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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Here we go......
  2. Bear with me friends.... I have just weathered it with a wide fitch, dry brushed to simulate the sooty, Smokey conditions of a 1950s goods yard. I'm really pleased with it and photos will follow.
  3. Very informative comments there David. I've given it another coat with some shading of darker greys. Nothing too strong. I think I will leave it alone for a while and move on to other things, this will give me time to see how it looks as the drying paint dulls down.
  4. Dart8118, Thanks for that, including the picture. There are several challenges with this roof, compared to the smaller lean-to. The vast area, combined with skylights make it difficult to maintain a consistent acceptable finish. Finally, I am so critical of my work that if i don't feel that it is right, it won't be.
  5. Yes indeed, slate and asbestos are two different colours. I got this colour today which is very close to what I'm after. It is a cement/concrete colour and this is a first coat, without weathering.....
  6. The roof in the background is slate, the goods store was asbestos.
  7. Not pleased with previous coverings, I tried this one today......
  8. I think that is the problem, using a small artists brush on a 'panel by panel's basis has restricted the natural colour effect. I'll go to the paint store and pick up a larger brush (a painter's 'fitch is what I need)
  9. To be honest, I'm still not convinced....
  10. If you say so.....
  11. Noel, Thanks, welcome comments. Can anyone give me their opinion of a sample piece of the roof I painted today, bearing in mind it is a corrugated asbestos roof - feedback please.
  12. David, I'm looking into having an authentic backscene photographed and printed. I'm sure its possible. The Omagh skyline in this area has not really changed at this location. I just need to check out who can print it. As for the 'proscenium arch' and lighting, they will be last on my list 'to do'.
  13. Nice contrasting stone and sky, Omagh Goods Store progresses on .......
  14. Thanks David, the final challenge is the painting of the asbestos roof.
  15. I desperately need the numbers 1955 for a small panel that was cemented to the front wall of Omagh Goods Store. Can anyone help? It's not that I'm miserable but it's a waste of cash. If you can supply I don't mind returning the favour.
  16. Primer coat applied to rear UTA roof
  17. This weekend I slated the large UTA transport building roof using fine card that came from old Metcalfe card kits. I cut strips to represent rows of slates and simply glued them down, overlapping each row. I finished the roof with ridge tile. I haven't had time to paint yet but I may scribe tile vertical lines into the strips to be more authentic. Will post pics after painting.
  18. Goods Store office secured in place, lead flashing complete and awaiting chimney pot! Incidently, the last Chief Clerk in this office, Paddy McAloon was my next door neighbour until he passed away a few years back.
  19. Patrick, Thanks for that. I have to paint a small section of blockwork to the extreme left of shot and then I'm ready to start working on all roof surfaces
  20. Stone painting almost complete.....
  21. Leslie, the longest siding ran through the entire length of the store, amd had room for four wagons outside the front door. I'll keep Dundalk informed.
  22. Progress moves to the front entrance to the Goods Store and Goods Office. Soon the stonework will be complete and I'll start slating the UTA store roof aboslating
  23. Lovely train on a long straight, emerging from a curve- love it
  24. Reminds me of a summer spent in Wicklow, lovely
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