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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. SOLD
  2. GNRi1959

    N gauge

    Galteemore, I was using meths and it seems to be pretty good. Anyway, I have packed the locos and wagons away and actually started winding up my modelling.
  3. GNRi1959

    N gauge

    Union Mills 4-4-0 T9 - Union Mills BR 0-6-0 - Graham Parish 2-6-4Tank with a range of goods wagons and cattle wagons.
  4. GNRi1959

    N gauge

    John, To be honest, I have really got model railways out of my system. Although I live in a 1950s house with 11 rooms and a huge attic, I have never had a dedicated railway room. My shed, with its insulated walls, has now become my workspace and where my tools are stored. The one final project I would like to try is a coffee table layout, if I can source a suitable table, otherwise i will make one.
  5. GNRi1959

    N gauge

    Thanks David for your response, the loco's are tender driven and the wheel are so difficult to keep clean also. The difficulty with N gauge, having found out the hard way, is the fact that the size makes it difficult to handle, uncouple, clean and see!
  6. GNRi1959

    N gauge

    I guess then it is temperature that is the problem. In my shed, which is insulated and dry, track tends to change colour even before it is laid.
  7. GNRi1959

    N gauge

    Having spent some time modelling in N gauge, I managed to build a nice simply layout for my grandson that allows him to run locos and wagons around a loop with a siding. I was very cautious with my spending as N gauge is no cheaper than OO gauge. I was quite disappointed by the amount of cleaning N gauge requires, perhaps the dirt and grime gathers more in smaller scales but I found myself cleaning the track almost every time I wanted to run locos. Anyway, I intend to return to some sort of OO gauge modelling when time allows.
  8. In that case, I'll stay away from Facebook. My wife ignores me all the time, she is so busy nattering with her friends.
  9. Very good. I had a great run with a couple of Carpentry apprentices - 5 x Consequtive NI Final Golds - 3 x UK Final Golds - One European Gold and 8th in World Final. I was assistant training manager for a few months before I left the scene.
  10. I was thinking about starting a Facebook group to post some pictures of Omagh, hoping to draw on locals who like that sort of thing. I know nothing about Facebook, so do I need to open an account before I start the group ?
  11. Well, If I have to be honest, I was on a wind down for the few years leading up to my final decision. When they introduced remote teaching for my Carpenter students, I knew it was time to go!
  12. Were you involved in SkillBuild or Skills competitions at all?
  13. I took early retirement 31st January after 43years of work. A majority of that time in training and teaching in our local college. I must say that railway modelling has been pushed totally aside as my shed now is home for chop saw, jig saws, carpenters tools and timber! I've been making garden furniture to order - photos below, the bottom one is a childs! So although I am having a ball, I do miss a bit of modelling. Hope everyone is taking care, enjoying the weather and staying safe. Tony
  14. I can't believe how excited I was back then to take delivery of my shed. I spent many happy days in there working on various projects and models. Just a point of interest, three years on there hasn't been one single sign of mould, damp, decay or condensation. It has been bone dry - summer and winter. The shed has still got quite a few pieces of stock shelved away but is now being turned into a nice little workshop. I have started sharpening my tools again and this week take delivery of a chop saw. No railway modelling but some exciting woodworking projects in mind! This is the first time I have posted here in months.
  15. No harm done, all sold
  16. Considering they cost around £12-14 each and are as new, they are a bargain. I don't like seeing things lie around un-used
  17. Sold - thank you
  18. Lambeg Man, - they are ALL electrofrog EXCEPT one - NOT a mix as you describe. They are gone already so I presume you were not interested anyway.
  19. All are £5 each or £30 the lot Postage uk 5 ROI £8 All are in Excellent condition, were tacked down to test but never blasted. Used for a few weeks and lifted, in original packs
  20. BACHMANN cast Irish signal cabin in excellent condition. One of the finials is broken on the point of the roof fascia but is minor. Apart from that it's a nice model in a box. £40 postage uk only £5 ROI £8
  21. The problem with Omagh library is that their exhibitions and displays run for a short period and are replaced throughout the year. Headhunters provide a permanent, safe home. This will kick-start my N-gauge(non-irish) layout plans.
  22. Omagh Goods Yard has been purchased by Headhunters Museum, Enniskillen and will be in permanent display there from Tuesday of this coming week. The model will be displayed with a range of GN rolling stock.
  23. In that case, why in earth would you commit to buy nothing more than an expensive CIE waterslide badge? My move to N gauge will be purely N gauge, I've no plans to start readying, respraying or scratch building anything else.
  24. Did any of this stuff ever run in Ireland? JB, I plan on enjoying N gauge for what it is - go Irish and it's going nowhere!
  25. Warb, theres something magical about this entire project, the realism, detail, atmosphere, feeling and sheer dedication. I take me hat off to you!
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