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Colin R

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Everything posted by Colin R

  1. Not always, but it depends on the amount of detail you have and if you can spray the coat thin enough to cover the base colour, but thick enough to show the colour you want with out colour bleed from the old base colour. I know some people don't want the hassle of paint stripping, but the other thing is sometimes you do not always know what type of paint you have on your model and if you apply the wrong type it all comes up like an orange peel or worse.
  2. Colin R

    New Irish Lines

    Latest issue with me (May 2017), I am now looking at it, wow this is a lot better that the last issue I have. he could do with more copy so I see any one got any articles they want to publish?
  3. Yes the more you look the more you think ah that would make a nice model, and before you know it you have counted up to fifty odd locos.
  4. Hi Blaine I do take your point about them not being kits per sa but, until someone comes up with all the bits in a kit then I think for now this is as close as we shall get. I will say one thing about them and that is it takes the hard work out of getting the body looking right Hi D I was not aware that he was doing so many GS&WR 6 wheel coaches, without having photos of them in front of me, I am not sure if they are the same type of coaches you produce. Plus he has done an NIR Parcel van sides for someone now so that is new. Talking of new kits D have you got anything new planned for the coming months? Colin
  5. Hi guys I am sure some of you know this already, but I have not visited this site for a while and low and behold some new carriage kits have appeared. http://www.worsleyworks.co.uk/4mm/4mm_Irish_Standard_Gauge.htm While I am still waiting that a WT might appear its good to know that if we have the drawings Allen had said he can make a kit from them. I saw some NCC wagon drawings on the web the other day, cant for the life of me recall who put them there, I was just wondering if it would be worth me asking him to do a couple of them? Colin
  6. Hi Jhb, yes I agree with you about the new Irish line Magazine, I have been aware of it for some time, but have only just renewed after a bit of a break. Colin
  7. GSR book turned up today so now I am looking for three locomotive classes the Kerry Bogie, class 52 and finally the class 60. One other loco type which I think is worth modelling and that is the class 47 0-4-4T I am sure I have seen some drawings of them somewhere.
  8. Thanks for that Richie they are most useful sites and have been added to the research file. Colin
  9. put me down for one Colin
  10. I have got the supplement which only has a drawing for a class 60 but not the GSWR 0-6-0 Can you let me have more details about the 0-6-0 such as what was it class and if you know the builder, I will start a search for some works drawings. Colin
  11. Hi there was the download part of the magazine? or is that at a different web address? Just found the Irish supplement so that can be added to the list. Colin
  12. The only Irish calendar I have ever had was one about the Irish Mythical Kings and Queens, some really good art work as I recall, wished I had kept it. Any one got a shot of what they look like? just to wet the whistle as they say. Colin
  13. The stuff I have is 99% pure, I have tried it on both metal and plastic and it works on those he only problem I see it might have when mixed with other chemicals is that is might only be about 5 to 10% pure which in nothing and it may mean having to soak your model in that for a couple of days to work. If after you have tried everything and it still has not moved, let us know and we shall work out what to do next, even if you have to send me the thing to get stripped. Colin
  14. Hi Pete You might find this link of some use, I used to give this out to my students when I was trying (being the operative word) to teach them how to solder and what was available. http://www.finescale.org.uk/index.php?route=information/information&information_id=30 Colin
  15. What is the base model metal or plastic? you can try getting hold of some industrial strength alcohol or better known as IPA Isopropanol, some chemists will sell it to you, it should not be that expensive it goes for about £7.00 (about 8 Euros) per liter. Just make sure you use it with fresh air or the door open. I have used cotton bud's to take off any last remaining bits of some of my kits, it is also advisable to keep a larger than you need plastic screw lid and airtight container to use as a paint stripping chamber, I used one of the old green or brown lidded (SPC) fresh fruit in liquid containers for most of my models but with some of the bigger and longer bits I will need to find something else which has a reasonable size hole in the top for getting bits in and out of. A word of warning do not use a drinks or soft plastic contain as it sometimes leaks, make sure it is a hard plastic container. Finally all you need to do is put about 10mm or so (not all of it in one go) of the liquid in the chamber pot with the model inside screw lid on and give it a gentle swirly to cover the whole model and leave overnight. The following day take an old toothbrush or cotton buds and paper kitchen towel drain the model for a moment from the container and then place model on the kitchen towel, you should be able to start to remove the paint from you kit with the old tooth brush, cotton buds and or a second piece of kitchen roll, depending on how bad it is you might need to dip the kit in it again. Do not dispose of the alcohol down the drain as you can keep it in the container, it does not matter what colour it is, as it will continue to work until it has dried up or you replace it with a bit of fresh alcohol in the container. Hope this helps Colin
  16. Hi all I know a lot of us have email names on here, but I was wondering if Tim Cramer was a member of this parish, I can see there is/was a Tim C as a member so I was wondering if that is him? If it is you, I would love to find out if I have missed any of your drawings. Thanks Colin R
  17. one thing I would add to the list when using a glassfibre brush is a pair of fine neoprene car mechanics disposable gloves, it stops the glassfibre getting into the skin (you normally get 50 pairs to the box) DIY chains do them if you can't find them anywhere else. Colin
  18. A couple more Model Railways August 1978 CIE (ex MGWR) 6 wheel Third by Tim Cramer 4mm Scale drawing. Model Railways August 1978 two pictures of Castle Rackrent by Richard Chown. Model Railways January 1978 CIE (ex Midland Railway) 6 wheel Luggage Brake by Tim Cramer 4.4mm Scale drawing. Locomotives illustrated No 168 locomotives of the LMS Northern Counties Committee a whole magazine just on NCC locos load of photos no scale drawings but a few details to help make a better looking models. I am interested to find out if I have missed any of Tim Cramer's drawings in Model Railways. Somewhere I have / or had a drawing of the Queens or 800 CIE locos but I have a feeling it may have gone out, since it is not with all my other Irish based books and Magazines.
  19. I can think of one show that has to go to. Great model by the way. Colin R
  20. Hi you might like to try and find a copy of RM Arnold's book the golden years of the GNR(I) part 1 I don't have a copy at the moment but I recall there was something in it about Banbridge, a good choice for a model Colin
  21. Hi Noel If you want to get some more advice on 3D Printing drop these guys an email narrow planet http://narrowplanet.co.uk/ I am sure they won't mind helping out Colin Very funny I like it
  22. Thanks John This is most helpful for a newbie to this site and the history of Irish railway modelling, I am sure that resin kits are the way to go forward, I have a few for my Isle of Man 3ft gauge project, which so far have been easy to clean up, I just need to get on and build them. A friend of mine has shown me how to make up masters a few years ago while he was working on a model aircraft kit. I have always wanted to get around to building a number of Cavan and Leitrim converter vans in resin as each one was different, but to date I haven't done so.
  23. I have just been reading that Jeremy Suter used to produce some Irish rolling stock kits? Does anyone know if they are still made and if not by Jeremy, then by whom today? Colin
  24. It looks nice, put me down for one of the later CIE versions to start with. Colin
  25. you would be surprised at the collection, I am a bit of a hoarded when it comes to model railways I do have quite a bit of OOn3 and 009 models and kits, this makes up for the fire sale I had to do when I was much younger when we moved I didn't have any room at the time for model railways.
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