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Colin R

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Everything posted by Colin R

  1. Right had a gathering up of my Irish Standard gauge kits and they are as follows:- 2 S class 4-4-0 Tender locos 1T2 class4-4-2T 1 E class 0-6-0T 1 GNR 20T Brake van kit Plus for some unknown reason a spare GNR Tender kit 2018 will, subject to me having the cash, will see me purchase a few more Irish kits from SSM :- 1 J15 and 1 'Bandon' Tank are both on that list. There are a few others which I will get my hands on a couple of those Bachmann 4-4-2T tanks which some one on here done some wonderful convertions on. I have also forgotten the number of old 4mm scale bogie coaches I have to convert to Irish types well they are the old Farish bogies coaches which will do for now as temporary stand in stock. Then there is the good stock, which I don't have a great deal of at present, but I hope to improve on that side of things next year as well. Colin
  2. Oh Mayner I wished you hadn't have posted that link for 4mm Industrial locos, it is one of my true weakness's I also have another link to share http://www.modelrailways.tv/4mm-scale-page1.html This also has industrial steam, I have a feeling there are a couple of other 4mm scale Industrial loco manufactures out there as well, but I don't have a link for them at the moment . I haven't found a kit or a model that looks anything like the pair of locos at Down Patrick any one have a suggestion? Regards Colin
  3. You are so right when it comes to heritage and preservation, it is one thing to look at Thomas the Tank as a away to bring in the money but heritage groups also have a a duty of care for the items they hold, I suspect you would have mass apoplexy if some one painted a GWR pannier tank in BR lined blue or some other modern livery such as purple and white, as you say John, it only takes one mistake before some one else thinks that is the correct way of things. While we can't due to various Health and Safety Regulations can't use Red or White Lead in our paints anymore we do need to try even harder to get the correct shade of colour as used on a locomotive during it days while it was working. As an example and I am sure this is not right, recently I was told that the GNR(I) only adopted the Blue livery after some one from the Caledonian Railway decided to move to Ireland with some spare paint, I don't think for one moment that is true, but that is the sort of story which make things so much more difficult for later generations to work out what is historically correct, also I don't think the old CR and the GNR(I) blue are the same shade anyway. As for the your kit Wrennerie I think on one of the other forums ( RM Web???) some one was asking if anyone had one for sale as I am not sure if they are still available. Regards Colin
  4. Well just had a great surprise, I was looking for something else and came across two small white boxes, blew the dust off and low and behold some old long lost SSM kits. they are an GNR S class A T2 class loco and a GNR(i) 20 ton Brake van. No wheels or motors for any of the kits, but that is not a problem as they can be got from Branchlines in the UK. I was not sure when I started getting into the Irish Model scene but it appears I got them back in 1989, I wonder if this is record for the longest a kit has not been made up? Colin
  5. Hi Guys excuse me if I have put this in wrong section, may be the mod could move it if it is, but I came across this on a website auction site http://www.gcrauctions.com/index.html They have a few Irish bits for sale I am not selling any of them by the way just putting this up for anyone's interest. http://www.gcrauctions.com/sale237/lot186.html It is an ex NCC loco number plate http://www.gcrauctions.com/sale237/lot194.html Another item of interest http://www.gcrauctions.com/sale237/lot260.html Regards Colin
  6. A nice collection of bit there Eoin
  7. Hi Gerhard You don't have to be embarrassed Gerhard there is just so much stuff out there on the shelf as such, that there is very little point in trying to make the bits that do the work, but to use that time to make the the pretty bits we all look at. As for the white metal castings these can still be purchased from the 5.5mm Society from Mike Savage at:- http://www.5andahalf.info/pdf/prices.pdf email him on m.savage80@ntlworld.com The loco kit itself from Worsley Works http://www.worsleyworks.co.uk/NG/NG_Irish.htm As for wheels & axles I would suggest Markits:- http://www.markits.com/ The catalogue can take up some time to look through so make sure you have a cup of Tea or Coffee to hand before you start Motors and gear boxes can be obtained from Brian at Branchlines sadly he has no website but you can contact him at the following email address:- Brian Osborne on sales@branchlines.com Ask him to send you his downloadable motor and gearbox sheet, I think you will find a lot of information on it Another supplier of motors and drive units is Nigel Lawton 009 at http://www.nigellawton009.com/VeeTipper.html These aren't the only suppliers out there, I am sure there are others, But I have not dealt with anyone else so far. Some one who may be able to help out is Roxey Mouldings at http://www.roxeymouldings.co.uk/ or dave@roxeymouldings.co.uk In the case of useful research to help fellow modellers I have come across this:- http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/1121-motors-and-gearboxes-notes-on-types-and-uses/ I haven't read it but it looks useful For gearboxes have a look at this site:- http://www.djhmodelloco.co.uk/motors-gearboxes-oo-ho-scale/ One last place to look at is the 3SMR site:- http://www.3smr.co.uk/motors.html As you can see so much of it is now made it is just a case of working out what you want and buying it all in. 3SMR are one of the places I get my 12mm gauge axles from Hope this lot helps Colin
  8. OK not sure how this is going to work out but here goes I have taken some photos in not ideal conditions I may add but these are the Mike Chinery Bogies as you now get them I hope these help. In the kit you get the main bogie casting itself two side frames a motor mount casting and some etchings for the flyweights. Colin
