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Moving from Film to Digital

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Looks promising Robert, I'm more of a traditional SLR fan than mirror-less. My current cameras are Rolleiflex T and Rolleiflex 3,5f but as they are medium format film they are expensive to buy film/processing costs. I no longer print in my darkroom, long out of use.

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For years, I just had a 'medium' digital camera, which turned out to be absolutely ideal for certain situations, when I got a 'proper' DSLR, it was definitely less useful in exhibition situations, particularly.

So I currently run a full-size DSLR ( which accounts for 80% of the pictures ), a "packet of twenty fags" pocketable camera and now, also, a smart phone, which I only use as a "small bar of chocolate" camera for certain situations.

I do keep the 'middle' camera in the car  - for when somebody hits it...

It's all about what you want to do and what you can spend.

I have recently reorganised my pictures into better defined subject areas in the 'main' computer, but have left them in time order in the 'laptop', so that I have a bit of a back-up and two ways of trying to find a particular one.

I do a separate back-up every few months - and leave that on another premises.

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5 hours ago, GNRi1959 said:

I think its time to move from film across to digital photography as I can no longer keep up with the cost of developing/printing nowadays. Can anyone recommend a good digital camera - something like the Nikon D3200 or similar, in the same price range?

After decades of film SLR, when I changed, The best camera I ever had in terms of opportunity to capture images was one of those what purists call 'nasty' mirrorless compact bridge super zoom cameras - A fuji, but I got some of the best shots ever, because it was light, portable and available. One lens from wide to long no changing lens, no lost shots. As a typical male gadget geek in a moment of weakness I went back to DSLR some years ago with a stupid bag full of paperweight lenses, and flash guns, tripod, etc, but to be honest its a waste of space, for the last few years the best pics I've got especially cruising (ie sea scapes) has been my smartphone. All it lacks is telephoto lens, and the shots are instantly editable, correctable in-phone and instantly shareable or uploadable. Nowadays I only bring the peat briquette of an inexpensive Nikon DSLR model and long lens when I know I will need longs shots and leave an inexpensive 18-200 lens on it most of the time instead of an 200mm F2.8. But I often see a shot in my head and think 'ughhh' before picking up the paper weight and instead just grab the iPhone and never loose the memory, and for me pics are just to capture memories and trigger the mind into recalling more memories about what happened on that day or the event. DLSRs are systems designed to appeal to guys yearning for collecting bags of lego bits and accessories and the marketing works. You end up with a bag of lenses but end up using only one 99% of the time. Personally I think the future for consumer cameras is mirrorless with a decent super zoom lens and good low light capability (ie a modern compact bridge camera). Its a bonus if you can find one that takes AA rechargeable batteries as you never have to worry about charging it, if you get stuck just throw a few duracell AAs in the camera bag and you'll never be caught out. :) Some are better at video than others.

This is a great site for camera reviews and tech info https://www.dpreview.com

PS The Nikon D3500 is a grand little camera if you put an 18-200mm lens on it. or if you want to spend more A D5600, or the ultimate pro-summer DSLR a D7500 but it will cost. The Nikon Coolpix P1000 seems a great mirrorless compact bridge. Canons are great too but I'm not upto date on their ranges. Health warning some canikon users can get very emotional and almost religious about their cameras depending on what they own (ie its gotta be Canon  or its gotta be Nikon, rubbish that's just the result of successful marketing and irrational customer loyalty. Dare to shop around and try other brands. Sony, Fuji, and Panasonic have some super gear. Keeps it simple and avoid buying a bag of bits that will end up dust collecting on top of a wardrobe within a few years.

Edited by Noel
can't spell
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This is the thing - it's all about you.

I got a DSLR with the intention of doing some old-fashioned 'manual' stuff - but I find that use it on auto most of the time.

I like the idea that so much more care went into a picture years ago, not just because each one cost a few bob, but because the technology caused you to think more.

A lot of what I do know is just 'record' stuff really, and the 'artistry' side doesn't seem to be important enough to me for me to bother - one day...

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To be honest, my primary aim was to shoot the railway network ' as it makes its way around the North coast between Derry - Coleraine and Portrush. Since I now spend more and more time sitting on trains and watching them pass by, its given me a break from modelling. 

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It's worth giving it a good bit of thought - including just how physically large a device you would be prepared to carry about regularly.

Some of the smaller mirrorless things are optically excellent these days.


A professional that I know speaks highly of the Sony devices.

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