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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. 15 years old and bashing the Brass, Fair play to you, I hope to pick up a few tips along the way!!!
  2. Still coming to terms with the size of this layout, The Retaining wall section looks like something out of Kings Cross!!! Wee bit jealous I must say!!
  3. Great game, Best team won for sure. Hopefully we will be back again next year and next time I will get the day off......
  4. And a big boat as well tucked away, The para jumping is excellent.
  5. Love that Reverse curve up the Station. Wow. Trains going though that must look fab. On a small note I would maybe take the Height of the footbridge down a wee bit as it looks a bit too high on the platform. see the pic on this link: http://eiretrains.com/Photo_Gallery/Railway%20Stations%20C/Campile/slides/Campile_20101019_002_CC_JA.html
  6. Next Budget: Man Cave Tax: E10 per Sq ft.
  7. Sad to hear the News Eamon. My thoughts are with you and your Family...
  8. I forgot to Mention your limited to 10ft Wide, Anything over involved Planning permission.However you can have it as long as you want....Daft!!!! Could get one to go on top!!
  9. They dont do that anymore apparently. New type of paint was used...From a BBC page The Forth Bridge will not now need another paint job for at least 25 years Continue reading the main story Related Stories Bridge painting coming to an end Bridge painting 'to finish early' What now for the Forth metaphor? The painting of the Forth Bridge has finally been completed and the structure is now scaffold-free for the first time in a decade. The repair and repainting project to paint the rail bridge took 10 years and cost £130m. It has been claimed it will not now need another paint job for at least 25 years. New techniques and products are behind the project's success. A 400-strong team applied a triple layer of new glass flake epoxy paint. It creates a chemical bond to provide a virtually impenetrable layer to protect the bridge's steel work from the weather. The project, delivered by Network Rail and main contractor Balfour Beatty Regional Civil Engineering, involved encasing the bridge in up to 4,000 tonnes of scaffolding, painting over 230,000sqm of steel and all 6.5 million rivets in the structure. Over the life of the project more than 1,500 people worked on the structure, with up to 400 people a day on the bridge at the height of the refurbishment works. Forth Rail Bridge A 400-strong team applied a triple layer of new glass flake epoxy paint David Simpson, Network Rail route managing director for Scotland, said: "The completion of this refurbishment will safeguard the future of one of the country's most famous landmarks. "Repainting the bridge has long been considered one of the world's never-ending tasks, and the refurbishment programme we have just completed has been one of the biggest engineering challenges Network Rail has faced. "Our staff and contractors can take real pride in their achievements on this project, not least in the fact that through their efforts this amazing structure will remain free of major maintenance work for at least two decades." The bridge, which was built between 1883 and 1890, is 1.5 miles long. The track is about 150ft (45m) above the water level and the bridge reaches 330ft (100m) at the tops of the towers. The steel structure contains more than 6.5 million rivets. (Who counted those???)
  10. Excellent, I will l look forward to that, Always nice to see ya...
  11. The Girder looks imposing, only downside is its a single line so I see where you need to new bridge in now. Not a fan of the aesthetics of the modern bridge but you have built it well!!. Your layout is gonna be big then!!
  12. That Bridge,well Just looks fantastic...Great work...
  13. Humbrol do a Clear now as well, Very comparable to the Johnsons stuff. Link to how to Video:
  14. Ok Des, I will bring it to the show in November. Revell seem to have all the Matchbox kits and have released them slowly over the last couple of years, The latest Aircraft ones were the Stranraer, Canberra, Puma, Heinkel 115, Twin Otter, Corvette, HP Victor and many more so they have not gone away, just one colour and in a new box!! The current Revell 1.76 range is the old Matchbox tanks with the little Dio. Great fun!! Thing is to watch out for Revell Boxing Hasegawa kits, Half the Asking price!!! Check out the Current He.111
  15. The Portacabin is pretty good, Nice a warm in the summer but not too hot, Comes complete with sockets and a heater which is good. I did get an offer of a 30ft for about E500 as no one wants those but the boss said no, should of said nothing and got one in the end as you can be a bit of space. The cabin was E2500 and that was after shopping around, Its not new thought but not too bothered about that. Thing is when I need a replacement or bigger effort it can be craned back out easily enough. As you say Rich these cabins are all around the country, you can pay large amounts of dosh for some snazzy ones but shop about. Vandal screens would be handy to so I will fit those on shortly as well as a motion alarm. Thing is now, OO or N gauge, Irish or UK, That the Dilemma. A Dapol HST in Blue grey will probably swing the N gauge vote!! Toying with doing a layout though based on Newcastle West ut with a Cement/ fert depot, The track layout is interesting and plenty of running around!! . Got the Track bought just need to work out how big. Probably will be an end to end exhibition set up. Thank for the nice comments lads. I will stick up the An post yokes soon, There just oxford vans repainted and Whestys Decals will be going on them. (sorry for the bad grammer but the Apostrophe key not working on Computer due to beer spillage) Regards George The Bandon tank is not quite there yet as had to put it aside for other work.
