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Everything posted by FrankS

  1. Lovely Job Glenderg,
  2. B*****r, picked the wrong photo, this is what should have illustrated the Cilldargan Container Terminal .................. Sorry about that ...........
  3. Things are moving along at Cilldargan The new Container Terminal is now open for business ................. The Sugar Beet Campaign is in full swing ~ Here we see 4whlers being loaded at East Cilldargan ~ Wagons by Hidden Agenda .................... The tracks are now in place at Cilldargan Town Station ~ awaiting the arrival of Peco platforms. And newly arrived NIR # 112 is seen here on mundane duties hauling a ballast train - both Brake vans coutesy of Hidden Agenda and Anthony - great work lads and, finally an idea I had for displaying large versions of the scale sized signs on the layout on the facia board - handy for when my eyes get worse Looking forwards to the signs from Glenderg, to add to my collection. Cheers, from down under
  4. Thanx Guys, much appreciated The photos confirm what I suspected, that the CCTV cameras produced by Bachmann (http://www.ehattons.com/stockdetail.aspx?SID=32910 are going to be swines to mount on a pole, as the mounting bracket is on top rather than underneath I'll have to see how it goes when I get a packet. Fortunately, Des Sullivan has introduced his Irish single track level crossing kit at just the right time, and my 'modernisation programme' will be able to stop at one level crossing, the remainder remaining 'old fashioned'
  5. G'day all, A somewhat unusual request I wonder If anyone can oblige me with a couple of photos, please I'm looking for a photo which shows a fairly typical CCTV mast and camera at an IE station - To get an idea for modelling them on my 'modernised' stations. also, I'm looking for a photo which shows a typical Irish lineside telegraph pole to give me an idea for 'out in the country' - just in case they are significently different in appearence from English ones. Thanx, much appreciated,
  6. Hi BosKonay, Envious to see that you had one of the Viessmann Working Ballast Tampers, one of these is on the list as a Chrtistmas present to myself (and, who, I ask myself, deserves it more ! I just wanted to ask you what model # you have ? Is it a # 26091? and did you have any problems with the DCC ? I'm looking for the best price, naturally. The German mob with a # 26091 at Euro 323 looks good, especially as I should be able to knock off up to 20% VAT, being outside the EU. So could be as low as Euro 260 which is about $A322 + postage. I've got an e-mail enquiry in with them. However, the description given by Reynaulds in the USA worries me a bit : # 26091 Track renewal train for ballast renewal from Plasser & Theurer.With drive unit, LED-flashlights and equipped with a decoder suitable for DCC, Motorola and RailCom. Length with buffer 265mm.Standard coupling shaft.Functional model for two rail systems. US price from Reynaulds is $US341 about $340 in Aussie dollars + postage. The bit about the decoder worries me, will it work OK on NMRA compliant systems, I wonder. Reynaulds also have the # 26093 same except the description says : This incredible new item can run on any 2-Rail DCC layout and it can be controlled by any DCC system.Spending that sort of money, I want to make sure I get one that works OK for me. Thanx, Mate
  7. If our collective wives had any inkling just how much money we spend on model railways in a year, the papers would have a field day reporting the slaughter of the innocents ( er' better make that the guilty ) that would make the Gaza Strip look like a Butlin's Holiday Camp
  8. FrankS

    Warley 2013.