  9. I have tried looking for those bogies, but I must have put them in a safe place, as I can't find them at the moment.
  10. This is a most impressive build
  11. Should I ever get around to it I would love to have both a class 52 and a class 60 if that does not muddy the waters Colin
  12. If I recall they are a complete casting and you have to fit the axles through the sides at the same time as you fit the wheels and gearing, I am thinking about use Nigel Lawton parts instead small but powerful can motors and drive belts I have seen these in action and they are very quiet, you can see the details here:- http://www.nigellawton009.com/VeeTipper.html Colin
  13. just in case anyone needed one Lidi's are sell hot glue guns not sure if they are selling them everywhere but just to give you guys the heads up. Colin
  14. Hi Guys Yes Mike did stopped making the bogies and a lot of other things as well, But you can still buy the kits from Mike Savage at:- http://www.5andahalf.info/pdf/prices.pdf email him on m.savage80@ntlworld.com I am not sure how much they are now since I got mind a few year ago, due to not have anyone to make them up you have to buy your own motors, axles, gears, wheels etc to complete the kit, I only purchase the white metal castings hence why they are not yet made up. If you want to get all the other bits all at once you can contain Brian of Branchlines Brian Osborne on sales@branchlines.com Sadly they don't have a website which is up to date but they will supply data sheets of there range if you ask for them which is loco kits narrow gauge 00n3, motors, gear boxes and wheels on another and standard gauge brass coach kits which I think could be use as a basis to make up a few odd Irish prototypes of years gone by. my bits are in the shed so I will try and dig them out tomorrow. Colin
  15. Thanks for the tips can you explain more about how you made the Jig? and what did you use and how did you go about making it I could do with one of them for all my kits, I have been buying all the bits to do all three of these in 00n3 I have three sets of White metal bogies, but it is suggested you use bigger size that scale wheels in them, I am not convinced about that, so I will be buying 9mm dia wheel sets as opposed to the 10.5mm size as suggested by the bogie manufacture.
  16. Thank Wrenneire, that's about £35.00 over here, so that would be kiddies intro first train set price. time to avoid them like the Plague.
  17. Not that I am interest (to modern for me) but what is a good price for them? or more to the point what will you guys pay for them just in case I see any at the up coming shows over the next few months. Colin
  18. That is the one thank you for your help Colin
  19. Sorry I think it was an old MGWR 2-4-0 Tender type and it was going to be released in two versions as built and as rebuilt at Inchicore, I think the kit was been developed in New Zealand? I hope this narrow is down a bit more. Regards Colin
  20. Hi Guys On the old site there was a thread about a new 4mm scale Brass steam loco kit can any one tell me what if any up dates have happen since? Colin
  21. Hi guys is it just me or has the site had a make over since my last visit? it looks good by the way
  22. Hi Guys Not sure if you have come across this company before http://www.unitmodels.com/index.php?id_lang=1&id_category=3&controller=category&n=114 I suspect you don't want to end up doing the same stuff. Regards Colin
  23. Thanks Tony that will help a great deal thanks
  24. I guess that is what I will end up having to do. The details I do have don't match up with some of the photos I have. They make the whole building look to long and thin for it to look right in any of the photos, I have a feeling this is going to be one of just hope it look near enough builds.
  25. While I can get a general size of each building from the details I have. It is so much harder to try and work out the size of such things as windows.
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