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PorkyP last won the day on August 28 2019

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  1. I've got a fair bit of old 0 gauge tin stuff, I love these as they're proper hefty metal and have a real 'railway' feel about them, tho they aren't scale models as such...I've got one of those mamod steam locos tucked away somewhere too, which I must dig out and play with !
  2. I dug out an old banjo (which I got ages ago for literally pennies off ebay) ..and have been annoyin the dogs with it...
  3. As I recall ( not that i was around then obviously!) Auxiliaries were recruited from all ex officers, whereas b&t's were a motley of unemployed ex soldiers, ie other ranks.
  4. Just seen this..awesomely good..
  5. My lovely horse indeed.!..that's started off me watching Father Ted now !
  6. I agree with popeye, we used to play on the railway tracks as kids and climb about on wagons etc, great fun!..I don't suppose in todays safety culture this happens much nowadays...
  7. There was a posh estate house built in the 1850s, called Rocksavage, near Castletownroche...??
  8. You just wonder, who it was that thought colour schemes like that would be good on a railway..!
  9. No link to the fillum then Spud..?
  10. I believe they're planning to use it next as a community centre or something, it has been a school previously..
  11. I get the impression they just found a few bits of old track and bits of sleeper, and threw them on the ground any old how, just as a token memorial, it wont be a section still in place. Where the track was going thru the station has been filled in to 'ground level'. Its just a flat area now behind the building.
  12. There's a little memorial stone and a few feet of track nearby..pic taken when over that way last year.
  13. The Ballinamore station building is still in good condition, and in use as far as I know (not as a railway station of course! ). I got the Mrs to take some pics recently when visiting relatives nearby..
  14. These pics and stories are gold dust JHB..!
  15. 1963 it Cost 3d. ( three old pennies!)
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