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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Probably is a misguided description as it states 'N-Class' not N-gauge'.......
  2. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RARE-CIE-2-6-0-Irish-Green-N-Class-Loco-Tender-Murphy-Models-Bachmann/333613986591?hash=item4dacf1731f:g:FtEAAOSwWPley9es Currently on eBay - I'm starting to build an N-gauge layout but this would have no interest to me.
  3. Bay are aware of similar scams and refuse to do anything about it.
  4. Fantastic, amazing - what more can I say!
  5. By the way I wouldn't sell on Ebay - ever again! In February I sold a Canon 800D camera and 2 lenses (as new-two months old) for £675. Without going into the detail, I was scammed out of BOTH the goods and had to pay a further £675 PayPal chargeback - a grand total of £1350 - ouch!
  6. What sort of prices do OO Works locos command at the moment. I have a UG and U Class that are basically in a box since they arrived and have only ran round a loop twice. They are back in their boxes and I don't think they will ever see a OO layout again. They are as new, I am not formally putting them up for sale but primarily just throwing out the question.
  7. A new Graham Farish 2-6-4T Fairburn Tank is on the way to add to my 0-6-0 and growing wagon stock.
  8. They look rather distressed but it was my Halford spray coming to an end........
  9. Thanks JB, here's two more I have done using Dapol unpainted wagons. What I plan in doing is using these wagons to form some sort of a redundant siding- post closure.
  10. Mike, To be honest, I was quite pleased with them. If only I could get the hand of those tiny waterslide transfers! Tony
  11. A rather crude attempt at looking remotely GNRi - and I make no claims that either of these are anywhere similar. Just a bit of 'lockdown' fun spraying two Peco wagons with Halfords Light Grey primer and lining with Railtec Transfers. So difficult under the best of lighting and having to get my daughter to show me where things were on the transfer sheet - I could just about see things. Still, fun and nothing to be taken too seriously. Would I do it again - N-gauge wagons are expensive enough without mucking around with them!
  12. JB, I ordered N-gauge GN freight transfers on Tuesday and got the Thursday! railtecmodels@gmail.com
  13. Angus, I actually placed an order this morning, thank you. Take Care
  14. Would you say that this was close in style to the Jeep https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GRAHAM-FARISH-N-GAUGE-372-750-LMS-BLACK-2-6-4T-FAIRBURN-2691-STEAM-LOCO/133381299638?epid=22011170121&hash=item1f0e251db6:g:ECMAAOSwtANejEbY
  15. I think I have contributed enough to the Irish modelling cause. I have a OO gauge model of Omagh on display in the local Station Centre and have also completed a OO model of the Omagh Goods Yard, which should be on display after lockdown, I hope. With that in mind, Im diverting my attention to modelling N-gauge with no location in mind and I am purchasing a selection of the wagons that catch my eye and thatI'd love to see being hauled by my Class 700 Union Mills 0-6-0.
  16. Another thought, can you actually buy N scale Irish GN waterslide transfers from Railtec or elsewhere?
  17. Don't worry, i'll not be painting anything. If I do, it will be a rake a rake of open wagons done in Halfords grey primer sprays!
  18. Dave, Are these pieces CIE badged or genuine Irish prototypes? T
  19. To be honest, I have had my fill of modifying, scratch-building etc. Maybe I should just move my N gauge interest over to the N-Gauge forum and continue there. Jonathan, I read with interest your in-depth scenario which was appreciated.I think it has to be, pain free, scratch-built free and off the shelf- RTR.
  20. Having done nothing for over a year in the modelling scene I started to miss the thrill for moving locomotives and trains again. Last week I bought and fell completely in love with the Union Mills C Class 700 0-6-0 locomotive which I bought from Colin in Union Mills, Isle of Man. I cannot even get a piece of n-gauge track at the moment anywhere so I started reading about the possibilities of N. This morning I came up with an idea that may or may not be feasible..... A layout based on what Omagh might be like, if it still had a railway running through it today. Now you can just imagine that all those beautiful stone buildings would be gone and replaced with modern platforms, shelters and buildings. So if I use the mainline track plan and assume that there was still a bit of a goods yard, I could use the same track layout and just bring the buildings all up to date. No harm to the people of Fermanagh but my guess would be that Derry to Belfast train operations would have continued and the Enniskillen line out of Omagh would never had been kept. Thats the idea/plan........ Now the big question for all you experts out there is.... is there anything in N gauge that remotely looks Irish? I await your views, Tony
  21. The local library are exhibing the model over the month of February, the 55th anniversary of closure of the GNRi at Omagh. They are currently sourcing a lockable glass display case from the various branches to secure it.
  22. One potential buyer declined because they did not have the space to store it.
  23. Would anyone make a stab at the value of this model - I mean, if I were to sell to a local historical society, with all rolling stock and two OO Works locos? Don't post here but please PM.
  24. If I do anything it will be N gauge so when the grandchildren call they can have some fun too!
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