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Patricks Workbench

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[ATTACH=CONFIG]14697A few weeks ago our friend and neighbor Bruce announced that his friend Bob had a 3D printer and would help producing Bulleid open wagons. My previous method produced good results but was way too time consuming and lacked consistency and since I wanted 25 to 30 wagons for the layout which is set in October at the start of the beet season a better way of producing them was needed. The photo shows the results so far. The clipboard for paper work is on the wrong side and will be corrected.

bobs bulleid 3.jpg

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bulleid 5.jpg


I got this test print of what will probabily be the final design for the Bulleid open body this morning. There are issues with the finish which Bob attributes to his printer but we are hopeful that we can outsource the printing at a cost not much greater than doing it ourselves. The floor has been ommited to save on material and reduce warping. On the model Plastistruct T section will be applied on each side of the doors and to the bottom of the underframe and door stops will be made from brass strip. A steryne floor will be fitted with the idea of covering it with photo shopped weathered planking.

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