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Everything posted by dropshort105

  1. I think you and I are on the same mission.
  2. Guys, Does anybody know where I could find one of these to help this lady out.
  3. That is beautiful, I am about to start one myself, scratch build superstructure on a fiberglass hull which I found on eBay, Can I ask how you did those double rivet lines on the hull , they look fantastic. By the way, there are four episodes on Vital Spark on YouTube I watched them last weekend. Regards Mark.
  4. Hi Freda, there is a shop in the Stock Market Arcade in Gorey who deal in retro toys and trains, they might be able to help you out, I don't have any more details but somebody on here will. Regards Mark.
  5. Watching it right now, great stuff
  6. Shapeways are all there is for n, they are tricky, I played around with them a couple of years ago, gave them away in the end. Best to start with the a or c class, the hand rails on the GMs are impossible.
  7. I have done B113 black/ yellow board, I would love to do one in every livery, it a pity that there were more livery's than locos lol.
  8. I have seen N gauge layouts, some look really great, but using ready to run stock, it is kit bashing Irish stuff that caused my frustration, the shape ways stuff is nice, but of course I was trying to fit loco lights and all that, I'm sure had I kept it simple I would have had more success, mettcalfe buildings looked really good, I just got annoyed with the finiky engineering.
  9. I'm fairly sure that I have one knocking about somewhere, not sure what kind of knick its in, I have some shapeways loco bodies too, a few points, coaches, some wagons, tiny little cars too, I played around with N Gauge a couple of years back and gave up out of frustration, just too bloody small for me to work with, anyhoo, yours if 1, I can find them 2,if you want them.
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