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Everything posted by Colin R
Hi Guys a couple of things one how is the DSER 461 Project going and being new to this site who where MIR? and what happen to them and who if anyone took over any of the kits? I do appreciate that this is a very small market for RTR Irish locos and rolling stock good luck with all your plans
Hi all Before this list takes off may be Mr Moderator would like to advise us where this list should go on the Forum. Probably like a lot of you over the years you have either collected or seen an article about Irish railways and you think if only I had a copy of that to read now. Obviously due to copyright etc I can't put that article on line here, but I can list all the articles I have and at some point I hope to transfer them into an electronic form for personal use. I won't put them in any order just yet that can be done later, but the whole point of the exercise is to make sure we all know what has been published in the model railway press over the years. 1) Model Railways July 1979 a 7mm Peckett by Tim Cramer A 3 Page article about building a loco from plasticard. 2) Model Railways February 1972 West Clair Section Horse Box 28c by John Gardner 7mm scale drawing. 3) Model Railways December 1974 West Clair Railway 3ft Gauge Diesel Drawing in 7mm by Russell S Carter. 4) Model Railway News December 1959 4mm scale drawing of Dundalk, Newry and Greennore Railway 6 wheeled Van drawing prepared by J N Maskelyne from notes supplied by Mr C L Fry. 5) Model Railway News August 1965 7mm scale drawing of S class compound for the Belfast and Northern Counties Railway 3ft gauge drawing by T A Lindsay. 6) Model Railways May 1973 County Donegal Railway Wagons 2 x 4mm drawings one van, one open both by J.A. Gardner 7) British Railway Modelling August 2006 two part article about the 21mm gauge layout Adavoyle by Tony Miles. I have a few more but I need to find them first. Please feel free to add any article anyone else has, I am sure there will be articles that some of us have never seen before. Colin
Hi Kirley, I know about the 4mm kit by SSM I am sure I have one somewhere but can't find it at the moment does the book have any extra drawings for modellers? Colin
Hi Roxyguy, that may not be to everyone's liking, but you know what, that looks fun and that is what it should be all about, well done sir. I love it.
Still finding my way around this forum and this one feel like home from home, going 21mm is the plan, but using EM standards that sounds about right for me. I bet someone somewhere will have apoplexy at that thought. Colin
Now this is going to screw someone somewhere in the next couple of years, lots of late nights in the government buildings all around Europe what with Brexit (I will shut up on this now) about to happen. Colin
Sitting down and trying to catch up with all this e mail stuff when I got a call from the very nice man from Whitehead RPSI. 5 minutes later and the book has been purchased and I have just supported the RPSI, feeling good and can't wait for the book to turn up.
Mick you have just convinced me that at some stage I need to buy a Bandon tank kit, just how I am going to get around to justifing the fact she may appear in the North West Of Ireland coming out of Sligo on a cattle special I just don't know as yet. a nice looking model by the way and well done. Colin
Have just been told that the seller for the GSR book has cancelled my order due to a stock control issue and the only copy they have is water damaged. Have contacted the RPSI to see if they still have a copy.