  16. Des, I have one of these old Matchbox spits in the loft mate complete in its box!!! The Revell 1/32 spit is the same tooling if you want a bash of of that..Might be persuaded to give it a good home if your a good boy. G
  17. Well I have been a bit on the quiet side but busy enough with various builds of kits and the like which are on the ISM forum i you want to take a peek but heres are few bits n bobs I have on the go at the moment. I wont bore you guys with weathering shots as I load these up on the facebook page I have now as its easy to do. Heres the new workshop delivered from Hayes Cabins in Castlefreake, Thanks to Tommy Nolan in Wexford for instilling the idea in my head, Its a bit of a mess inside but slowly will be kitted out. The size is 20ft x10ft. Heres some bit on the ol workbench last night. The next bit of work I am doing is repainting 2 071s to this livery: Heres how I am doing it: 071s and decals by the Wizard in the West. Before I took things apart I rubbed off the decals with a cotton bud and some white spirit. A couple of mins work had the numbers off Next was to take the main body off and I unscrewed the 4 screws under the bogies. I took off the red brake wheel, A little push with a blade and it popped out I then tackled the main decals,The reason behind this is that they show up underneath the paint spoiling the paint job. This took about a hour...Is there an easier way. I used 2000 grade wet n dry and cotton buds to tackle this slow job. The main printed markings have gone. I dont worry about the stuff in the grooves as it wont show. Then I turned my attention to the cabs. These come off with a tiny bit of Persuasion, If the little holding tab breaks off then just superglue it back on. The cab light wires were unsoldered. You can see the Square tabs here I then needed to take off the grab rails and these only need a tiny but of a lift to come out perfectly so that you can use them on a 121 build or 071!! I used a wire cutters to do this job. I pried off the headlights also with a blade and put the spare bits safely away so I cant find them in a few days time!! I then sanded off the raised details on the Cab front, I used 600 wet n dry for this Then I used Squadron signal Green stuff putty applied with a cocktail stick that had been cut to a flat end, I applied a small bit than necessary as this can shrink while drying All the stuff is now washed and drying so more work tomorrow night!! Bye fore now George
  18. Cheers Bren, The Big stuff certainly can hold an audience. That 88 is living in Kinsale now!! Concur on the Tamiya Expensive side when Airfix are knocking out close if not the same quality product for a fraction of the price its madness. The new 1/72 harrier is brill, got two on the go.
  19. Thanks guys, Got a new workshop a month or so ago as I was evicted out of my nice a cosy room so have not got much done in the way of building over the past year and I joined the local RC flying club for a change of scene so the new cabin has given me a gee up. Need to fill it with a layout as well at some stage!! On the Garden Stuff it is my Dads layout, At the moment he has one Isle of Man Engine, Caledonia, A couple of bogie Coaches and a few 4 wheelers and some freight wagons. which were kits.The IOM stuff only come out once in a blue moon and he is a waiting for some Beyer Peacock loco to arrive. I I sold about 10 of my Murphy locos I might just about get a live steamer!! Heres some piccys of the Rolling stock we have so far. These are not my shots. This is the one we are waiting on, They are usually produced in lots of 50 so we have to wait till it reaches the MOQ before work is to go ahead. One of the Pevril locos was sold of by the RSPI making close or over a E1000 on ebay, If you miss the boat on the models there impossible to get. I think this type of loco also operated from Ballymoney in NI.
  20. Not sure if these guys have been mentioned here before but they do some lovely Laser cut models to suit O and G Scale. The kits are very precise and go together easily. Heres the link: http://www.ip-engineering.co.uk/acatalog/T___D_15_mm_Scale_Wagons.html Check out the other products that do as well, There some interesting stuff. I see the ol fellas mas pressie!! Cheer George
  21. Nicely kitted out, JdAM, AMRAAMS, Winders kits by themselves. Great looking model as well. Seen the Shaw 16s in this scheme for real back in 97 in the uk....
  22. No, Were gonna go with screwing the track down into Rawlplugs drilled into the block and then the ballast. I think it is about 120 feet of track in all.
  23. Everyone will be a Rebel after next Saturday!!
  24. Rich, The Pics tell I lie, I did 99% of this, the ol fella telling me where I am going wrong!! LOL
  25. Hi Folks, Hope you don't mind me sticking up some info on the fair here. It was a great success last year and has given us the funding to get a few more layouts this year, We hope to have at least 7 on show all going well. We have some different traders from last year so it is quite different from the 1st one. We try to encompass quite a braod spectrum of modelling with railway, Plastic, diecast, Boats etc. The only problem we have it the Venue is too small as we have a massive response to the fair from other traders. Doors will be opening a bit earlier this year to alleviate the crowding we had last year. Heres a list of the main displays that are going to be there: Ed White Model Railway Accessories Diecastmodels4u http://www.diecastmodels4u.ie/ M&M Diecast Models: http://mandmdiecastmodels.com/crane-diecast-models.html Studio Scale Models: http://www.studio-scale-models.com/ Model Rail Baseboards: http://www.modelrailbaseboards.com/default.html Michael Morris Card Kits Dublin Model Shop AKA Walshies: http://www.dublinmodelshop.com/ Max Decals: http://maxdecals.com/ New IAC Decal Sheet out now RB Productions: http://www.radubstore.com/ Atlantic Model Boat Club Detail Matters http://detailmatters.co.uk/ 8Ft Flesichmann HO Model Railway 16ft US HO Model Railway Connaton N Gauge Model Railway Wellingtonbheag N Gauge Irish Model Railway or possible new n Scale layout on show. Kieran Nolan - William Britain's Collectable Model Soldiers. http://www.wbritain.com/newrelease.cfm IMPS Ireland - Cork Branch Shamrock Miniatures - http://www.shamrockminiatures.com/en/webshop/home Decs Model Garages http://www.decsmodelgarages.com/page_1.html 16ft N Gaage Amercian layout by James Dewar DCC Smoke and Sound layout from Mark Dunlea Kevin Meanys Irish Railway Figures All Scale Models http://www.allscalesmodels.com/inf/About-Us If you like Lima Class 47s I hear there is going to be a massive offload by one trader... Also many other private traders selling Railway, Plastic kits, Diecast, Circus etc will be on hand. Depending on the turnout I hope to be able to Donate some proceeds to the RPSI this year. Hope to see some of you boys and girls there Thanks George
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