roc or plaster bandage is a great scenery starter-this is looking like a good start to the layout.
  22. Really impressive all round
  23. Thanks folks
  24. Latest building under construction is the large goods shed-still some way to go on this. Thought I would post a couple of photos of a weathered mineral wagon. The method used is based on ideas by Gordon Gravett and Martyn Welch
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