Wow thanks for that, and here I am thinking it can't be that hard to convert it, how wrong can you be. Just as a follow up question, does anyone have details of all the routes of the old mail trains in Ireland? and did any go through claremorris? Colin
good luck with that Paul look forward to see some progress. Colin
Hi Guys Just acquired a Hornby post office TPO Coach and I was wondering are there any photos or details of any GSR/CIE TPO stock from the 1940 to 1960's period which could be posted on here? Thanks in advance for any help and sorry for all the questions. Colin
Hi Guys I have just finished reading this thread and in one way I am glad that you have exactly the same problems as I do living miles away from Claremorris. I don't mean it in a bad way, but if you guys are having problems get the sort of details you need for a layout based in the 1980's then I take my hat off to you for doing what you have so far. Making a model of a prototype is always going to have difficulties and as sure as eggs are eggs the first time you take the layout to an exhibition in the area some guy will turn up and say 'but that was not how it was' you will no doubt want to do one of two things, 1) leave the layout as is or 2) rebuild the offending building with the fresh details. I can't remember who said it but I am still finding out things about Railways over here in the UK which have long gone, may I suggest with my researcher's hat on, that you consult the local paper and if Claremorris has one a visit to the local library and or heritage center if it has one, also drop in to any of the older looking shops, hotels and pubs (a good excuse for a beer or two) and have a chat, you would be surprised at what you might just turn up. You might not get any modelling done, but it sure as hell makes for a great day out. I have also had a look via Google street view as of today and you can see stuff which people even today will pass by as it has always been there. While I am still trying to get the basic's right for an Irish layout, more power to your elbow. Like you I like Claremorris for what you can do with it as a layout, it has that Irish feel about it in buckets and should I chose to build something, I think Claremorris will be the basis of such a layout. I would use up a lot more of modellers license as well, I like the photos of the station layout board and I will certainly being using that as the basis for the possible model. I know it may be from a much later date than the period I want to model (1940 to 1960) but I can just imagine trains from the GNR(i), NCC, GSR and even the SL&NCR Cattle trains reaching there as well. This would make a great exhibition layout in 21mm gauge and what better way than to display the various parts of the steam age of Irish railways. Just because I want to model it with 21mm gauge does not mean it is going to be a fine scale finished layout, far from it, it will have to have some compromises at some point. Good luck with the layout, I can't wait to see how its getting on. Colin
Just out of interest what was the shade of green used on the coaches and is there a car colour spray can with the colour in it or near enough, if not in a spray can what paint is recommended for this? Colin
Have you tried eBay? just be careful of some of the sellers and look at their ratings before you deal. I know they are not based in Ireland, but have you tried Slaters plastikard I got a bottle from them a couple years ago and it was not that expensive in P&P. How well do you know you local chemist? You could always go and ask them if they can get it for you? mine got me some industrial 99% strength alcohol, which is great for cleaning up model railway rolling stock with a dodgy paint finish that needs a new coat of paint. Colin
You could go one better and squeeze in a bit of narrow gauge as well. Like you Paul I have only just joined and so far I haven't crossed any red lines and as has been said they are most helpful if you have a question or two.
Ah just found another one called LOCOMOTIVES OF THE GREAT SOUTHERN RAILWAYS OF IRELAND by Arthur Stockwell pub 1937 1st ed via of all places Amazon. As it is an old books from that period (1937) it might have information which does not always get passed on this day and age. Will keep you guys updated. Above book locomotives of the GSR and the sister book on LMS NCC now ordered as well.
Hi jhb can i just clarify the title of the book with you thanks Colin
Hi all Looking through my Irish railway book collection I notice I don't have 'that book' every CIE steam loco fan has on his bookshelf, IE the one with all the facts and figures and line drawings of the different steam locos from the different companies. I guess it does not exist, but I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction of any other suitable books which may cover some of this same information. Colin
Hi all Looking through my Irish railway book collection I notice I don't have 'that book' every CIE steam loco fan has on his bookshelf, IE the one with all the facts and figures and line drawings of the different steam locos from the different companies. I guess it does not exist, but I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction of any other suitable books which may cover some of this same information. Colin
I agree with JHB, what gets me the most is that on eBay you can look for certain items (in my case Triang hornby Clerestories) and for a while the price is reasonable for a second hand model, then all of a sudden you get a spike in prices and instead of them selling for up to £10.00 or Euro 11.64 up they go to silly money of say £50.00 (58 to 60 Euros)each. Don't get me wrong I am happy to pay the price if it is reasonable, but a S/H coach which has seen better days going for that amount is just ridicules and why pay that much for a coach I plan to chop up?
Hi John. Do you think a 3d Print body would work? Colin
Cheers Kirley I will ask Alan to see what he has. Colin
Hi Kirley All I can do is to keep the pressure up, if this fails then if and when I get my new computer, I will have ago at doing the art work myself if it has not appear by then. Colin