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Robert Shrives

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Everything posted by Robert Shrives

  1. Great to see films and engines through the ages. On second viewing I did spot it took 3 years for the tipper to get to the siding from the level crossing. Great to have relocatable accessories to move about. Hope foot mends and not too costly in the long run. Robert
  2. Still looking good and inspiring many! Thanks for update photos! Robert
  3. sorry no pics but just to say finally got transfers on bogie cements and painted brake brackets on ammonia tanks, good old glacial progress ! Robert
  4. Brilliant work as ever. Robert
  5. Great to see progress and hope factory progresses with out issues. Looking forward to seeing this in the flesh and then working out how to pay for the Hunslets !! Have to say managed to order a set of Mk2s paid deposit to help account survive a bit longer. Robert
  6. With 15 spoils and 17 Double beets built and painted plus Darius` efforts and Leslie noting sales figures it must be pretty likely that the good boys will add to the rtr Irish wagon market before three long. Everything crossed for 80 class and Jeeps after Hunslet 101s once the latest BR models get over finishing line at IRM towers/ Accurascale bunker. A thanks to Leslie for priming the market and Darius getting salesman of the year award! Robert
  7. Spoils look really good , bending handrails is a labour of love and yours do look good. I fitted a false floor and glued in Woodland senics mid talus and some coarse "4mm" ballast - boulders! I had to hand. IIRC I added 10 g wheel weight underneath as well. The transfers fit well your design works well, Hopefully when the jeep arrives from IRM then these wonderfully esoteric wagons would be a must for an RTR cash sink hole! Robert
  8. Hi got it done now two double strip vehicles to go with the gene car MK1s - hopefully next time lads ! Ballina branch sorted for the little people. But I have several kit ones on the go!! Fun thing is these are same price as a farish MK2 air con coach that is not even new tooling just art deco changes, and these Park Royals have a slightly more niche market.. Thanks for the help Robert
  9. Thanks for that - that has prices in £ not Euros and I could not get past that stage, now site does not want to use my password, reset email next ... R
  10. Hi for the Brexit challenged among the forum how do I pre order in UK. I am sure sagely advice given but cannot now find it. Efforts in my tiny IT challenged mind have failed and just a bit frustrated at my uselessness with anything IT. Hoping I can be rescued! Robert
  11. I suspect it heralds the launch of a limited edition pack of the about to be revealed (?!) IRM twin generator packs with a Dutch and the BR gen vans. Twin pack would be a pinkish 3178 and a green Dutch. Normal packs would offer Dutch with a BSK based gen van in steam mode also a a BCK and BSK version with an electric Dutch Several versions of livery would be possible. The real super pack of a RTR Sperry train pack with a maroon weathered 3178 , two flats with suitable containers. Should help those who want to run Cravens and Mk2s I guess Just get my coat Robert
  12. Rats ! I have more than a smattering in G1 and the fosse bogies shown on the 141 are lovely runners - such temptation. Robert
  13. Just musing , I have seen the "ad" for bargain blue tara mines wagons - I wonder how easily a 3D print guru could produce the Kilmastulla bodies for the two "odd" extras in the Tarr mines fleet or to allow the "real thing" to be modelled. Robert
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  14. Crikey a real works back roader ! good luck on the rebuild. Robert
  15. Looking good for the banger blue boys (and girls!), as noted on FB maxpax any type -all tasted the same from the TSOT, but will the poor electrics that plagued the real ones with flat batteries a big problem be replicated with random switch offs !! Funnily I was looking an N gauge Hurst etch of a MK2c brake just yesterday. Robert
  16. Leslie, Thanks for the vote of confidence. Indeed a Jeep or two will be required, I did take a phot with 102 in maroon on the front but a bit too dark. Several phots DH plus load 10 on the second contract- I guess fewer wagons available. I add thanks to Darius for the UT and number transfers to complete the project, with a cut and shut on the numbers it would possible to do 10 more - fun but life a bit too short with all the other kits and stuff in the gloat mine. Robert
  17. Well via work here is a UT side door spoil wagon one of 10 to this level of finishing. Idea is to leave one fresh and weather the rest. And here are all 10 waiting for IRMs next steam announcement, or perhaps diesel announcement for the Irish modeler.
  18. As an outsider looking in to NIR activities and Irish Railways Noel Playfair name cropped up many times and always seemed a brilliant advocate for the railways and its supporting hobbies. As such a great loss to his family and the wider circle of enthusiasts and modellers, RIP. Robert
  19. Indeed if you have been able to buy all three packs any later comers to the show might find a gap for a while and I am sure having a second bite with a variation of running numbers in a rerun will excite a few . Especially those wanting to travel back in time the Hunslet era. - You know you want too! It has to be said I cannot recall seeing pictures of mixed red/ blue and Grey/blue stripe Enterprise stock but I guess it must have happened.. Robert
  20. Have to say I would be tempted after the orange and a black roof to have done the other side and ends with transfers. I know it is a "cruel" enlargement but the furry nature of the model will hard to "gloss over." I have used halfords spray bumper filler and sanded back so the filler is in the groves - on one GW railcar I did this three times! The print material is very hard to sand so filling is the only way forward I think. I guess an SD40 chassis will give all the bits needed. The Dapol and latest Farish coaches give a good basis for stock and the MK1 a starting point for a gen coach. All good progress ! Robert
  21. I look forward to the odd gen coach being available so I can create 915 with its aircon style windows. But yes an add on pack could be useful. Also welcome an odd "DBSO" 812 to make into 754 for an 80 class oddity. Robert
  22. Brilliant, even now capture the careworn look and the little variations between class members. The persistence with the logo has paid off with how the panel lines show. thanks for showing Robert
  23. Well it should be as today before work I started sorting the pile of etchs and bits into project boxes for 3 sets ! A good year and with ICR on order saving pennies for Mk2s in IR livery. Thanks to all at IRM and looking forward to Warley 2023! Robert
  24. Gosh ! I did not think STABLE would have an effect but I can see all of the above in myself - perhaps it is normal after all !! Robert
  25. A 2mm scale friend reminded me of "STABLE" - STash Acquired Beyond Life Expectancy a while ago. So yes I know what you mean but looking at several 80 class , 450 class and the International train coach sides I have plenty to be going at for fun and giggles. Robert
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