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CV-19 broadband transmission speeds - air travel

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Until we stop these high speed broadband transmitters of CV-19 little it seems is going to change. Ultimately a travel ban like China will have to be declared at some stage. Inside an aircraft with its aircon running you may as well be on an accelerated petri dish. At least put all pax returning to Ireland on 14 day self isolation as a first step. We have to protect our seniors and medically vulnerable, we can all do our bit to slow this down to a level so that our health services can cope with the weekly volume once this thing ramps up. Most have nothing to fear but we have a duty of care to protect our seniors.


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Expect that picture to radically change by Saturday Noel.  Airline are fulfilling their last obligations and closing up shop....for example - Ryanair flight to Alicante from Shannon today had 8 pax on it going out...the return tonight will be full....expect that to be replicated for the rest of the week.....Shannon will be one big airplane car park by the middle of next week and closed to passengers.

The downside is my employment requires passengers so I 'll probably be out of a job by then too.....i have some interesting conversations with the bank amongst others ahead of me....

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I had a bad experience on a flight from Melborne that basically put me off international air travel for nearly 10 years, there was a problem with power and we were basically stuck in the plane for an hour on the tarmac without ventilation with many passengers crook with colds in the middle of winter, it took nearly a month for the wife and I to recover. 

New Zealand has effectively closed its borders to international visitors apart from the Pacific Islands, people returning home and long term visitors/immigrants with arrivals since Monday having to self isolate for 14 days since Monday. The economic effect has been severe on some industries that export to China with some logging crews laid off since January and  reduced Chinese demand on food exports is causing a knock on effect for farmers and food processors.

I suppose the main upside is that being off work, less social contact or self-isolation is that there is more time to catch up on modelling projects, I even made a start of clearing some of the junk out of the railway room just in case.

Edited by Mayner
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/16/2020 at 1:25 PM, Noel said:

Until we stop these high speed broadband transmitters of CV-19 little it seems is going to change. Ultimately a travel ban like China will have to be declared at some stage. Inside an aircraft with its aircon running you may as well be on an accelerated petri dish. At least put all pax returning to Ireland on 14 day self isolation as a first step. We have to protect our seniors and medically vulnerable, we can all do our bit to slow this down to a level so that our health services can cope with the weekly volume once this thing ramps up. Most have nothing to fear but we have a duty of care to protect our seniors.

Sorry to be late to this thread as I have been busy. I'm glad that in the 2 months since my initial post on the coronavirus thread the realization has finally hit that this is not just some foreign problem that can be ignored. The economic impacts are hitting everyone including you and me but the human cost of losing your own life, your parent or grandparents is all too real for many, again something that can be put out of mind until it comes to your own door. More than HALF of those affected by COVID19 are under 45-50 years old (the seniors seems to have figured out how to wash their hands and don't feel as invincible as the young?) and some young adults and children have died from this. I have to agree with Noel that airlines have done little to maintain any sort of hygienic  environment aboard their aircraft and have contributed substantially to this pandemic and that they  will be bailed out once again after all this is done (which is some ways off) Yes, we do have a duty to protect everyone and respect those that have contracted the virus. 

Edited by DiveController
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