    [Anyone going to Warley be sure to check out Liverpool Lime Street, spectacular layout. If anyone here does go to see Liverpool Lime Street layout, I'd be VERY, VERY grateful If the could e-mail me (franksavery@bigpond.com copies of any photos the take I'm a 'randy, scouse git' originally and I'd love to see any photos of the layout. 55 or so years ago, I spent half my life trainspotting at the end of the platform at Lime Street, a bottle of Tizer, a couple of Pork Pies, Hidden behind a luggage trolley and I was in heaven
  9. You mean something like this ................
  10. I'll certainly be praying to St. Patrick, Patron Saint of Railway Modellers, for a RTR 121 - Hopefully, the 071s will sell well enough to allow this to happen. :praying:
  11. Get well soon ,Mate.
  12. Hi Rob, Can't recomend Rails Through The West ighly enough - excellent book. If you into the modern theme then Iarnrod Eireann by Tom Ferris (Ian Allan Pub) is another good one ~ http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Iarnrod+Eireann+by+Tom+Ferris Cheers, Frank Savery
  13. Looks fantastic, Arran Even better than the 20footer, If that's possible
  14. Hi Leonardo, I don't think there is a UK stockist, I deal with Reynaulds in the USA, cheaper than Germany https://www.reynaulds.com/ Very reliable and honest.
  15. Cilldargan House - again Actually this is the module I'm using : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsHUJMqM1mQ but, I couldn't find the video yesterday. PS - If your computer makes an odd noise while checking this out - it will be my wife muttering that someday I'll have to account for my sins
  16. Cilldargan House ~ Hi again, boring you with my boyhood reminiscences, I forgot to mention that there is a bit more to Cilldargan House than meets the eye If the visitor lifts the stable block he'll find within a working mini-diorama made by Viessmann Of course, this being a family-orientated forum, I can't show any x-rated pictures BUT, If anyone interested cares to have a look at a short YouTube video ~ They'll get the general idea
  17. New Power on Cilldargan : a two-unit Windhoff MPV No. 790/791 Repainted by Leonardo da Anthony - Lovely job, Thanx mate. Storm clouds are gathering as the brand new Windhoff MPV unit passes Cilldargan House on a test run. As you may notice, the "quality" are visiting in their Daimler limo - wonder who it is Actually it could be me !!!! Seeing as a Black Daimler Limousine is my favourite mode of transport in Ireland I'll tell you a funny story about me and Daimler limo's and Ireland : ~ In 1968 when I first visited Ireland to meet my future Mother-in-Law and family, I, naturally wanted to make a good impression, and arrive in something a little more up-market than the CIE bus. Problem was, I didn't have a driving licence, my mode of transport in Liverpool was a much-loved Lambretta scooter. So, I arranged for a hire car (Ford Zephyr) to meet us at the boat and drive us up to the country (Co. Meath). But, when we arrived we were shocked to learn that the hire car people had overbooked, and run out of Ford Zephyrs and had sent instead a black Daimler limo which had carried Princess Grace of Monaco the week before. So, we bit the bullet and drove through Dublin like the King and Queen of Ruritania ~ spoilt slightly when we got the driver to stop at a suburban shop to pick-up some fruit to eat along the way All went well until the driver announced that it was taking longer than planned and he'd have to stop in the town to phone his base. As you can imagine, Bernadette was horrified at the idea of being seen in a Daimler Limo in the main street of the town where she knew everyone and everyone knew her. The car was still moving when she shot out of it like an Exocet miisile and disapeared down a side street to meet us again outside town. As expected, she didn't see the funny side of it, but her Mother thought it was hilarious, and made the driver stay for tea and of course, me being an ignorant Protestant instead of a god-fearing Catholic lad thought it was all great fun. Had a frosty couple of days out of it and had to paint the cow shed roof as my penance But, I still fondly remember the look of horror on her face as the limo turned down the main street of the town Cheers, Frank Savery, District Manager, Cilldargan CIE
  18. :(I'm getting the same message when trying to upload a photo - Database Error
  19. This thread seems to have spread a bit onto possible resin or brass bodies on commercially available chassis, so I thought I'd just add to the general thinking by mentioning that in the book "The Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland" by Ernie Shepherd ( Midland Publishing 1994 ISBN 1-85780-008-7) there are 4mm scale drawings of :~ Class Lm 0-6-0 Tender Loco No. 135 Arran Isles which, I think "could" be pretty close to the new Bachmann LMS ex-Midland 3F Class loco chassis; and Class E 0-6-0 No 110 Bat which, I think "could" be pretty close to the Hornby (ex-Dapol) LBSC 'Terrier' Loco chassis. Just food for thought BTW If "anyone" does do any Irish body to go on a commercial chassis - put me down for one, please How about a NIR WT 2-6-4T Body to fit a Bachmann Blackburn chassis
  20. Lovely looking stock, Rob. Looking forwards to seeing more. Do the Kibri Instructions make any mention of a motorising kit, I wonder ? Frank Savery, District Manager, CIE Cilldargan.
  21. Once anyone sees the quality of the 20' Bells, I'm sure they'll be a customer for the 30' Bulks as well. Wouldn't imagine 150 would be any problem.
  22. WOW ! BEEutiful looking wagons, Hidden Agenda, absolutely fantastic
  23. Grange Castle and Heirflick, where oh where can I get them :-bd Just putting the finishing touches to the Guinness South-East Distribution Centre, a couple of those would be IDEAL :banana:
  24. IRM Tee shirts are a great idea - I'll be inm line for a couple of them
  25. Hi Iarnrod, If I can pay by Paypal I'll take : Railways In Ireland Part 1,2,3,4 €8.00 each to go to NI or UK Please PM me or e-mail me franksavery@bigpond.com
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