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We're on the move, again!

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Well after moving to Valleymount which turned out to be a complete disaster. The landlord said it was dry but after the first heavy rain fall I had nearly 20 leaks in the roof! He refused to repair it properly.

There was over €600 worth of damage done to a layout. So I had to find somewhere more suitable.


I have moved to a more modern unit in Edenderry, Co. Offaly as I moved to Carbury its only 10 mins from the house.


You can follow the progress on my Facebook page where there are more pics and I'll give a progress report https://www.facebook.com/modelrailbaseboards/


2017-02-05 14.53.20.jpg

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A couple of chaps and myself paid Dave a visit today in his new workshop, an excellent workshop. I think in the end- the rain in Valleymount did him a great favour to encourage him to move to this unit. And I was amazed it takes less than an hour to get there from the M50.


We had a chat, moved some MDF sheets, re-hung a door, and one of the visitors did the check on the WC and cleaned the sink. It was great to hear and discuss Dave's plans for the future- we wish and he deserves the best for the future in his new workshop...


Very impressed with the catering services! I know I'll be visiting again. This is only for special visitors & customers!!


Oh! also impressed with his assistant, who pulls him around the workshop without having to leave his chair....


DLW-01 IMAG2653.jpg


DLW-02 IMAG2654.jpg



Edited by murrayec
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